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Had listings taken down for policy violation even though they did not violate policy

So essentially I had over 500 of my listings taken down sighting that they were violating replica coin counterfeit policy when in fact all of these coins were genuine US currency none of them were replicas or fakes at first I thought this was an artificial intelligence mistake which is a whole another subject but I then find out that I was being Mass reported by people because I sell toned coins I have literally boughten a lot of these toned coins from eBay myself or other markets and I try to sell them for a little bit of profit I also work with multiple dealers and local collectors in my area so I feel like people just could not believe how many of the coins that I had but what they fail to realize is they are not all mine its not like I have a treasure Trove of toned coins that I'm guarding like a dragon anyway the excuse eBay gave me was exactly this quote we have had a bunch of people reporting these listings and even though they do not violate policy we are airing on the side of caution so basically what you're telling me is somebody could make a bot out there that mass reports people's listings to bully them out of the market? That's essentially what they're telling me so if there's any hackers out there willing to exploit this little loophole I think that would be pretty funny all in all it is what it is it pushed me to make my own website which is better anyway I pay less fees and don't have to worry about my listings being taken down for nonsense I will also state it took down some of my listings that had nothing to do with coins sighting that it was a coin violation... and to the people who were reporting me get a life you don't have to buy the coins I don't know if they are artificial or natural which is why I don't State on any of my listings that they are natural I leave that for the buyer to decide if there is somebody out there who is an expert in numismatics and they buy one of my coins who are you to tell them that it is artificial what gives you the knowledge to know for 100% fact that it is artificial and I don't care what article you post or some website that you read an article on I really don't care because that proves nothing I could go make a website right now with a bogus article defending artificially toned coins and stating that they're natural and half of the bozos in the world will probably believe it

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Had listings taken down for policy violation even though they did not violate policy

Hi @errorsandoddities33-com 


that was a lot to digest without more punctuation.  Unless one of your competitors took the time to report all of those items then you could be right that someone developed a bot to do the same job.  However, I would think eBay would have some programming to detect and block that kind of a thing.


I recall back in the early days of computers you could record "macros" that would simply perform whatever keystrokes you recorded for the macro.  Today folks seem to use the term simply for canned replies they store on a list to access for the purpose of copying and pasting.  The original macro use on computers was long before the mouse at a time when all navigation was done through keystrokes.  

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 2 of 23
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Had listings taken down for policy violation even though they did not violate policy

Best of luck with your new website and numismatic ventures!

Incidentally, the listing in question, which received a negative feedback, incorrectly stated that the item was made of silver when, in fact, it was actually made of copper.




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Had listings taken down for policy violation even though they did not violate policy


I owe a debt of gratitude to macros, as they played a crucial role in saving my job in the early 90's. Not only did I learn how to use it, but I also became a trainer for my colleagues, helping to boost productivity and efficiency across our team.

Message 4 of 23
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Had listings taken down for policy violation even though they did not violate policy

@ten_o_nine wrote:


I owe a debt of gratitude to macros, as they played a crucial role in saving my job in the early 90's. Not only did I learn how to use it, but I also became a trainer for my colleagues, helping to boost productivity and efficiency across our team.

@ten_o_nine   Yep, about the same time frame for me.  I moved from Service to Project Management in the late '80s and our first computers were the IBM Personal System 2 (if memory serves correctly on that model) ... monochrome screen, tower, keyboard and a printer.  Macros helped streamline the mundane parts of my regular tasks like writing letters, quotes, faxes and creating spreadsheets for job pricing.  Spreadsheets were another great tool I learned to use early on.  

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 5 of 23
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Had listings taken down for policy violation even though they did not violate policy

Yeah that was only like that because it auto-filled the listing clearly described the coin as being copper silver plated and any customer who reached out after who accidentally may have bought one of these coins I gladly refunded so nobody got ripped off that's for sure when I had listed those copy coins which were clearly listed has not being genuine and they were only $18 I did not know about this policy but yes thank you I appreciate it.

Message 6 of 23
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Had listings taken down for policy violation even though they did not violate policy


When listing coins for sale, it's crucial to accurately identify the composition of the item, as buyers often use filters like gold, silver, copper, or others to refine their search. Some buyers may not thoroughly read titles or descriptions, so precise labeling is essential to avoid confusion and ensure a smooth transaction.

