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Hideous Scam: posing as a deceased person and add gift card to the package

Before permanently closing my eBay account...

Offered an item, got a really nice offer from abroad -- so far so good!

The Buyer ask me to add some US$400 in AAPL gift cards to the package 🤔

The Buyer -- let's call the person A -- said:

"no worries about the shipping to abroad
PayPal will give you the US based shipping address once I payed you, this is a holiday gift for my cousin in AK


The Buyer -- let's call the person A -- even asked or a txt or phone call


Even eBay claimed:
Good news, your item has been paid for.
Now that you've received your payment of <n> + <m> shipping, it’s time to pack up your item and ship it out.

Just that there was no actual pending on my eBay account.



Enough to do a "quick error checking protocol" and fact check 🤔

The eBay Account of the "Buyer" was of a person deceased some 2 years ago in a foreign country -- may a supreme being have mercy on his soul.

Needless to say rigorous attempts to get a hold of my eBay and PayPal account
!ENABLE 2-factor authentication! FCOL!
NEVER EVER SHARE YOUR 2nd factor (phone number?) with a buyer!
Do Zoom or the like!!!

Called eBay -- they confirmed the fraud scheme with the account of "Buyer" -- a person deceased some 2 years ago -- and -- the person A -- as "Buyer"... eBay promised to take action 🤞
Dissociated PayPal from eBay...
Called my Card Provider -- they stopped things in the tracks 😎

Sorry I won't be seeing the discussion on this fraud scheme -- posing as a dead person on eBay with PayPal 
to add som Gift Cards --  que tempora que mores

At the eBay Anti-Fraud folks... you know how to contact me after closing my eBay account.
Happy to -- in confidence -- share the full gmail transcripts with you  -- that is if you are interested, are you?


Message 1 of 16
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Hideous Scam: posing as a deceased person and add gift card to the package

You broke the rules by handing out your contract info so the scammer could send you a fake payment email. You called ebay and they are backing you up. How is this any of their fault? 

Message 2 of 16
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Hideous Scam: posing as a deceased person and add gift card to the package


You were fooled by common scam. 



Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 3 of 16
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Hideous Scam: posing as a deceased person and add gift card to the package

Thank you all for your condolences.

Touché -- a common scam, indeed -- condoned by eBay despite better knowledge (acknowledge as per the before) and only if eBay customers complain?

No so sure about a Touché for:

> You broke the rules

where exactly does eBay say "Thou Shall never speak with a buyer?" -- kindly point me to that part of the eBay Terms and Condition, would you?
Anyway when in doubt, granted. 

Whatever happened to the concept of sharing fraud attempts and not being flamed for them?

Even when closing all associations -- here is what "A" just send me

> I’m glad to inform you that I made the payment kindly login your mailbox and check your INBOX for payments confirmation emails

Very interesting -- closed my PayPal account hours ago 😉
"Nice try" or なんてこった

Don't bother eBay pledged disable my account in the next 24 hours -- should involve this on

Message 4 of 16
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Hideous Scam: posing as a deceased person and add gift card to the package

"Don't bother eBay pledged disable my account in the next 24 hours -- should involve this on"


Probably for the best.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 5 of 16
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Hideous Scam: posing as a deceased person and add gift card to the package

@reistef_0 wrote:

Thank you all for your condolences.

Touché -- a common scam, indeed -- condoned by eBay despite better knowledge (acknowledge as per the before) and only if eBay customers complain?

No so sure about a Touché for:

> You broke the rules

where exactly does eBay say "Thou Shall never speak with a buyer?" -- kindly point me to that part of the eBay Terms and Condition, would you?
Anyway when in doubt, granted. 

Whatever happened to the concept of sharing fraud attempts and not being flamed for them?

Even when closing all associations -- here is what "A" just send me

> I’m glad to inform you that I made the payment kindly login your mailbox and check your INBOX for payments confirmation emails

Very interesting -- closed my PayPal account hours ago 😉
"Nice try" or なんてこった

Don't bother eBay pledged disable my account in the next 24 hours -- should involve this on

The rule is pretty much exactly what you said. Thou shalt not speak to a customer off-ebay and the rule is outlined here for your reading pleasure:

Message 6 of 16
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Hideous Scam: posing as a deceased person and add gift card to the package

where exactly does eBay say "Thou Shall never speak with a buyer?" -

You cannot exchange contact information before a purchase. After that eBay is fairly flexible.

