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Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

I was planning to go back selling on Ebay on a larger scale but this time the Corona Virus which has affected most countries worldwide happened.  It could get worse, no one knows.

With airlines and all being affected ie flights slashed to a lot of destinations,  I was concerned that perhaps it could affect sales too.

Any experIences worth mentioning so far ?  Any comments would be highly appreciated.


Message 1 of 102
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101 REPLIES 101

Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

Classic cases of it-can't-happen-here-ism:


It can't happen here
It can't happen here
I'm telling you, my dear
That it can't happen here
Because I been checkin' it out, baby...
I checked it out a couple a times

But I'm telling you it can't happen here


(Frank Zappa)

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 61 of 102
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Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

General Reply:
I fear that there are many who live on minimum wage jobs with no paid sick leave who will be reporting to work as usual, even if they may have been exposed. Unfortunately, landlords, the electric company, and grocery stores don't give out freebies to those who are unable to work. I did read that Uber and Lyft are considering some sort of paid leave for those with confirmed cases, but that doesn't help the thousands of others in the same predicament.
Message 62 of 102
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Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

Unlike the other strains of flu, there is no vaccine for the coronavirus yet. 


The death rates from flu that could have been prevented with vaccination is not a valid comparison to the coronavirus.

Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 63 of 102
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Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

Thank you for all your comments so far.


I was also thinking along the lines of with a lot of people now encouraged to work from home; classes suspended,  (university students included in some countries) ; families preferring to stay indoors than out etc,  online sales may get a boost from all the uncertainties surrounding us.


I shall then proceed and start actively selling (on a bigger scale) as planned.




Message 64 of 102
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Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

It could very well be canceled in the next few days. Vision Expo in NY was "not canceled" last Friday and was "to be consolidated with Vision Expo West in November" on Saturday - so canceled but not canceled.

Message 65 of 102
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Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

good question

Message 66 of 102
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Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

This is a warning shot of sorts.  I screened this programme about pandemics some years ago.  It shows very well what could happen.  Since this programme was made, we have seen this sort of problem proliferate.  If things ever get this bad, and I am sure one day they will do, then eBay and eBay sales will be a moot issue as everyone tries to figure out how to survive.



Message 67 of 102
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Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

Americans just lost $4 trillion dollars of wealth practically overnight! If that isn't an economic collapse, I don't know what is. Dow plunged 1,900 points just this morning.


Not sure how you would expect an uptick in sales when millions of Americans just lost their life savings, and millions more will be unable to go to work because the businesses they work for will be closed. Service jobs are unlikely to compensate their employees for lost wages, it wont happen.


People can't spend money they do not have.


I have well over 1,300 listings, my sales are completely dead!


You may not be scared, but those of us who have to work to survive definitely are. I guess I wouldnt be scared either if I had a pocket full of money.





Message 69 of 102
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Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

@andrew547 wrote:

"I have no idea why people keep acting like Coronavirus isn't going to affect our economy when public events are shutting down all over the U.S, biting local economies in the process."


If the flu kills 60,000 Americans each year, and if the Coronavirus death rate holds at 2% vs. 0.1% for the flu, that's 1.2 million Coronavirus deaths. Even if I'm very generous and optimistic that mitigation efforts will reduce that by 50%, that's 600,000 deaths.


I don't think this society is ready for that. And after watching this administration shoo it away for a month because they (read: he) clearly don't want to deal with it effectively (and thus can't), I expect an outbreak.


It's only going to take an unfortunate conflagration of two unexpected/scary/synergistic events for things to break down. I'm not predicting that, but it's certainly possible. I suspect it's likely. China is closed for business. US corporations were predicted to have zero profits for 2020 a week ago. Markets dropped I don't know, 10% last week. Italy is quarantining 20 million people.  This is just starting to hit us now. It's very early.


I'm not even scared. I think the answer to your question is that people in a population have two modes: denial and panic. We are in denial now. We may have panic in the near future. 


To bring this back on-topic: I think ebay could see an uptick in sales if people are afraid to go out shopping but a downturn if the economy tanks. What will happen? As of this moment, I have no idea, but all things equal, I think the odds are better than not that the answer is "something". I think the odds this thing just fades away is very close to zero.

You make several important and valid points. I think it may get much better during the warmer months, before it could get much worse, in the Fall and beyond. For right now, shopping online should be O.K., given the relatively small number of cases. But engaging in good health behaviors is a must. This ooogely V-bug is not the only deadly virus out there (and may not be the last one to deal with), yet people still have been buying used clothing, handbags even cosmetics, relentlessly, without a worry, for years - I am assuming few have wiped off or handled the items with gloves, when those arrived at their door-step. But now they will.


This is as good a time as any to improve hygiene in our environment, and to think about certain preferences to toss out the window (such as going to crowded places, or touching our face 2-3,000 times daily, and please DON't pick your nose!). If earlier, you hosed off your trash bin after pick-up with a garden hose, now use some Lysol to spray it, too, especially, the handle bar. Open and leave packages outside. Disinfect content. Use one-time food-handling gloves to touch any potential source of contamination. Change shoes before entering your house. Get rid of carpet flooring. Especially in the MidWest part of the U.S.A., many older homes that have carpet flooring, also have a hardwood floor underneath. It takes only a couple of hours to tear out the carpet floor and even if one does not have the money to immediately restore the hardwood flooring underneath, one will be much healthier. The amount of virus, bacteria, dust-mites and other horrible things that live in older carpet floors is surreal. You can vacuum it as much as you wish to, it won't make much of a difference. Get small, machine washable Cotton rugs that are easy to clean. Stuff like that. 


