03-19-2019 11:45 PM
Since eBay has spent so much time trying to convince their sellers that this new GTC listing move will be good for them --- why don't you put your money where your mouth is and make some changes to store subscriptions to adjust for these new changes??
I just renewed my 1 year subscription for a Premium store (which i have PAID for for years & years) , that gives me 500 Auction listings & 1000 Fixed-Price listings! I am now locked into (unless I want to pay penalties) 11 more months of paying for thousands of listings that I will have NO OPPORTUNITY to use! OF COURSE, I was NEVER notified that the rules would soon be changing, or I might have downsized my subscription!
I am a single user, don't have, can't afford a staff! On average I run about 500 listings in my store, don't have the time or energy for more. I will use the 500 auction listing to list new merchandise and highlight other listings, but what am I to do with the 1000 FP listings?? If I listed EVERYTHING at fixed-price, & nothing at AUCTION, I would be TOTALLY unable to use the other 1000 listings!! So, I am stuck paying for something that I CAN NOT USE! How is that BENEFITING ME??
Will you offer me a refund for these UNUSED LISTINGS? Of course NOT! Will you be MORE FAIR and ADJUST the amount of AUCTION LISTING AVAILABLE? Probably not!
But yet you tell me that this CHANGE will be to my BENEFIT! HOW?? Seems to me all of the benefits are on eBay's side AS USUAL!
03-20-2019 01:00 PM
03-20-2019 01:02 PM
03-20-2019 01:06 PM
@labs118 wrote:And a general reply everyone is jumping the OP
When she says just renewed it does not mean nor has she said it was after the update was released
When she says just renewed it could have been Feb
let's give her some slack here please
If my posts have caused you concern, they shouldn't. Offering someone some options that they may not have thought about, at least in respects to what I've posted, in no way means I'm "jumping" on the OP. It merely means I am offering some ideas that may not have been considered.
Sometimes people make decision from a base of being upset and possibly not fully informed. Normal stuff, we all do it from time to time. But sometimes when we take a step back and look at it a bit more, some options may show up that we had not previously considered.
I don't like this mandate any better than many others. I think it is going to hurt small and casual sellers that have no desire to use GTC as a format. I too do not think Ebay should be mandating this.
But it is here, we do have to deal with it. There is no shame in discovering a way to adapt and move forward. Nor is there any in deciding that it just won't work for you. There is no right or wrong answer. We all just need to do what is best for ourselves no matter what that happens to be. I just want to do what I can to make sure that these decisions are from a base of knowing there may be some other options not considered.
03-20-2019 01:10 PM
Your posts do not concern me at all & it was a general reply
03-20-2019 01:12 PM
@mam98031 wrote:
@loveyourimagination49 wrote:
I didn’t receive that email either. I usually get them. When it first came out, people on the boards were saying it was a dead link and eBay pulled the email. I don’t know if that’s true or not. I didn’t receive it in eBay messages either. I just knew to be on the lookout for the announcement.Announcements and email with the Seller update in them are two DIFFERENT ways in which Ebay has to communicate with us. They are NOT the same thing.
You may get an email about an Announcement if you are signed up under announcements to get an email when a new one is posted.
The email for Seller Updates is a different email.
Yes I know the difference. I usually get the seller updates in both eBay messages and email. I received neither. I checked the announcement link at the bottom of these boards. I was saying I didn’t receive it either as nor did horses. Thanks
03-20-2019 01:29 PM
03-20-2019 01:56 PM
@mam98031 wrote:
@stanley2erols wrote:2 weeks isn't a lot of notice when you are talking about a yearly contract for your store. Also when they first sent the e-mail about the update it linked to old news for a day or two. A lot of people probably read it at that time and didn't think anything was changing.
@myjunqueyourtreasure wrote:
No notice? Did you not read the Early Seller Update?
Not that it makes a lot of difference, but it was a three week notice. The email came out on 2/26 and it started on 3/18. That is just shy of 3 weeks.
This highlights another broken eBay promise to sellers- the promise that sellers would get a 60 day heads up on major structural changes.
Here's an op-ed from ECB about the hole mess:
How can you trust a business partner who is seemingly utterly incapable of keeping his word?
03-20-2019 02:32 PM - edited 03-20-2019 02:33 PM
Follow up from your reply chat message #99
See above screen shots post #25 & 31 , I am not seeing the same as mam on my seller hub
I have Not customized mine
We have screen shots of 2 different things, mine is about ebay packing
not the Seller update
Your response
As for the notice to check out the 2019 Early Seller Update, I checked into this and can confirm that by default the Selling Announcements section appears towards the top of Seller Hub and would contain a notice to check out this update. Some sellers may have customized their Seller Hub to move or remove this section, possibly explaining the differences you are seeing compared to others. This also could be related to the banner at the top of the Overview page being account specific, changing regularly and highlighting one of many possible notices.
Also Tyler is Posting on chat that there are reports of issues with missed ebay messages being reported so I find you response in conflict of his
or am I misunderstanding ?
03-20-2019 02:51 PM
@gramophone-georg wrote:
@mam98031 wrote:
@stanley2erols wrote:2 weeks isn't a lot of notice when you are talking about a yearly contract for your store. Also when they first sent the e-mail about the update it linked to old news for a day or two. A lot of people probably read it at that time and didn't think anything was changing.
@myjunqueyourtreasure wrote:
No notice? Did you not read the Early Seller Update?
Not that it makes a lot of difference, but it was a three week notice. The email came out on 2/26 and it started on 3/18. That is just shy of 3 weeks.
This highlights another broken eBay promise to sellers- the promise that sellers would get a 60 day heads up on major structural changes.
Here's an op-ed from ECB about the hole mess:
How can you trust a business partner who is seemingly utterly incapable of keeping his word?
I can't believe I typed 'hole' and not 'whole'... I'm blaming this cold...