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How do I receive a final value fee credit from a fraudulent purchase

I sold an item a month ago and it was purchased. The shipping address was confirmed by paypal and eligible for seller protection, but obviously a fake address to a warehouse. Purchaser asked me to send to a different address. I immediately reported it to ebay and said I suspected fraud. I did not ship the product. Ebay never responded to my report. I replied to the ebay message telling me to ship and said I could not ship until the purchaser corrected their address. They responded and said they never bought the item and were hacked. 


Two weeks later the real account holder opened as dispute request with paypal. I immediately replied and said I agreed that they were likely hacked, and asked how I could refund them. Finally after a month Paypal closed it and issued a refund. However during this time, ebay automatically debited my account for the seller fees. How do I request a refund? When I try to cancel the order, it says it is too late too. I would think they would have synced with paypal and realized transaction was refunded but I guess not. Thanks for any help. 

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How do I receive a final value fee credit from a fraudulent purchase

As soon as the account owner responded and said they were hacked you should have canceled with reason "buyer's request". Since it's too late for that...


At this point you need to call eBay to discuss. Not only did you lose fees but you will have a defect for a case closed without seller resolution. Call eBay and show them the messages saying the account was hacked and ask if they will courtesy refund the fees. You need to speak with the defect appeals team to discuss the defect. They may help you and they may not because you didn't follow the proper procedure.

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How do I receive a final value fee credit from a fraudulent purchase

Since you didn't follow standard proicedures you will have to call eBay and explain exactly what happened.


Boil it down to very simple bullet points with specific dates.


Those emails you replied to, almost every one of those probably stated that they came from an email address that is not monitored and should not be replied to.


"We don't check this mailbox, so please don't reply to this message. If you have a question, go to Help & Contact."

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