06-18-2018 09:03 AM
eBay needs to re-establish feed back for the buyers.
Who is eBay fooling? eBay must think that EVERY Buyer is a Saint and can walk on water and do no wrong at least in eBays world.
A simple Pass / Fail feedback would be good enough. Something at least to give the community a sense of whats out there.
If a Buyer is honest and upright they have no worries. So whats the problem eBay?
eBay needs to make the Buyers Accountable Too!!
06-18-2018 09:07 AM
This subject has been beaten to death. There's nothing left, not even the proverbial greasy spot on the pavement.
The negs for buyers ship has sailed, and it ain't coming back to port. It's been a decade, time to move on.
06-18-2018 09:09 AM
06-18-2018 09:14 AM
Point taken. So how long have you worked at eBay?
06-18-2018 09:21 AM
Hold on there, Sparky... I'm on YOUR side... Sheese! GAC
06-18-2018 09:33 AM
06-18-2018 09:44 AM
@gkyn29 wrote:
@gehern39 wrote:
Too many horrible sellers would use it to humiliate buyers with genuine issues.So apparently it's ok for horrible buyers to humiliate sellers with genuine issues.
This is not about what is fair or unfair, but rather an issue of supply and demand.
eBay has no incentive to do a single thing that will discourage or punish buyers ... even the dishonest ones.
06-18-2018 09:48 AM
@gkyn29 wrote:
@gehern39 wrote:
Too many horrible sellers would use it to humiliate buyers with genuine issues.So apparently it's ok for horrible buyers to humiliate sellers with genuine issues.
Let me put it into perspective for all of you.
If you go to Wal Mart, for example, you can rate them and leave Wal Mart several reviews on many places on the internet where there's a rating system available.
But can Wal Mart leave 1-5 star reviews for everyone who shops there? No.
Do big box stores also have horrible customers who scam, steal, and are no fun to deal with? Sure. This is how people get kicked out of the store.
Likewise, this is why we sellers have a blocked bidders list here on Ebay.
We sellers have a business. Even if it's a small business, it's still a business. Businesses get rated on a 1-5 star basis but people don't.
There are dishonest people on both ends of the spectrum. Dishonest sellers would start leaving negs for good buyers who did nothing wrong, and obviously the flip side happens to many good sellers who have to worry about dishonest negatives received.
In my case, if I ever feel that a negative was very out of place, I'd call and would almost always get it removed. Over the course of selling for 15 years, I think there were only ever two negatives that CS refused to remove because "It was buyer's genuine opinion" and all that jazz.
As sellers, we just have to try to describe items as best as we can and hope for the best. If someone leaves a negative that is undeserved and violates policy, getting it removed is not an issue. Even so, if we do get stuck with a red donut for whatever reason and can't get it removed, Ebay doesn't see negative feedback as THAT big of an issue as they used to. Nowadays, defect rate > red donuts. By a long shot.
06-18-2018 09:48 AM
Too many horrible sellers would use it to humiliate buyers with genuine issues. gehern - unquote
I see your valid point ,, but theres also another side to that coin . There's some horrible buyers out there as well who do abuse the feedback catagory to punish otherwise honest sellers for a variety of unfair reasons 1. They didnt get the price they wanted ,,2 they're a competitor and are trying to eliminate competition ,, 3. they blame the seller because of postal errors that are out of the sellers control or 4.their just having a bad day and want someone else to feel as miserable as they do - just as some examples . The other day I noticed one of my favorite and very dependable sellers that I buy from quite often receive three negatives in a row from the same buyer . It was very obvious from the comments left that this buyer didn't realize that RED is negative . 😞 I'm just saying that if the bad buyers out there can abuse the feedback section and possibly damage a sellers reputation and even their livlyhood ,, then its only fair that sellers should be allowed a heads up . IMO tulips
06-18-2018 09:54 AM
Can sellers no longer see buyer's feedback left? There's your red flag.
06-18-2018 10:01 AM
Back in the day I bought a collectible from an ebay seller, she wrapped it up in newspaper and stuck it in a used, holes taped up, manila envelope. Of course it showed up damaged, for postage she stuck a bunch of old 13 and 3 cent stamps on it. It came postage due.
I left a neg and she retaliated with the nastiest neg for me.
That's why they removed the being able to leave negs for buyers. Every seller that got a deserved neg would do that.
06-18-2018 10:34 AM
Can sellers no longer see buyer's feedback left? There's your red flag. dogatehomework - unquote
I can . tulips
06-18-2018 10:38 AM
I've been wondering for a while now what's gonna happen if I leave something along the lines of "So Cool And Mature May Even Repeat" for feedback.
06-18-2018 10:42 AM
"I've been wondering for a while now what's gonna happen if I leave something along the lines of "So Cool And Mature May Even Repeat" for feedback."
If your buyer reports it to eBay,
you may get a policy violation for each one you've left.
06-18-2018 10:45 AM
@namtrag1 wrote:“...eBay needs to make the Buyers Accountable Too!!”
There is a system in place to hold buyers accountable. It is the Unpaid Item Dispute. If sellers want to rid the site of bad buyers, this is a sanctioned way to do so. After a buyer gets two strikes, they likely won’t be doing business with savvy sellers who have their Buyer Requirements set up properly.
This is far more effective than negative feedback that does nothing to stop deadbeats from continuing to “buy” and then not pay.