06-23-2023 09:36 AM
06-23-2023 09:40 AM
Someone will come along and correct me, but I believe YOU have your settings that way. I have never limited a buyer so I am not sure.
06-23-2023 10:01 AM
Go here:
See the third checkbox under the Buyer Requirements subhead.
06-23-2023 11:06 AM
Hi, like @a_c_green suggested, this is a Buyer Requirement setting that you can alter.
Go to the link he included, then on the next page, click on the Buyer Management link provided there and you will see the page with Buyer Requirements. Look for the setting that states the following:
“Block buyers who are currently winning or have bought 1 of my items in the
last 10 days.”
From there you can uncheck the box limiting your buyers from making additional purchases. Below is a screen shot of the Buyer Requirement page.