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Ebay in 2020, it was the best of years or it was the worst of recent years

The year is almost at an end, so share  your opinion.


Hopeful that your eBay experience has not been unkind.

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Re: Ebay in 2020, it was the best of years or it was the worst of recent years

Sales, best in years......


Lost/missing shipments, I've had a couple but the increase in sales far outweighed any small losses on lost items.


Managed Payments may have bumped my overall fees slightly but far less than the annual increase in shipping costs.


Haven't had buyer issues so all good on that front.


I have been a bit sloppy and have made some mistakes with orders that have cost me. Still not significant and buyers have been understanding of my failures.



Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
Message 2 of 21
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Re: Ebay in 2020, it was the best of years or it was the worst of recent years

Overall,  a middle of the road year.    Best April thru September in years, but worst October thru December in 20 years. 


A couple of returns, a couple of in-state shipping delays in Sept, but no real buyer problems. 


Received my managed payments "invite"  while on December break and opted in - but haven't tested it out yet. 

Message 3 of 21
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Re: Ebay in 2020, it was the best of years or it was the worst of recent years

I have mostly good experiences here....  I also sell inexpensive items (most under $15) so I think I'm less prone to scammers, liars, etc.... but I still get my fair share.  Let's just put it this way...if I sold items that were in the $100 or more dollar range.... I wouldn't sell here.


I am already thinking about and considering alternative selling outlets in 2021.  Right now is not the time to start out new, when there are shipping delays (no one wants to start out new with that strike against them).


Overall though, I am highly disappointed with eBay's policies regarding sellers.  It's a buyer's market here, majority of the buyers know that and know what to claim, what to say, to get things found in their favor... and if you want to sell here, you take your chances.


Etsy, at least, has put a hold on the ability for buyers to file for items not received, because THEY understand the postal delays and don't want their sellers to pay the price.  Buyer's will eventually get their stuff.  No sellers = nothing to buy, eBay needs to learn that fact and look out for their sellers more.  No, forget looking out more, just look out for their sellers plain and simple cuz the don't do that at all.


I've worked in retail and customer service my entire working life, since 1997, I know every every trick in the game, I've heard every lie, B..... S story, etc, and have a 6th sense about things and my instincts are usually right when I have a bad feeling about a particular buyer or transaction.... and 8 out 10 times, I'm usually right.  I can smell a liar a mile away.  Too bad eBay's sense of smell is non-existent.

Message 4 of 21
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Re: Ebay in 2020, it was the best of years or it was the worst of recent years

The pandemic put a hurt on my sales across venues. Somehow, end of November and December was my best 30 day stretch of the year on eBay. That's eBay for ya...... never know what the next month will be like.

In shutdown mode for all internet sales at this point. 


I started building washer toss games this week to give out to the son-units as they visit over the holidays. 


20201222_155819 (1).jpg


Message 5 of 21
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Re: Ebay in 2020, it was the best of years or it was the worst of recent years


Message 6 of 21
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Re: Ebay in 2020, it was the best of years or it was the worst of recent years

I've noticed you've been posting a lot of huge memes lately. Did you get some new ones for Christmas?  🤣

Message 7 of 21
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Re: Ebay in 2020, it was the best of years or it was the worst of recent years

As far as this year 2020's the 7 words you can't say on television on STEROIDS!

     As far as selling goes, ebay..started out the year great, crashed and burned with the postal delays, my store in antique year I've ever had, my calendar has a place in fire pit waiting...

Message 8 of 21
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Re: Ebay in 2020, it was the best of years or it was the worst of recent years

Terrible year for me. Sales are down, and lately I am getting killed with bogus return requests, and USPS breaking, losing, and delivering my items incredibly late.

Message 9 of 21
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Re: Ebay in 2020, it was the best of years or it was the worst of recent years

@ed8108 wrote:

The year is almost at an end, so share  your opinion.

TurboLister ended, and so did free listing offers. But I was prepared - I increased to a half-dozen selling accounts and now have 1200 listings all the time. 


I was invited to Managed Payments, and opted to take the $15 per account incentive to switch before Dec 1. It went without a hitch. And combined with the $15 in coupons per account that eBay gave me in October, I was basically handed $180 in free money. 


My sales were about double the previous year from March to September, and equaled the previous year otherwise. 


I finally implemented business policies this past year - wish I had done it years ago. 


No returns or INRs this past year, but I sell niche collectibles so I have been lucky that has never been an issue. 

Message 10 of 21
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Re: Ebay in 2020, it was the best of years or it was the worst of recent years

I'm sure there are thousands of sellers that would agree with you.


This holiday season was horrible sales wise... I usually do more than amazing on here between Thanksgiving and like, January 15th.... This year, a big stink bomb.


I'm sure a lot has to do with Covid and the economy. but also, there has been no advertising.


Bogus return requests... I've been saying that would be coming and I'm sure yours are just the tip of the iceberg of bogus return reasons....  I wish everyone the best when having to deal with the influx of fake return reasons for requests that are really due to late deliveries that the buyer no longer feels like they "need" or "want" the item since it came after Xmas...


I've been saying it's coming.....



Message 11 of 21
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Re: Ebay in 2020, it was the best of years or it was the worst of recent years

eBay 2020 was good - few issues and MP free.


2021 will be eBay free.
Clarity is good.

Message 12 of 21
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Re: Ebay in 2020, it was the best of years or it was the worst of recent years

ebay in 2020? 


On balance , for me, a good year, with few problems. The transition to Managed Payments went pretty smoothly, (as expected), the pandemic initially curtailed sourcing, but had no real negative impact on our ability to source, and ebay management is smarter than what we had during the Wenig years. I'm actually cautiously optimistic that, if management continues to make improvements and I list a lot more stuff, 2021 could be a really good year.  There is plenty of room for improvement, both on ebay's part and on my own part, so I'm looking forward to 2021. (Of course, that assumes the country and/or the economy don't just fall off a cliff....)

Message 13 of 21
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Re: Ebay in 2020, it was the best of years or it was the worst of recent years

The year started out with my Mom in the hospital, got her home then 3 weeks later my Dad passed.  E bay and Etsy had been taking a back seat for most of 2019/2020.  Had vacations cancelled due to covid.  Frustrating year(s) for sure.


Sales have been strong coinsidering I really have not listed a lot of new items.  Luckily we finally went on vacation for 3 weeks from Novemver 14 to December 5.  I extended my handling timeout 30 days.  Pretty slow christmas sales but considering all of the shipper issues I am rather happy sales were pushed out.


I pray 2021 is better

This quest stands on the edge of a blade...stray but a little and you shall fail to the ruin of us all.
"The Lady Galadriel"
Message 14 of 21
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Re: Ebay in 2020, it was the best of years or it was the worst of recent years

Sales were strong all year.  Not my best year for sales, but September was my best September ever.   All around happy with eBay in 2020.



Message 15 of 21
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