10-23-2023 12:45 PM
Ebay has always been my platform for pruning down my physical media collection for many years. 2023 has been my hardest year ever for trying to get sales on my dvds and blu-rays. I'm not even getting offers for rare collectable items like steelbooks anymore. I'm quite aware that huge factors for this are the economy and streaming just wrecking the consumer desire to own physical media. Even Best Buy announced recently that they were completely getting rid of physical media in 2024 which was a gut punch to collectors like me.
Even with low expectations, I was stunned that I couldn't even muster a lousy penny for my brand new and sealed dvd. At this point, I am better off just throwing it in the trash or giving to Goodwill and maybe get a tax writeoff.
10-23-2023 12:55 PM
I was listening to the new Stones music last night, it popped up on youtube tunes (or something of that sort) and I wondered where in the world can I get this music?? I want a CD or even vinyl. I'm 60, have a kick a** stereo and don't dig music on the smartphone. Don't get me started on new vehicles without CD players. Hang in there Irdave35, I'm sure there are lots of people like me who still want "physical media".
10-23-2023 01:56 PM
There is a 4 Movie Batman DVD set that sells for barely over $5 shipped that also has that movie on it.
More important question, why is your DVD shipping price so inconsistent? I see it ranging from you shipping them at at a loss after fees, $3, $3.50, $3.99 to the closer to break even point of $5.
10-23-2023 02:00 PM
1 cent DVD but how much for the shipping?
10-23-2023 02:06 PM
Perhaps you missed the announcement by Best Buy that after Christmas they will no longer sell DVDs or BluRay.
DVD is dying a faster death than other media.
I do not know how to characterize DVD buyers if I did I might find a way to reach them. Been able to buy many DVD titles for 25 cents or less for several years, and never bought any.
A few articles which are trying to feel nostalgic, just seem hollow. How many people want to view a movie more than once? How many are inconvenienced by having to view their vintage TV reruns on a free streaming channel.
10-23-2023 02:11 PM
I charge more for shipping if it is a higher price collectible item like steelbooks. Those things are very delicate so I have to use more shipping material and custom sized boxes. Ones for under $10, I usually ship in just a bubble mailer. Even at $5, I'm probably taking a loss on shipping costs.
10-23-2023 02:13 PM
I had $3.50 for the shipping. If you go any lower than that, you're taking a loss.
10-23-2023 02:42 PM
10-23-2023 02:49 PM
It's TOO cheap. Many items that are TOO cheap are not easy to find.
It's not easy, any more, to price your way to sales.
10-23-2023 02:56 PM
There are hundreds of millions of items on here that don't sell every day, it doesn't matter what price they are. Online selling is simply that competitive.
10-23-2023 03:02 PM
@lrdave35 wrote:I had $3.50 for the shipping. If you go any lower than that, you're taking a loss.
So $4.49 for a DVD.
Depends on the title but I could see what it might not sell.
10-23-2023 03:23 PM
I once listed a used DVD for $1 + $5 S&H.
The title was: "The worst movie I have ever seen"
The movie title was "2012".
It never sold. I ended up giving it away.
10-23-2023 05:45 PM
@inhawaii wrote:I once listed a used DVD for $1 + $5 S&H.
The title was: "The worst movie I have ever seen"
The movie title was "2012".
It never sold. I ended up giving it away.
Worse even than Plan 9 from Outer Space? It's a wonder the Bad Cinema crowd wasn't beating your door down for that thing.
10-23-2023 05:52 PM
@tobaccocardyahoo wrote:A few articles which are trying to feel nostalgic, just seem hollow. How many people want to view a movie more than once? How many are inconvenienced by having to view their vintage TV reruns on a free streaming channel.
This is honestly why I stopped buying DVDs once streaming became a thing-- I rarely want to watch a movie or TV show more than once, so buying a DVD was a total waste of both physical shelf space and money unless it was something I knew I was going to watch multiple times.
With streaming, I can watch a movie and enjoy it and then move on without having yet another thing to clutter up my space.
10-23-2023 06:03 PM
@lrdave35 wrote:Ebay has always been my platform for pruning down my physical media collection for many years. 2023 has been my hardest year ever for trying to get sales on my dvds and blu-rays. I'm not even getting offers for rare collectable items like steelbooks anymore. I'm quite aware that huge factors for this are the economy and streaming just wrecking the consumer desire to own physical media. Even Best Buy announced recently that they were completely getting rid of physical media in 2024 which was a gut punch to collectors like me.
Even with low expectations, I was stunned that I couldn't even muster a lousy penny for my brand new and sealed dvd. At this point, I am better off just throwing it in the trash or giving to Goodwill and maybe get a tax writeoff.
With streaming services that people are now paying $100 a month for, no one is buying DVDs anymore. (Well I still buy them because I refuse to pay for a monthly streaming service... and I take advantage of listings like yours with a 1 cent DVD plus shipping, and I get to watch it when I want).
I work with people who live in fairly small places and don't keep things like books and media in the house... they read books on their tablet and stream their media.