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GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

Have you ever wondered why you see the same television commercial over and over again, day after day? Have you ever wondered why the sponsor don't just show the commercial once every 30 days? That's because repetition works!

Yes, I've read all the arguments against the new GTC policy for fixed listings......the sense of urgency that the 3-5-7 day listings create.....and I completely agree with all of those comments. But, I think another, and even better reason for getting rid of this suicidal new policy of Ebay is that most experienced buyers do not search by "best match". After all, who is ebay to decide what is a good match for me, as I look for antiques and collectibles and ebay wouldn't have a clue what is the right match for me. So, I search by "newly listed". I can't tell you how many times I have seen an item on ebay, didn't buy it, but then it came up the next week, or the week following that and I decided to finally pull the trigger. With the new policy, that item wouldn't come up again for another 30 days! That's hardly an example of an efficient marketing approach. Now, in addition to my buying on ebay, I also sell. What this new policy means is that for all those people who search for particular types of antiques and collectibles using "newly listed", if I don't get that sale right away, then there is a good shot no one is going to look at my item again for almost four more weeks, as it lingers in the bowels of ebay. That makes absolutely no sense. Almost all experienced buyers of antiques and collectables use the "newly listed" option. I check the listing for what interests me three or four times a day. But, I never look down past the items that I already saw earlier that day when I last checked newly listed items. So, for a buyer like me.....and again, almost all buyers of antiques and collectibles search using "newly listed", I'm not going to see that item again for 30 days. There are been many times I did not buy something the first time I saw it on ebay, or even the second time, but then I rethought the item and jumped on it using the Buy it Now figure the third of fourth time. From a seller's perspective.....and that's the perspective from which I am writing this.....that's the kiss of death. The new reality is that with this new policy, if an item I list with a fixed price doesn't sell in the first day or two, it's going to sit there and rot on ebay for 28 more days until it finally comes to the top of the list. Ebay, what were you thinking? Do you have anyone on your staff that actually buys antiques and collectibles? Anyone in this field knows that we have to check the listings multiple times a day to get first crack at an item, but we don't have to look at anything older than a day or two, since we would have seen anything older already. So, this new policy is going to be a knife in the back for almost everyone who sells the way I do .......put the listing up to renew every Sunday night. Get the item in front of people's faces often. After all, that's the exact same approach that every major advertiser uses when running the same commercial continuously. This is so simple ebay. How could you have missed it?


The bottom line is that when sellers sell less, then ebay makes less money. This decision is not only going to cost sellers a fortune, but it's going to cost ebay millions, as well. The people who thought this up at ebay have absolutely no idea how "professional buyers" search ebay. They're under the impression that every buyer is a casual buyer who will look at every item in every search result every time. That is just not the case. Ebay, this is the worst decision you have ever made!

Message 1 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

I admit the only thing I don't like about managed payments is that they don't front you the cost of shipping (and most other sites have FIXED PRICE SHIPPING that is way overpriced!) so you gotta cover it yourself and hope for the best and wait until you get a rating from the buyer to get paid. 


I also recall though that before GTC, BEST OFFER was the great villain.  Used on EVERY OTHER ONLINE VENUE...same as GTC!

But here's the thing:  Many folks don't like GTC and have gone back to auctions, EBay's specialty.  My sales have gone up quite a bit with auctions.  I still offer BIN on an auction and always have offers on all fixed price. The duration doesn't seem to be making a difference as it used to (with most of the action happening in the last few hours.

Message 76 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

I'm not a high volume seller and I do not depend on Ebay as my primary source of income.  I usually list 50 items (for free) per month and some months I do quite well and others not so great.  It puts a little extra spending money in my pocket and helps me get rid of items that I no longer need. 

Then came GTC and everything changed!  All of my listings started and expired at different times. Then there were months Ebay gave me more than 50 free listing and I usually would take advantage of the extra free listings.  With GTC I could no longer just let the listings expire to avoid re-listing fees. I liked being in control of what listings were re-listed and letting those I didn't want re-listed expire. 

I decided to switch all of my listings to 10 day auction style with a starting price the same as my buy-it-now on my old fixed price listings.  I sold a few items using this method but I got tired of re-listing every ten days and losing all of my free listings before the month ended.  Ebay thinks we are all stupid; this was a money grab and intended to get all of the smaller sellers off of their platform.  I have let all of my listings expire as of this post and I'm sure Ebay could care less.  I will keep my account open in hopes that Ebay will come to their senses and start making this a fun (not so regulated) place to sell again.  I really feel sorry for the large sellers and those that used Ebay as a primary source of income.