Very interesting -- closed my PayPal account hours ago

EBay sellers now only accept payments through Managed Payments, the in-house payment processor they set up when they were forced to spin off PP in 2015.

Buyers can still use PP to pay, as well as direct credit card payments, Apple Pay and GooglePay.


Even eBay claimed:
Good news, your item has been paid for.
Now that you've received your payment of <n> + <m> shipping, it’s time to pack up your item and ship it out.


I suspect if you look at that email, the URL will not actually be eBay.

Message 7 of 16
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Hideous Scam: posing as a deceased person and add gift card to the package

The Buyer -- let's call the person A --
Thank your for your patience in all our conversation, allowing me to grab some forensic logs of our email conversation... very insightful! 


At the eBay Anti-Fraud folks...  "want them? -- ping me"

Message 8 of 16
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Hideous Scam: posing as a deceased person and add gift card to the package

Mea Culpa!
Just wanted to share a fraud scheme for the benefit of other eBay users.


Guess that was a Really Bad Idea to begin with


Never Mind 



Message 9 of 16
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Hideous Scam: posing as a deceased person and add gift card to the package

@reistef_0 wrote: .... Touché -- a common scam, indeed -- condoned by eBay despite better knowledge (acknowledge as per the before) and only if eBay customers complain? ...

You can't accuse eBay of condoning behavior that they cannot have any knowledge about, i.e., communication between you and the buyer that is through your phone or email rather than through eBay messaging.  Every day on these boards, we see posts about scammers' efforts to take communications off-eBay so they can send fake "You've been paid!" emails or texts.

Message 10 of 16
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Hideous Scam: posing as a deceased person and add gift card to the package

At the "smart ones" flaming me of "breaking the rules"...

In this case of someone assuming the identity (HACKING!) the eBay account of a person that passed 2 years ago -- your are absolutely RIGHT!

It is MY VERY obligation AND I shall check if a potential Buyer of something I sell on eBay is actually still alive and if the account has bot been hacked to scam. 

While at that, kindly please add your wisdom to check authenticity of the buyer, will you?

Any word on the subsequent attempts hacking my eBay and PayPal accounts as you may add are welcome, too.

Again, never mind  -- resting assured eBay shall close this account as per my request.

Message 11 of 16
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Hideous Scam: posing as a deceased person and add gift card to the package

"Just wanted to share a fraud scheme for the benefit of other eBay users."


Unfortunately, this fraud scheme is so old its got whiskers.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 12 of 16
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Hideous Scam: posing as a deceased person and add gift card to the package


Touché, indeed!
As per the late Douglas Adams:

> “Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea.”

Message 13 of 16
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Hideous Scam: posing as a deceased person and add gift card to the package

For the rest of us:

Mailed to "Buyer" directly -- via an obfuscated email address (THANK YOU Tim Cook!)

Said "Buyer" -- again -- posing a person that passed 2 years ago...!

Was -- say: kind enough to reply as:


Yep, bash me! for what you @doc-holmes and others call "breaking the rules"


I rest my case -- pleading guilty on the charge disclosing a scam on eBay


Got Tree?

Message 14 of 16
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Hideous Scam: posing as a deceased person and add gift card to the package

Begin forwarded message:

From: "" <serviceebayonline_at_gmail_com_<>>
Date: December 12, 2022 at 5:13:41 PM PST
Still not convince that tis is a FRAUD? 
> To: Hide My Email <<censored>>

> Dear <censored>

> Thank you for using PayPal.


Again -- HOURS after I requested to close my eBay and PayPal accounts

Yeah Right -- I did indeed breake the eBay rules: Thou Shall NOT Dare to validate "The Buyers" authenticity

Mea Culpa for exhaustively documenting this FRAUD

Message 15 of 16
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