10-05-2024 06:57 AM
Like many others I am having trouble finding a link with the new seller hub "look''/format to access my active auction listings. I am aware I can scroll through all my active listings and find my auctions there. What I'm trying to figure out is how or where I can find a link to view ONLY my auction listings...I have tried several multiple click scenarios suggested in other posts on this subject and I am still at a dead end. Is there really no way to see this info on it's on any longer...I used to be able to click on links for All Auctions, Auctions w/ Bids, etc...Now I can't find any of that on it's own. The only way I am finding to view my live auctions is to scroll through ALL active listings. Any input would be helpful...I know I'm not the only one trying to figure this out. TIA
10-14-2024 04:57 PM
Thanks, I did find this but none of the numbers under the All Selling Summary are live links...just a list of totals. Still no way to actually find status of live Auction items other than going through 5 clicks via filtering through the Manage Active Listings to Pricing Format and picking Auctions as others have noted. It is very frustrating for those who have Store and Auction items.
12-19-2024 06:27 AM
try this. balloon at top of page Overview - ALL FILTERS - Scroll down to PRICING FORMAT - both AUCTION / FIXED PRICE appear. Hit AUCTION tab enter and voila there you go. Why does EBay think everything is so easy? Took me a while to play around with it to figure this out and I am NOT technically savvy. What was wrong with old drop down balloon that is now blocked out????
12-19-2024 06:35 AM
forgot to add first 2 steps OVERVIEW PAGE - LISTINGS then ACTIVE button then window views appear as above. About 6 steps that used to take 1. Talk about a create work project needless and unnecessary.
12-19-2024 08:28 AM
After this brief set-up, it is one click to Auctions - I found the solution to the direct link to your Auctions from the HUB. The New Shortcut Area on the hub has a gear in the top right-hand corner. You can add your own shortcuts. Find your auction listing page using the other methods suggested in this thread. Copy the URL, go back to the Shortcut section on the HUB, paste it in, and name it "Auctions." What a pain in the a-- for something that should have been included from the start.
02-01-2025 01:30 PM
Anyone else wonder why the old "Listings" tab is now back after 4 months. Yay!! Maybe they actually listened to all the complaining. Ha!
02-01-2025 01:33 PM
IDK for sure, but there have been a lot of complaints about the change. I'm glad to see it back, I hope it gets to stay.