03-17-2025 07:26 PM - edited 03-17-2025 09:07 PM
I have a "Lot" of many magazines spanning multiple years.
How can I set up my listing so that if someone is searching for a particular issue AND that issue is in my lot, my listing will come up in his search?
My listing is basic and not the one with shipping policies etc. (I don't know what to call that "fancy" listing.)
I have seen listings where people put huge spam lists somewhere in their listing which become Keywords so almost any search will go to their listing. I don't know where such lists are put, but a search for "June 1999" would hit on one of those lists if either "June" OR "1999" was present - that would not work for me.
03-17-2025 08:54 PM
Without knowing what the magazines are about or their theme U can only offer a generic suggestion:
Name of Magazine Issue #--- Date month year (and then something unique about that issue - headline or lead article theme, etc)
Remember you have 80 characters. The name date and issue shouldn't use that many of them.
03-17-2025 08:59 PM
Allow buyers to buy a specific issue.
03-17-2025 09:06 PM - edited 03-17-2025 09:08 PM
I see, you misread my ambiguous title: I have one listing for: "Lot of <Magazines>..." which is how you entitle a listing for a box of magazines.
I changed the post to "Box of magazines" to be clear. (My bad)
You are thinking I have a listing for one magazine.
03-17-2025 09:11 PM
Well, if someone is looking for a specific issue of a specific magazine (your basic premise) my guess would be that they are not interested in buying a box of assorted magazines just to get the one.
03-17-2025 09:18 PM
Why would anyone buy a whole lot of items if they only wanted ONE specific issue?
03-17-2025 09:23 PM
I know about Variations. But not worth the effort - I have >1000 issues.
I'm grouping them and selling in USPS Medium Flat Rate Boxes.
If I was sensible, I'd toss them even though some have bulk prices >$5 each.
Issues w/$1 or less bulk price will be given away, donated or simply trashed.
Collections include: Car Craft, Hot Rod, Motor Trend Car & Driver, Audio, Stereo Review, Video, Video Review, Playboy, Penthouse and Oui.
03-17-2025 09:27 PM - edited 03-17-2025 09:27 PM
I'm interested in getting answers, not criticism (although I am open to advice.)
Some issues are worth enough to buy a bunch just to get. I don't have time.
It's like baseball cards from the 60s. Some are worth a lot, but if a lot has a gem in it, the lot will sell.
And I do have 1000's of baseball, basketball, etc. cards and they will NOT be sorted and inventoried - box lots only.
Think "Estate Sale" or "Auction"
03-17-2025 09:34 PM
They are not "assorted" they are issues of the same magazine all within a narrow time period. The older the time period, the higher their bulk price. In many cases, a complete year or two of a magazine.
Some people look for Skyline GT-R articles. I have used AI OCR to make the Covers and TOC searchable in the description. This is a big deal, because it will yield search hits that bulk listings will not. Collectors of Skyline lore may get hits they did not even know to search for.
ChatGPT you can teach to OCR those complicated pages perfectly - and it remembers how to do it.
I am considering paying for Chat since it's almost a slam dunk once have pic of TOC page.
Still, not sure if worth time.
03-17-2025 09:36 PM
Again, I don't need advice why not to do what I'm asking. I already knew those arguments before I posted here.
I am open to alternative strategies.
03-17-2025 10:00 PM - edited 03-17-2025 10:07 PM
Maybe I need to use this SPAM technique from another auction:
Use this: "Add Custom Item Specific" - I was able to define "YEAR" and was able to add "1997 1998 1999" (don't know if I should use commas)
Instead, I'd put my issues: "SEP 1965", "NOV 1965", "JAN 1966", ...
using some kind of method to keep the month and year together for a hit, not an OR.
03-18-2025 03:16 AM
Nowadays, many common magazines cannot be sold at a profit individually (with modern Ground Advantage prices being so high), so it is natural the OP is selling them in lots.
If you just list each issue's date in your item description, it might (big might) show up in a search. It probably will if they search item descriptions and not just titles. It is a lot of (very monotonous) work, though. (eg. "Car Stereo Review January 1989, March 1990, April 1990, December 1991" etc.)
Stereo Review and Video Review magazines are decent to sell, it is a good niche interest (valuable magazines are almost always niche interests), and there are people interested in vintage AV gear. The rest of your magazines will be very, very difficult to unload, and even in a lot are worth so little what you can get for them will probably barely cover shipping costs and your FVF fees. I sell magazines, and tried to sell those titles in the past myself, always regretted it in the end.
03-18-2025 03:25 AM
I'm sure you are aware that eBay has specific rules about selling some of those "adult magazines".
03-18-2025 04:34 AM
Those titles are explicitly allowed by eBay rules.
03-18-2025 07:01 AM
@tomatbay wrote:I have a "Lot" of many magazines spanning multiple years.
How can I set up my listing so that if someone is searching for a particular issue AND that issue is in my lot, my listing will come up in his search?
I would not bother. Most magazines don't sell for much individually. And if someone wants just one magazine in your lot then you have to go back and edit that listing. It is usually not worth the effort.