08-03-2019 03:31 PM
it'll take eBay to realize how garish the new graphics are in listings, and go back to the old look? (Like PayPal with its poorly thought-out money grab.)
08-03-2019 05:51 PM
What new graphics?
08-03-2019 06:45 PM
08-03-2019 08:53 PM
I'm starting to see new blown-up, super large, baby-looking item pages. Maybe they mean that?
The same look they're trying to shove on the MyEbay pages.
08-03-2019 11:57 PM
08-04-2019 07:06 AM
Lol! I mean can you name one time in the history of ever they realized they messed up and rolled back?
08-04-2019 07:13 AM
@kim_y_buran wrote:Lol! I mean can you name one time in the history of ever they realized they messed up and rolled back?
Markdown Manager. They got rid of the 14(?) day wait time they enacted.
08-04-2019 08:44 AM
Managed payments. After designing the program to intentionally prevent partial refunds, they added the ability after outcry from sellers. It may be a new function, but it's a rollback on the policy stance they took on partial refunds at the time.
08-04-2019 08:50 AM
We cannot see your listings to determine what you are complaining about. Maybe provide a screenshot ?
08-04-2019 09:34 PM
After several months of reading on the Community, your ID comes up often. You are often rude, condescending. Nothing encouraging to those who have been here for years.
You don't share your experiences as a "seasoned" seller. Apparently you have not had much experience as such. Why don't you share with us your successes here? Then maybe there would be some validity to your comments.