01-24-2018 02:52 AM
Three times straight, with two different sellers, my comic book bags and boards orders will be late, and I'll be forced to compensate my customers. Both sellers used Media Mail, which I discovered after ordering from the second seller and awaiting my shipment from the first.
I'm fed up with it. And I've decided to do something about it.
I paid the extra postage just so the postal clerk could open the first seller's package to see what was inside, and appropriate steps could be taken. I'll be doing the same with the current seller, and any others that ignore the rules.
I'm a straight-up honest seller. My items are described without sugar coating, I take numerous scans, and I mail Priority Mail, or standard with insurance. I don't try to game the system. I expect those I buy from to do the same.
Rant over.
01-24-2018 03:14 AM
So how is drop-shipping working for you? Or, did I read something wrong?
01-24-2018 03:52 AM
@wolf*song wrote:Three times straight, with two different sellers, my comic book bags and boards orders will be late, and I'll be forced to compensate my customers. Both sellers used Media Mail, which I discovered after ordering from the second seller and awaiting my shipment from the first.
I paid the extra postage just so the postal clerk could open the first seller's package to see what was inside,
Possibly a dropshipper, but could also be ordering items for customers to come into a store to pick up. Not sure how else the PO clerk could open and inspect an item for the OP.
Don't really get the part about 'compensating customers' though.
01-24-2018 04:35 AM
Suggest planning ahead and stockpiling your supplies or buying from a store. Why would a postal clerk open your package ?
01-24-2018 05:02 AM
@coolections wrote:Why would a postal clerk open your package ?
OP is upset that sellers are using Media Mail for ineligible items and is hoping USPS will act against them.
01-24-2018 05:25 AM
@becauseicansew wrote:So how is drop-shipping working for you? Or, did I read something wrong?
OP is ordering bags and boards to store and ship his merchandise (comic books) ...
OP is fed up with others that cheat the system by using Media Mail and is having the clerk open his incoming supply order because they know that the bags and boards are not eligible.
OP added the "had to refund" part (I think) to stress the point that they do the right thing when it comes to their customers complaining about late/slow shipping (just a guess) and is comparing his/her suppliers to him/herself (another guess)
01-24-2018 06:49 AM
So don’t cut it so close next time.
01-24-2018 06:59 AM
@penguins_dont_fly wrote:
@becauseicansew wrote:So how is drop-shipping working for you? Or, did I read something wrong?
OP is ordering bags and boards to store and ship his merchandise (comic books) ...
OP is fed up with others that cheat the system by using Media Mail and is having the clerk open his incoming supply order because they know that the bags and boards are not eligible.
OP added the "had to refund" part (I think) to stress the point that they do the right thing when it comes to their customers complaining about late/slow shipping (just a guess) and is comparing his/her suppliers to him/herself (another guess)
By George, I think we have a winner here!
01-24-2018 07:01 AM
@thatsallfolks wrote:So don’t cut it so close next time.
OP probably wouldn't have been cutting it close if the suppliers hadn't shipped Media Mail.
01-24-2018 08:20 AM
Not sure what you mean by "drop shipping". *L* Regardless, I've never had an issue with items arriving late.
01-24-2018 08:22 AM
I asked the postal clerk to open the package so they could see for themselves the seller sent the items fraudulently.
"Compensating" my customers means if I have to ship their comics late, I add a few extra books in with the order, which cuts down on my inventory as well as my profit.
01-24-2018 08:22 AM
01-24-2018 08:23 AM
Yes, indeed.
And the clerk DID take the seller's information, so I hope they DO act on it.
01-24-2018 08:24 AM
Yes, indeed. 🙂
01-24-2018 08:28 AM
Right again. I promised my buyers I'd ship by Wednesday, the bags/boards were scheduled to arrive Tuesday (PLENTY of time from when the order was place), and they didn't arrive until Thursday afternoon, so I wasn't able to ship until Friday.
As for cutting it close, this was an anomaly. And regardless, the fact the seller shipped MM has nothing at all to do with mt shipping late as a consequence. Even if the supplies had arrived on time, it doesn't take away from the fact it was fraudulant.