08-26-2021 07:14 PM
When I go to manage my sales (promotions) I see listed the current sale, which is ACTIVE, and all the previous promotions I’ve had for more than 2 years, which are listed as ACTIVE but PAUSED. Somehow the end date for the ended promotion keeps rolling over for 2 years at a time. They’re all paused, so nothing is happening, but how do I get rid of them? Seems like there should be a delete button or something. Any help?
12-04-2021 05:00 PM
Did anyone ever answer you? I have the exact same question. Thanks!
04-02-2022 07:45 AM
I’m having the same issue. Did this ever get answered? It doesn’t look like it but I’m new so maybe I’m not looking in the right spot. TIA
04-02-2022 08:55 AM