The fact is, as I mentioned in another thread: we still need to eat. Because this bug spreads intestinally, not only via air, it is far more likely that those infected will have picked it up through eating uncooked, contaminated fresh fruit or vegetables. This bug loves wet surfaces - so perhaps some of the grocery store chains should re-evaluate the horrible practice of spraying their vegetables every 5 minutes with water. It surely helps them rake in more money (the weight of the items increases that way), but it is going to do a disfavor to the general population (not to mention, I hate to bite into something half-way rotten, before I even had a chance to take it home). Even if the grocery stores would comply with this, we have no control over who handled that cabbage, or other vegetable, prior to it being packaged, so there will be cases of infection through this route. Most scientific literature I have seen points out that some people can carry this intruder bug for up to 3-4 weeks and be asymptomatic (show no signs of infection), during which time, he or she will infect many other people, and tracking down everyone with whom he or she had contact,  is simply an impossible task.  



Also, just wanted to mention, the death rate is not as low from this bug as your STATS state; it stands between 3.25 - 5%, depending on what country we are talking about. C****( and Ir**) may not tell you the exact numbers, but the Italians now officially say 5%. This is NOT the 5% of ALL people in a country, only 5% of those infected - but still could be a very large number. Being vigilant is good - panicking, for that, there really is no need if one engages in careful and consistent good health practices.


God bless us all with wisdom and perseverance - but we need to do a little bit of our own part, too, to protect ourselves



Message 70 of 102
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Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

We are on the same page. I totally get what you are saying. 

Many medical tests are done for profit or because of "standard medical practice".

I have been advised to have four surgeries that I did not have.


I have a close friend who has prostate cancer. He opted for being monitored. no treatment. Eight years now & he's fine.


I had my last babies born at home. I was more afraid that I would have a healthy baby that would catch something or be harmed by medical procedures than having something go wrong. 


I have known people who drank (or basically, eaten) themselves to death. No cure for that one.


What we do have is the best in most cases. Prevention. 

Wash your hands, And, yes, for right now, if you are over a certain age (I have seen 50-70 as the age)  or a health issue, limit your contact with people & crowds. Stay informed.

Use whatever sense G.d gave you.


Do stock up on some basics just in case.( I always do anyway, as I have lived through a tornado, days long power outages, having a house struck by lightening, a tree falling on my house during an ice storm, and a hard time when I went hungry briefly as a young mother with a child)  things do happen.


I also remember Y2K. So....



Message 71 of 102
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Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

@gamersbaystore wrote:

Americans just lost $4 trillion dollars of wealth practically overnight! If that isn't an economic collapse, I don't know what is. Dow plunged 1,900 points just this morning.


Not sure how you would expect an uptick in sales when millions of Americans just lost their life savings, and millions more will be unable to go to work because the businesses they work for will be closed. Service jobs are unlikely to compensate their employees for lost wages, it wont happen.


People can't spend money they do not have.


I have well over 1,300 listings, my sales are completely dead!


You may not be scared, but those of us who have to work to survive definitely are. I guess I wouldnt be scared either if I had a pocket full of money.


The market was inflated, anyway, and part of this is oil with Putin and Saudi Arabia's squabbles.  Yes, there is concern over global oil demand decreasing because of less travel, plus OPEC failed to come to terms on a deal with its allies (mainly Russia). The deal was supposed to discuss cutting oil production, but because of the disagreement, Saudi Arabia is dropping oil prices and increasing production which has led to the biggest one-day percent drop in oil prices since the early 90s.  More short-term thinking and not too smart.


Short term thinking is what's causing so much panic about the Dow.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 72 of 102
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Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?


The thing to remember about the stock market is that it has little to do with daily commerce.

The stocks that are bought and sold every day don't put any money into the actual producing company's pockets.

That only happened at the IPO.

If the only way a punter can make money in the stock market is by guessing when the stock is low (like today) and selling when it goes up (next week? next year? never?) then he is not investing, he is gambling.

And a lot of companies which sold stock when they needed money, are now awash with cash, and are buying back those shares at less than they sold them for.

This does not apply to stocks that pay dividends on their profits.

Something, by the by, that eBay finally started doing last year.


It will be interesting to see what the eBay dividend will be at the end of March.

Message 73 of 102
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Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

@femmefan1946 wrote:


The thing to remember about the stock market is that it has little to do with daily commerce.

The stocks that are bought and sold every day don't put any money into the actual producing company's pockets.

That only happened at the IPO.

If the only way a punter can make money in the stock market is by guessing when the stock is low (like today) and selling when it goes up (next week? next year? never?) then he is not investing, he is gambling.

And a lot of companies which sold stock when they needed money, are now awash with cash, and are buying back those shares at less than they sold them for.

This does not apply to stocks that pay dividends on their profits.

Something, by the by, that eBay finally started doing last year.


It will be interesting to see what the eBay dividend will be at the end of March.

No, it doesn't - it's why in most circumstances there's nothing materially that's going to happen at that moment.  Anyone who was invested in 2008, which was a very bad no good year, and is still invested, can see the volatility and still upward movement. Punters aside (and I know one - they always seem to think they know more than analysts who spend their careers studying this), buying and holding is really the way to make money, and panic seems to short-circuit that - usually by complete mis-timing.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 74 of 102
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Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

"On the other hand, Victoria BC, is a destination for many cruise ships, and that worries me a little. They will start arriving in April."

I hear ya...I'm near Astoria, OR and we just dodged a bullet with the Grand Princess...but which ship is next? Glad I live out in the middle of the forest.
Message 75 of 102
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