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Forced Good Till Cancelled listing for the fixed priced items. NO 30 DAYS OPTION ANYMORE

Ladies and gentlemens, I present you the latest stupidity from ebay headquarters:

,,Good 'Til Cancelled
To help you sell your item, fixed price listings can only be listed with a Good 'Til Cancelled duration. Listings renew automatically every 30 days, based on the listing terms at that time, until all quantities sell or the listing ends. Each time a listing renews and when an item sells, you’ll be charged applicable fees."
My fellow  ebayers, that's how communism works. They will harm you and they will say it's for your own good and protection. Get it? You can not have a bike accident if we break your legs. That's ebay's direction right now.
I do have a very good reason, why I am not choosing that option, good till cancelled. A logical, objective and very useful reason.
Very frustrating and humiliating. Do you remember the decision from last year,  when you couldn't start the promotion sales? Well, this falls in the same category of stupidity. What was very sad and disgusting was the fact that they didn't even had the dignity to admit the huge mistake, after 2-3 months, when the sales went down and they have started to loose a lot of money, they have revert the change and came up with a lame announcement ,,We heard your feedback and we understand the enforcement was a challenge for sellers providing value to our customers." That's total **bleep** in your face, they actually lost a lot of money, that's why they change it back. If I, as a seller, have lost money, ebay also did. PERIOD
Another frustrating thing, is that I feel like a lab rat, being experimented on.
Will call customer service later and see what can be done, IF it can be done. I have zero hopes since that's how communism works, their is no options, you just have to obey ....
Best regards,
Message 1 of 47
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Forced Good Till Cancelled listing for the fixed priced items. NO 30 DAYS OPTION ANYMORE

@world_of_car_watches   I am already working on a plan to move forward with the new GTC mandate ... I have already deleted a number of items that ended and will not be relisted, they are headed  for the local box lot auction house.  These are items from profitable lots so whatever they bring at auction will be additional profit.  I am planning to thin out certain items and focus on trying to list things that may have a better chance to sell  AND in a shorter period of time ...

I WILL NOT be paying eBay any fees for double Relisted items in the same month ... AVOID listing anything before the middle to latter part of any month ... that will push a double relisting month out over a year, plenty of time to eventually Cancel items if need be.


I don't think I am alone with thinning things out and working down the number of things for sale ...

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 16 of 47
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Forced Good Till Cancelled listing for the fixed priced items. NO 30 DAYS OPTION ANYMORE

Unsold items
Message 17 of 47
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Forced Good Till Cancelled listing for the fixed priced items. NO 30 DAYS OPTION ANYMORE

I sell watches, and, by far, chrono24 is over ebay on this market: special apps for watch lovers/buyers/sellers, internet articles on consacrated blogs, events, etc, lower fees, and many, many more features. Slowly, will move there... the untrained managers from ebay will force sellers to find their way on internet. Their **bleep**ty and obtuse management, will cost the company a lot...just look at last year ,,promoting manager" experiment, sales went down a lot a company lost a lot of money...
Message 18 of 47
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Forced Good Till Cancelled listing for the fixed priced items. NO 30 DAYS OPTION ANYMORE

What a joke ebay has become. They continue to treat average sellers like **bleep**. This Idea of making fixed price listings good till canceled is horrible. 

Message 19 of 47
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Forced Good Till Cancelled listing for the fixed priced items. NO 30 DAYS OPTION ANYMORE

My year subscription is up in June or July and I will be dropping my store down to the 250 free listings level.


I am closing everything I currently have in my store on their 29th day and will continue to do that until I can change my store subscription.


Been here since 1998 and this may be the worse decision Ebay has made.   


Unfortunately, boycotts here do not work and never have.  Anyone remember the first one which resulted in a bunch of sellers starting a new site (Gold's Auctions).  I think that might have started over them charging us insertion fees.  



Message 20 of 47
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Forced Good Till Cancelled listing for the fixed priced items. NO 30 DAYS OPTION ANYMORE


Give us the choice back. Then go find another way to increase your margins... like advertise more so there are more buyers. Then lay off some workers, seems all they do is change stuff that then ends up upsetting sellers. At some point, this m.o. will stop working. 


Message 21 of 47
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Forced Good Till Cancelled listing for the fixed priced items. NO 30 DAYS OPTION ANYMORE

This new policy is so stupid. But makes it harder for new sellers to list more items. It makes things more confusing. As when you sell the item the listing is still active. Until you cancel it. So if you forget to cancel the listing you will be charged for it.  Buyer see good until canceled they do not buy as fast. If they see a listing that in less than 20 day with 10 days left. With many watchers they buy. If it is good until canceled. A  headache for seller to have to cancel every listing sold. What a joke e bay comes up with stupid every 3 months or so. To make it harder on sellers. And do not realize hurting themselves. The option on 10 and 30 day listings buy it now was a good thing. It helped my sells. But now eBay says only good until canceled. A really bad move. They will loose money on this. 

