03-08-2021 05:55 PM
I haven't been selling to long on here, and just a few months ago i ran into my first 2 problems. One was a guy that bought a older video card that i had that i didnt need anymore that worked fine, and in the description of my auction stated that i didnt offer returns. Knowing this the guy bid on it anyway, so about a month of receiving the item i get a message claiming it didnt work right. Instantly i knew their might be a problem, because who uses a video card for that long that doesn work without saying something about it beforehand. I ask what exaclt the problem was, and it seems it was working, but this guy was trying to use it with modern equipment that it wasnt designed to in the first place. I told him to take some pictures so i can see what he is talking about, and he refused it saying he doesnt have to show me anything. Well after that i told him there is nothing i can do to help him, and to contact the dealers for technical advicse. I though that was the end of it, but a few days later he left a threating message saying if it i dont take it back he'll do this and that to my seller account. i just ignored it actually and reported it to ebay, and later on a i find out that he told ebay i sold a item to him that was not as described. i went into this long drawnout wating game to see what they would do about it, and in the end they decided on refunding him without even giving me a say in the matter. Along with that i never even recieved the item back, so ebay basically gave away my card for free based on a buyers words that had no credibility.
The second was just recently, and it was a guy that bought a 30 year old game for the c64. i maybe sold this about a week or so ago, and just recently the guy who bought it messaged it saying that it wasnt as described. I knew this was faulse right away, because all of my items have pictures of every angle with the best details about what you are buying. He claimed that they box was flatter than the picturers show which was false, and then changed it to missing instruction whtich were never included in the first place. The obvious this abut this was that he got the item, and waited 2 days to contract me about it. Before i even got a message i got negative feeback saying the item wasn't as described, and then accusing me of having a fradulent auction. I told hime he watched , and then bid on my item for over a week, so he knew exactly what he was getting. Aside from that i never got messages from him about anything that he wanted to know about the item. I knew it was a lie to try an get a free item or just to waste my time which it what alot of people like this do to sellers, also after what ebay did to me before i just didnt want to deal with it and just started a return. He basically abused ebays defeintion of what good and bad condition means just to get a item and return it, and chances are high that ebay woul rule in his favor. Why do i say that? well i tried to get them to removed the false feebback he left before i was even contacted about the matter, and they told me that they could not do that because it's not in their policy.
03-08-2021 06:15 PM
Just get them back and refund. don't let them get sheit for free. And then move on.
03-08-2021 06:36 PM
When a buyer files an INAD, if you want the item back before refunding, you need to accept the return and pay return shipping.
The game, your description says, "everything that is shown in good condition"
From the picture of the box, it's not in good condition.
That's a good reason for the buyer to file an INAD.
Your no returns don't mean anything when a buyer says the item is not as described, and the buyer will win every time.
03-08-2021 06:39 PM - edited 03-08-2021 06:42 PM
EBay just let buyers get away with anything nowadays
03-08-2021 06:50 PM
Dude you know you cant do that, and if i did i would be worse than him.
03-08-2021 06:55 PM - edited 03-08-2021 06:59 PM
Sigh....my items have multiple views of the items that i sell, and this person saw what i had and still bid on it. Why? That wasn't the point since his excuse was changed to something that i didnt have that was never part of the action to begin with. Alot people do this with new lame excuses everytime, and it's usually either is done to waste peoples time or because they like abusing ebays policy's.
03-08-2021 07:08 PM
Lots of good answers here, basically it's in your best interest to take an item back unless it has little value (if the value is less than or equal to the shipping return cost). If in doubt you could always seek advise from about a particular transaction from a 3rd party before you decide whether or not you want to take a return or not. That being said, I've also found that "Buy It Now" listings have a lesser chance of buyer remorse and if you use the "Best Offer" option it may give the buyer a better window or opportunity to ask more questions about the item before they buy it.
03-08-2021 07:15 PM - edited 03-08-2021 07:16 PM
No returns does NOT mean no refunds.
Tell him to return it for a full refund.
If he asks for a partial refund, tell him to return it for a full refund.
If he threatens to open a Dispute, tell him to return it for a full refund.
If he opens a Dispute, tell him to return it for a full refund.
If he returns it, refund.
The minimum wage here is 23c a minute-- how much have you wasted arguing based on that value?
No returns does not mean no refunds.
03-08-2021 07:37 PM
OP you seem to have a serious misconception about how selling on ebay works. You need to learn VERY fast how things really operate and decide if you still want to continue selling here because based on what you've written you are very quickly trending towards being actually forced off the site and banned from selling by ebay. You only get a few of those forced cases where ebay steps in and closes a case against you before they actually prevent you from selling on here and you are pretty much just done at that point. Unless things have changed I believe you can only let that happen 3-4 times before you are toast...
Additionally, you cannot refuse a return when it comes to INAD. There is no such policy or provision that exists for sellers when it comes to INAD.
You may want to consider not only showing pictures but being more modest in your written descriptions of items. You do not need to exaggerate the condition of anything. As long as you are as honest as possible about the condition of something, people are still willing to buy damaged items , but you need to price them accordingly and disclose the damage both with good photos AND good written descriptions.
Furthermore, it's not the least bit appropriate or professional to engage in arguments with your buyers. It's not productive and you will not change their mind and in fact it serves only to make them more upset and more likely to leave negative feedback about their experience with you. The appropriate way to handle one of these cases in the future is to apologize the item is not to their satisfaction and to open a return case to return it for a refund.
I wish you the best of luck but really you should take the advice of those posting here as they have a lot of experience both buying & selling here successfully for years.
03-08-2021 09:49 PM
One thing I forgot to mention above is that it is true, a buyer does NOT in fact have to show you any proof of anything, they can simply file for INAD and initiate a return. Now does this give them the right to just be nasty toward you? Of course not. But I have a feeling if you are polite and just accept the return that the majority of the buyers will be also.
Best of luck to you.
03-08-2021 10:37 PM
Terrible response to that negative feedback.
Bad response: This guy viewed all the picture and still bid on my item just to waste my time.
Good response: Sorry you are not happy with the item. Please return for a full refund.
Which one of these responses will make future potential buyers want to do business with you?
06-07-2021 03:44 PM
You're right.
All the sellers with years more experience and more feedback than you are wrong.
I'm diagnosing testosterone poisoning myself.
07-22-2021 03:49 PM
"Good response: Sorry you are not happy with the item. Please return for a full refund.
Which one of these responses will make future potential buyers want to do business with you? "
The words of a wimp.
02-13-2024 06:17 AM
And please remember to block that buyer... Block and move on....
02-13-2024 08:13 AM