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Ebay eliminates ability to sell Used Fragrances. Why? More self mutilation?

Between 8/14/19 and 8/20/19 ebay eliminated the ability to list Used Fragrances. I discovered this when I went to change the handling time on my listings because I'm going to be unable to ship for a week. The system wouldn't let me save the changes on 53 items due to condition required, one of which I was able to do individually because it was new. There are three condition choices, blank, new with box, new without box. When I selected blank, they would not update/save in bulk or individually. So the blank choice doesn't work. I posted the problem in technical issues and the response I had from one of the blues was "we do not allow for used items to be sold in this category - the item condition either needs to be New with box or New without box." Thus I had no choice but to cancel 52 items. 

Posted policy shows that Used Fragrances can be listed as long as they don't have an applicator that comes into contact with the body.

Eliminating the ability to list Used Fragrances will put me and many others out of business on ebay. How  do big businesses re-market the returns on new items when a customer sprays it, doesn't like the scent, and returns the item? It's no longer new. 

Won't this eliminating cause many to create misleading listings? ie selecting New, but putting Used in the description? 

I'd estimate that Used comprises probably around 75% of my total sales.  If this is really the new policy, then I'm stuck with several thousand dollars of inventory that I'll need to find a way to dispose of or find a different marketing channel. Of late my sales on ebay have been negligible anyway with the last two occurring because of a markdown sale (2 of 3 sales in August so far). Not that ebay cares about my piddly amount of sales.  Seems that ebay is more interested in self-mutilation in recent months than increasing sales. 

condition errors.JPGcondition required.JPGPolicy Fragrance.JPG

Message 1 of 77
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Ebay eliminates ability to sell Used Fragrances. Why? More self mutilation?


Listing in the fragrances category there's nothing you can do to substitute having the original packaging with full ingredients and a brand new product.


I don't know if the collectibles category requires an ingredient list. The collectibles category doesn't require the original packaging or that the product be new so I think that's your only option to sell fragrances if they're not brand new in package.


Just because other sellers' listings are still up today does not mean they won't be taken down tomorrow. Look out for yourself and that means following policy, not following those who are going against policy. eBay will catch up with them eventually.

Message 76 of 77
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Ebay eliminates ability to sell Used Fragrances. Why? More self mutilation?

Thank you again, for the fast replay ! 


I think only some brands, like Chanel for example, require the fragrance to be new in box. I think it's still not against the policy to list "new without box" or "pre-owned" perfumes in fragrance category, because this is still an option in the listing menu.



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