Message 7 of 23
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Had listings taken down for policy violation even though they did not violate policy

Yeah I apologize I'm doing voice text and my punctuation has always been terrible LOL the only reason I know that I was being Mass reported was because eBay had told me when I had messaged directly on Facebook and spoke to a supervisor which is kind of upsetting also because there are still tons of people selling toned coins and they didn't even take down all of my listings so like where is the consistency now I am not so petty to where I will go around and Report everybody who is selling toned coins because honestly I don't have the time and it would just serve no purpose but man what I like to know who did it could have been multiple people that are in the coin collecting community that banded together to do it and I know there are clearly some artificially toned coins on my page but there has been multiple times where a customer buys a coin and then changes their mind and I never give them any grief I immediately accept the return because I know one day somebody will buy the coin so I'm not stressing about it too much

Message 8 of 23
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Had listings taken down for policy violation even though they did not violate policy

And as far as that person leaving me that negative feedback I truly believe they were going to leave it no matter what because I even offered to refund them so it wasn't like I intentionally misled them but I do agree that the composition and details should be spot on I should have thoroughly checked that was on me I can accept that part but what would be the reason for them to take down genuine coins because I had a lot of really nice genuine coins that they stated were against that policy when they clearly did not, and I was having a lot of success in doing this I had recently lost my employment and took my years of collecting and networking to eBay to see what I could do and I noticed that there isn't really very many solely-toned coin dealers I guess maybe this is why LOL but I saw a void in the market and I decided to fill that void and a lot of people thanked me for that and I know there's always going to be those purists who are totally against it and they probably think I am a coin doctor which is not the case I'm sure some of the people I buy in my coins from are but if the coin looks good to me and in my opinion looks natural I buy it if it's priced fair enough

Message 9 of 23
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Had listings taken down for policy violation even though they did not violate policy

@ten_o_nine wrote:


I owe a debt of gratitude to macros, as they played a crucial role in saving my job in the early 90's. Not only did I learn how to use it, but I also became a trainer for my colleagues, helping to boost productivity and efficiency across our team.

I write macros in a program called CICS to quickly archive files. We have hundreds of files... the macro records all the keystrokes and plays them out in literally 5 seconds.



Message 10 of 23
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Had listings taken down for policy violation even though they did not violate policy

Maybe i need to look into macros lol i mostly used them when playing games before like world of warcraft but what kind of macros would be helpful for ecommerce?


Message 11 of 23
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Had listings taken down for policy violation even though they did not violate policy

Obviously you know better now so I'm just saying this for the benefit of others who may read this ... aside from the issue of "properly" describing the coin, you had the coin in the wrong category. They copy coin should never have been in the Peace Dollar category -- that category is only for genuine coins. It actually becomes a tax issue too as the coins in that category are legal tender and treated as such for sales tax purposes --- so a fantasy/copy coin in a legal tender category can lead to tax avoidance issues in jurisdictions that don't tax legal tender . . That coin should've been in whatever fantasy or novelty category they have or similar such category

Message 12 of 23
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Had listings taken down for policy violation even though they did not violate policy

Sorry, but I can't take trying to read any more of your writings without punctuation. It only takes some commas and periods. They're free.

Message 13 of 23
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Had listings taken down for policy violation even though they did not violate policy

@sin-n-dex wrote:

@ten_o_nine wrote:


I owe a debt of gratitude to macros, as they played a crucial role in saving my job in the early 90's. Not only did I learn how to use it, but I also became a trainer for my colleagues, helping to boost productivity and efficiency across our team.

I write macros in a program called CICS to quickly archive files. We have hundreds of files... the macro records all the keystrokes and plays them out in literally 5 seconds.



I am on Windows 11 and could not find that functionality but did see there are some apps you can down load to get the old style macro function ... I don't have the need for them that I once did but when folks here talk about macros they aren't talking about the original computer macros I knew and learned, more like a place to copy and paste something they had to type in ... 

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 14 of 23
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Had listings taken down for policy violation even though they did not violate policy

ok im sorry i offended you by not including periods or commas... is it really that serious?

Message 15 of 23
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