10-27-2023 03:38 AM
So I sold an item, the buyer paid on September 14th, filed a dispute with AMerican Express. He canceled the dispute with AMEX on the 18th of September, and Amex charged him on September 27th.
EBay keeps saying the dispute is still open and there is nothing "we can do... we have to wait." Amex has sent them a letter saying the dispute is canceled and in a three-way call Amex told the Ebay rep the dispute was canceled 6 weeks ago.
Why is Ebay still saying "the dispute is open and we have not been notified about the resolution."?????
This is ridiculous!
10-27-2023 03:46 AM
Payment disputes can take up to 3 months to close. Even if your buyer canceled the dispute, the Credit card company still has a processing time to resolve. So yes, you’ll have to wait.
10-27-2023 04:54 AM
I guess I do not understand... American Express says it is canceled on their end. That it is resolved. And then game me a date that the money would be released... 3 weeks ago. Both sides are saying it is the other party's fault.