Message 77 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

@231mathilde wrote:

This is being reported by many Sellers.  eBay doesn't seem to care about this issue and I've seen no resolution reported yet.  Sorry you have to deal with a company that has such poor Customer Support (and Programmers).

Message 78 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

@tracdea1 wrote:
You have to have your own website for controlling your own business. This is eBay's platform, not yours. I do understand the frustration, but you have to work through it or leave. Keep in mind:
Every platform has policies, every platform has fees, and many other platforms do not have the protections for sellers (if you think it's bad here, try elsewhere and you will find it's worse).

The eBay platform is for eBay's Customers, who should feel that they are valued ..... and not that eBay only values their money/revenue/fees.

Message 79 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

I Totally Agree.. Seems if Ebay Really Knew What it was doing they could Cater to the Junk from China by the Hundreds and Cater to the Unique Seller in certain Categories who only has 1 of anything with Shorter Durations. The Antiques and Collectibles are what Made Ebay UNIQUE. All the Other Garbage can be found everywhere else. Just My opinion along with a Few Million others. They Should Take Care and Value the Uniqueness not Destroy it.
Message 80 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

I NEED SALES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Tried everything. GTC Does Not Work for EVERYONE. Come on Ebay open up some excitement for your Unique sellers.
Message 81 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

The GTC format is driving me crazy. I launched GTC listings in April that needed to be ended TODAY... ON MOTHER DAY!

When I created the listings I did not check exactly what day of the week or maybe what holiday they would have to be ended to prevent them from relisting automatically. So, family time with that cloud over my head.... 

What a pain!

I do not want this format. It is not for me. I know I can end them, revise them, etc. etc.... but this is not the same as 30-day duration ending automatically!!!!!!

I am so mad and so frustrated. I do not want to babysit my fixed prices listings.

This is a WASTE OF TIME AND ENERGY! I need a format that fits my needs as a small seller of collectibles... I need DURATION OPTIONS!

Done venting!

Message 82 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

GTC is not going away. Time to stop complaining about it and figure out what to do. So what can be done to workaround it?


1) Manually end at 29 days but lots of work.

2) Use GTC for a few automatic relists to spread out the work to end them. For example, let a GTC listing renew for 2 relists and end at day 88 or 89. For the first month, end some at 29 days, second month at 59 days, third month at 89. This will split into 3 groups, then relist at 89 days only. This will test GTC if any effect on sales.

3) Get a third party listing program which almost all have now a feature to end a GTC automatically for you. Lowest cost one is WonderLister at $5 month for 1,000 active listing on eBay per month (you can have more than 1,000 listing stored in Wonderlister but only 1,000 running on eBay for this Beginner level). It is Widows computer based like Turbo Lister but much better. Learning curve but once done it should be a great tool.


I would opt for a third party listing tool and start with Wonder Lister because of low cost. 


Disclaimer: I never used Wonder Lister but researched various third party tools in the past years.


Disclaimer: I gave up selling on eBay 3 years ago as it was a pain with all the rules back then. The changes in the past 3 years would have driven me crazy if I had not stopped.

Message 83 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

Thank you for trying but, really, your recommendations are not helping me. Actually, I do not need any help to adapt. Like I mentioned earlier, I know what I am doing and I am adapting just like I have adapted for over 19 years.


I do not like GTC. Period. It does not fit my business needs. I will continue to complain about it for as long as I feel it is appropriate to share with other sellers who are as frustrated as I am.


I know you mean being helpful and I thank you for that..... but I do not give up easily 🙂

Message 84 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

Sorry, I disagree - free returns at the seller's expense is the WORST decision ever made. 

I am a founding member of the eBay Community Expert Group: a USA volunteer mentor with over a decade of experience. I am not an eBay employee.

Live simply. Care deeply. Love generously. Speak kindly. Laugh loudly. Act responsibly. Rejoice daily. Help cheerfully. Plan carefully. Criticize sparingly. Invest wisely. Forgive willingly. Shop seriously. Play fairly. Learn graciously.
Message 85 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

GTC is good for some sellers and bad for others .. I dont see how taking away peoples options is a good idea .. 

Message 86 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

I see GTC good ONLY for big sellers that have lots of inventory and the stuff is higher than 10 bucks. At least, if the item relists several times before selling, the seller can realize a profit. IT's good for lazy sellers and well to do sells too who do not mind paying fees.
Message 87 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!


Message 88 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

Been around since 2000, great bit of fun, but getting too hard, not much money and now not way to control how you seal you items.  Anyway, been a fun ride, keeping an old guy busy.  Hope you younger ones keep on keeping on.

God Blesws

Message 89 of 89
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