10-27-2017 07:54 AM
10-28-2017 11:46 PM
10-29-2017 05:16 AM
Down 50% over last 2 months. I whole heartly feel EBAY controls who get's sales and who don't.
10-29-2017 06:19 AM
"Re: Has anyone else been slow these last few weeks?"
Yep, me, too!
I think it is the weather, though - and my arthiritis kicking up - that's been slowing me down.
10-29-2017 06:59 AM
In fact the other nigth I listed a $200 item and it sold basically within about 2 hours of listing it.
I'm not trying to brag by any means, and I empathize with those who are suffering.
Then why mention it? I routinely have sales such as your one example and I don't bring them up in a thread where others are very concerned about their lack of sales.
10-29-2017 09:40 AM
10-29-2017 09:43 AM
10-29-2017 09:46 AM
Yes, slower than usual. Pre holiday saving perhaps? Healthcare going up up up up!!!!!, Other weird economics. Heard that overseas sales are down because of all the chaos there.
10-29-2017 10:04 AM
Been selling a long time on eBay. Normally very busy with the holiday approaching, lucky if I sell just a few items a week now. Getting ridiculous best offers and I don't even offer them. I frequent estate sales and they are getting desperate with very few buyers, good pickings though. Estate sales normally always draw a large crowd, been this way for the last few months. My guess is that most people are too distracted with all the political unrest.
10-29-2017 10:36 AM
But... sales are almost exactly the same as last year at this time, and, while my sales in NFL and MLB are up 737% (as of today), the market is up only 6.1% (according to ebay). So, I'm selling same as last year at this time, way more than last month, and way more than "the market" for my merchandise.
So, while the answer to the OP's question "is ANYONE else slow" is always going to be yes, certainly not EVERYONE is slow. That was my point.
Good luck to those with slow sales. Things should pick up for the holidays. I usually have a lull in December, that picks up again in Jan-Feb.
10-29-2017 10:49 AM
10-29-2017 04:37 PM
@ramonv wrote:
Maybe because it shows that not everyone is suffering from slow sales. Pick any day of the year, and there's going to be some people experiencing slow sales. The OP came here to see if it was just them, or everyone. Clearly not everyone, as it almost never is. Certain categories will have slumps. It would be better to ask if everyone selling whatever they're selling is having problems. Then, if the answer is no, they can try to figure out what they need to change, to increase their sales.
I agree. I think it also helps to be able to look at the listings of people who are doing well to see just what it is about their listings that seems to be effective at drawing buyers.
10-29-2017 05:59 PM
10-29-2017 06:05 PM
10-29-2017 06:14 PM
Mine have been just short of terrible. I'm still selling close to the same number of items, the only difference is no one is bidding on them, jsut a few regulars picking everything up at the opening bid.
A good determination of how my sales have been is my ebay bill for 2 months ago was $700 + for the month. This Month it's around $400. I've been buying off here like mad and winning alot of auctions, so that means alot of other people aren't bidding or buying as when buying to resell you are not paying top dollar. I'm beginning to wonder if bottom dollar might be to high as well.
Hopefully things will pick up for all of us soon. I have alot of better stuff that's waiting in piles to be listed.
I do think the natural disaters really affected sales. Sad to say, though I do have a roof I still need to eat and pay the mortgage/ taxes.
10-29-2017 06:18 PM