09-18-2021 05:55 AM
My click-through rate, listing impressions, listing page views, sales conversion rate are so far down, it's really worrying me. I was on time away for 2 weeks (had a few sales while away and I shipped them right out when I returned) but since my return 2 wks ago, I feel like my account has dropped off the face of the earth. I've redone many of my listings, changed prices, now offering big sale, and nothing!!! Is anyone else going through this? It has never been this bad for me. Any advice, opinions, thoughts will be helpful and appreciated. TIA
09-18-2021 06:20 AM
Try having a returns policy for a start not accepting returns is a turn off for buyers. End some of the older unsold listings and put them back up using sell similar. Clothing is a very competitive category and can be seasonal. It maybe time to find a couple of other categories to sell preferably fast moving products that people want. Clothing store needs 500-800 listings to get more regular traction. But I think your better of learning and selling a couple of other categories as mentioned.
09-18-2021 08:20 AM
You are not alone. September although not typically a great month for me would have picked up by now. I looked up some old invoices from exactly a year ago and I sold 6 things over a weekend. Now 7 items for the whole month of September . My traffic is next to nothing. Seems like some people are being really cheap as well. A lot of watchers on a $10 or $12 item? I am not selling here to give things away. Starting to wonder if it’s still worth my time anymore. Sometimes when I start thinking that sales do pick up
09-18-2021 08:26 AM
...I won't tell you how to run your business, because it's your business and I simply respect what you have been doing for such a lengthy time...
...I, somehow, believe in another factors as the virus, inflation, expensive fuel, Afghanistan, unstable economy...whatever used to be a normal life styles have turned up-side-down...let's say, kids can't have "home coming" or "prom" party, baby shower and birthday's party also wind down to a small gathering or none, and so Halloween's trick-or-treating, Christmas, or New Year celebrations...
...buckle-up for the next three years coming...it's gonna be very bumpy...
09-18-2021 09:04 AM
@jimw1776 wrote:My click-through rate, listing impressions, listing page views, sales conversion rate are so far down, it's really worrying me. I was on time away for 2 weeks (had a few sales while away and I shipped them right out when I returned) but since my return 2 wks ago, I feel like my account has dropped off the face of the earth. I've redone many of my listings, changed prices, now offering big sale, and nothing!!! Is anyone else going through this? It has never been this bad for me. Any advice, opinions, thoughts will be helpful and appreciated. TIA
How old is your current promoted campaign?
@nuclearomen was kind enough recently to share his experiences with PLs and the stagnation that he found occurs. You might end the current campaign(s) and start new ones and see if that jump starts your listings/impressions. It certainly did for us. Good luck!
09-18-2021 11:35 AM
Thx...I just started this promo 9/17 ...35% off. It's not been a day, and I'm hopeful I get some sales. I am going through my listings and ending the older ones. I do that periodically, and sell "as similar" just before eBay deletes them in 60 days. (I don't have another way to save my listings). Thx for the advice
09-18-2021 11:47 AM
I think you're more right than you think! Very insightful.