05-21-2022 01:00 PM
An item I listed has been removed, ebay is saying its a counterfeit, I know it is not, just think this is a bunch of **bleep**!!!
05-22-2022 08:17 AM
Ebay won't pull an item based on one report, or even multiple reports, from one buyer, they just won't. If they did, nobody would be selling anything because all their competitors would be reporting everyone for everything.
It takes reports from multiple buyers to get an item pulled.
05-22-2022 08:45 AM
I have had the oddest items pulled for being "counterfeit"... from a Korean pressed record album, to a Parker Bros Grape Escape board game!!! Makes no sense to me!
05-22-2022 10:26 AM
I have experienced 2 removals alleging each was counterfeit; both were absolutely genuine. DO NOT fall victim to a temptation to EVER re-list. Simply view this situation as being business.
05-24-2022 02:38 PM
Do not relist until the matter is resolved.
Ebay appears to be doing more and more of this sort of thing against sellers of various products without giving them any recourse whatsoever to appeal it. The best you could do is have your attorney send a letter to ebay's legal department, but hardly worth it for a single item.
Obviously ebay is trying to protect against counterfeits, but at times seems to not be applying the take downs fairly to all sellers. I suspect if this practice continues to escalate, some public advocate or news group is going to call them out on it.
05-24-2022 03:12 PM
@mylittledotofthabay wrote:Well, maybe it wasn't that guy then and was a random thing. Awfully coincidental though.
May or may not have been "HIM" : eBay has its share of folks policing the site: right or wrong...
There be a report button on every listing..
05-24-2022 07:10 PM
They well may if the person that wants to screw someone knows somebody that works for eBay fraud detection. There are bad apples everywhere and one Friend sent me a pm saying he knows a guy that works there and this guy is Friends with the guy I believe is responsible. I hope that wasn't too confusing. Lol! Almost was for me keying it in.
05-24-2022 07:12 PM
Kinda starting to act a lot like Facebook.