08-28-2021 06:48 AM
I have forever quit selling on eBay months ago and yet I keep getting continual solicitations and selling offers... I will never comply with the eBay requirements to provide foreign processors personal information. I have continued to buy from numerous eBay sellers who serve me well, but if eBay does not stop the continual harassment I am going to quit buying here as well. I have asked repeatedly to remove me as a selling member.... I enjoyed selling here, but it is a family decision to not supply information and I expect eBay to either cease and desist with the daily emails or I'm going to leave the buying side as well. There are as we all know other alternatives to acquire the same goods and services. I know that eBay reads more of these than they admit, so this is kind of my last comment on the matter. It needs to stop.... and those that might suggest I make some other effort, forget it. I am the customer and I'm not jumping through any eBay hoops. They simply need to Quit harassing me.
Solved! Go to Best Answer
08-28-2021 07:19 AM
If it is simply too, too much for you to deal with, then of course you should leave. No reason to stay here if you are that uncomfortable with the site.
08-28-2021 07:05 AM - edited 08-28-2021 07:06 AM
You can set you email preferences for both as a Seller and Buyer on the site. Perhaps that would help?
You could also change the email on file for your account(s).
08-28-2021 07:10 AM
Ignore them
Delete any marketing messages you are not interested in
08-28-2021 07:19 AM
If it is simply too, too much for you to deal with, then of course you should leave. No reason to stay here if you are that uncomfortable with the site.
08-28-2021 07:41 AM
I admire your conviction. I'd recommend ignoring the messages. Better yet... delete them. It's empowering. Good luck!
08-28-2021 07:47 AM
@tdebuys wrote:I have forever quit selling on eBay months ago and yet I keep getting continual solicitations and selling offers...
You raised this same complaint in early July:
...and were given a pointer to your Seller Preferences page settings, which you marked as a Solution. Did that not work for you?
08-28-2021 07:48 AM - edited 08-28-2021 07:50 AM
That's right, don't give up your inalienable rights!
Always a free thinker be!
Do NOT let the corporation hairass you!
Next time they do, simply break wind in their general direction!
08-28-2021 07:58 AM
That furrin company has a banking presence here in the US. Also, eBay is a global site.
08-28-2021 08:44 AM
They do send a ton of unnecessary e-mails, but you can turn those off or send a few to your spam folder and let them go there from now on. Otherwise they won't stop.
08-28-2021 08:48 AM
You think ebay is bad? Just wait until one of your parents dies and twenty years later you still can't get their junk mail to stop.
08-28-2021 12:00 PM
@jayjaspersgarage wrote:You think ebay is bad? Just wait until one of your parents dies and twenty years later you still can't get their junk mail to stop.
"Awto Warrantee" calls.
Put a stop to those!
Omg the endless proliferation of these things, yes eaby ought to know better but then again corporations are not people.
08-28-2021 12:14 PM - edited 08-28-2021 12:15 PM
I both buy and sell on eBay and like you was getting tired of the constant emails. I setup filters on my email account that automatically moves any email from eBay to the trash folder. I have to tweak on occasion when they change something but it works. EBay is not the only thing I have done this for.
08-28-2021 12:18 PM
I get the auto warranty calls all the time but they won't cover my 1923 Stutz Bearcat or my 1949 Packard. Picky bunch they are.
08-28-2021 12:25 PM
@tdebuys wrote:I have forever quit selling on eBay months ago and yet I keep getting continual solicitations and selling offers... I will never comply with the eBay requirements to provide foreign processors personal information. I have continued to buy from numerous eBay sellers who serve me well, but if eBay does not stop the continual harassment I am going to quit buying here as well. I have asked repeatedly to remove me as a selling member.... I enjoyed selling here, but it is a family decision to not supply information and I expect eBay to either cease and desist with the daily emails or I'm going to leave the buying side as well. There are as we all know other alternatives to acquire the same goods and services. I know that eBay reads more of these than they admit, so this is kind of my last comment on the matter. It needs to stop.... and those that might suggest I make some other effort, forget it. I am the customer and I'm not jumping through any eBay hoops. They simply need to Quit harassing me.
Manged Payments still allows me to sell on eBay and make money... Dats what it is about...
Now the spamming of you: well it seems marketing is worth more than the product these days...
Communication preferences may aid you to stop the garbage from coming in...
08-28-2021 12:30 PM
@dbfolks166mt wrote:I get the auto warranty calls all the time but they won't cover my 1923 Stutz Bearcat or my 1949 Packard. Picky bunch they are.
And they REFUSE to cover AMC products - what's up with that? Just because the doors fall off?