Message 22 of 47
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Forced Good Till Cancelled listing for the fixed priced items. NO 30 DAYS OPTION ANYMORE


Why the hell would you make fixed price listings only Good Til Canceled duration. I have been with you for around twenty years now and you always find some way to screw a good thing up for your sellers. Remember, if you don't have good sellers, you won't have any buyers. You give us free listings each month, but now, only with the option to charge us if our items don't sell in that time period. Some items don't sell quickly and having to pay a re-listing fee each month will cut into our profits enough that it no longer makes sense to sell on you platform. You should think about making all listings free. That way there would be more listings and more sales, making it more profitable for you by charging only the sold commission. Not trying to nickel and dime your customers (sellers).

Message 23 of 47
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Forced Good Till Cancelled listing for the fixed priced items. NO 30 DAYS OPTION ANYMORE

@world_of_car_watches wrote:
I sell watches, and, by far, chrono24 is over ebay on this market: special apps for watch lovers/buyers/sellers, internet articles on consacrated blogs, events, etc, lower fees, and many, many more features. Slowly, will move there... the untrained managers from ebay will force sellers to find their way on internet. Their **bleep**ty and obtuse management, will cost the company a lot...just look at last year ,,promoting manager" experiment, sales went down a lot a company lost a lot of money...

Chrono24 should be far better than ebay for selling watches; that's no surprise.  It's what Chrono24 does - sell watches. 




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Message 24 of 47
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Forced Good Till Cancelled listing for the fixed priced items. NO 30 DAYS OPTION ANYMORE

What is the next brillian idea from Ebay to make things more complicated to seller and trying to grab us in an error to charge us more fees?
Message 25 of 47
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Forced Good Till Cancelled listing for the fixed priced items. NO 30 DAYS OPTION ANYMORE

I know them from a couple of years, and until recently, nothing out of the ordinary. But in the last year, they have improved a lot, I mean a lot. Ebay didn't improved (the small changes were good, but not in the pace of how dynamic the life and technology is).
Message 26 of 47
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Forced Good Till Cancelled listing for the fixed priced items. NO 30 DAYS OPTION ANYMORE

You go that wrong. That's not what they are after. This is just a bonus. They simply want to force you, to milk more money from you, with the crapppyy ,,Promoted Listings". Basically, the fees, I agree with them (high/low, it's subjective), but not when you force me to use a tool, which will cost me money, and will not help at all. The Good Till Cancelled, is a trick, since all the GTC listing will be pushed on the last page of search, since the automated relisting, will not give a new ID and will not jump in front each month. Get the big scam ?!? As I said before, it's highly unethical to force me to GTC, just to sell your **bleep**tyyy money making/milking tool. A dumb manager simply doesn't understand what's wrong and he is ready to burn the world, just see his ,,retarded child project" on the market. I am extremely sure that ebay will loose a lot of money, with this solution !!!
Message 27 of 47
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Forced Good Till Cancelled listing for the fixed priced items. NO 30 DAYS OPTION ANYMORE

it's not just about charging you the fees, but for me, when an item was not selling in a couple of months. I would have changed the title, maybe drop the price, change some pictures, adjusting the price to the inflation rate, etc. It really helped.... Obviously, the developers are retarded, with zero experience in actual selling. It's like the idiots who are reading books to become what they have never been and never will be (example: ,,how to become a leader" )
Message 28 of 47
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Forced Good Till Cancelled listing for the fixed priced items. NO 30 DAYS OPTION ANYMORE

"I WILL NOT be paying eBay any fees for double Relisted items in the same month ... AVOID listing anything before the middle to latter part of any month ... that will push a double relisting month out over a year, plenty of time to eventually Cancel items if need be."


Just wanted to make sure people saw this note.  eBay needs to decide if it's working on a 30-day cycle or a calendar month cycle.

Message 29 of 47
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Forced Good Till Cancelled listing for the fixed priced items. NO 30 DAYS OPTION ANYMORE

As of today, I cancelled my subscription to the eBay store.  250 free fixed price listings suddenly mean zero since I have around 65 listings on average and they can only be listed now for 30 days making is not worth the cost of the store.  Who lost that time?  Me and eBay.  I've been on here selling for nearly 20 years and their policies keep getting more ridiculous.  I'm looking around the net for a better place to go since eBay is killing my sales.

Message 30 of 47
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