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Ebay charging 20+% fees for sales?

I was recently running some numbers on my latest sales on Ebay, and I realized that as of January 2024 I'm consistently being charged ~20% fees for every item I sell.


I deducted the standard $0.30 per sale from the transactions and ran a percentage off of the remainder, and found I'm consistently being charged 19.25% for every transaction. 


Example item sale:

- Item Price: $28.75

- Sales Tax: $2.37

- Fee: $6.29

That brings the fee to 19.248% ((6.29-0.30) / (28.75 + 2.37)


What is the reason for being charged 19.25% all of the sudden? Has Ebay updated their rates?

Message 1 of 70
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Ebay charging 20+% fees for sales?

I am above standard & my selling costs total 24% !!!   Well..........they will be 0% if I do not sell another item on eBay.  🙂








Message 31 of 70
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Ebay charging 20+% fees for sales?

I am above standard & my selling costs total 24% !!!   Well..........they will be 0% if I do not sell another item on eBay.  



     Are you using PL and if so at what percentage?

Message 32 of 70
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Ebay charging 20+% fees for sales?

I do not use PL & have no use for it.  lol

Message 33 of 70
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Ebay charging 20+% fees for sales?

I do not use PL & have no use for it.  lol


     Same here with regards to PL. Just noticed you are in Canada and have a couple of selling costs that I do not have on my reports that could be driving your selling costs up. Without details difficult to assess. Going to assume eBay is charging the FVF on the taxes and government fees. They also charge the FVF on the shipping costs which I know in Canada can be rather high. Also you have a $2.61 in your FVF breakdown for "below standard" and not sure what that is for.  

     My eBay FVF's run between 13.6% and 14.9% which is generally one of the lower percentage selling costs. My COGS and shipping costs almost always exceed my eBay FVF's. 

Message 34 of 70
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Ebay charging 20+% fees for sales?



Just read your screen a bit closer.  The first two words is "Selling COSTS".  That does NOT say Ebay fees.


Then when you look at the details it shows you paid 10.34 in taxes, which are NOT Ebay Fees.


And as you know, which is supported in your screen shot, you are paying a 6% FVF for falling below standard.  While it is an Ebay FVF, it is not a normal one and is only imposed when a seller falls below standard.


So YES you are paying higher FVFs by 6% due to being below standard.  


This screen, that we all have access to, can be misleading IF the seller doesn't read the DETAILS.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 35 of 70
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Ebay charging 20+% fees for sales?

@sakic92710 wrote:

I do not use PL & have no use for it.  lol

You are aware that you are paying an additional 6% FVF because you are Below Standard as a seller.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 36 of 70
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Ebay charging 20+% fees for sales?

I am above standard!

Message 37 of 70
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Ebay charging 20+% fees for sales?

@sakic92710 wrote:

I am above standard!

You really should read the details of the screen shot you posted.  It clearly says you are being charged extra fees for being Below Standard.


Keep in mind that if your January eval says you are above standard, it doesn't take affect until February 1st.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 38 of 70
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Ebay charging 20+% fees for sales?

Since the OP appeared to be asking his question as a seller, shouldn't we remind him that the BUYER pays the sales tax and that eBay then remits those funds to the appropriate state, which would be the state to which the buyer's purchase is shipped? 

Message 39 of 70
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Ebay charging 20+% fees for sales?

I believe that has already been covered.


The OP is also Below Standard.  And that is the reason they paid a higher FVF to Ebay.  See the post they selected as the answer.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 40 of 70
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Ebay charging 20+% fees for sales?

I was set back to above standard in December.

Message 41 of 70
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Ebay charging 20+% fees for sales?

I can only comment on what you have supplied.  Your screen shot shows you are or were Below Standard.  I didn't make it up.  


Your screen shot does say it is for December 22nd through January 21st.  So it maybe it was that the December Eval showed you to be Above Standard, which would mean as of January 1st you were back to Above Standard.  


But since your screen shot was for a fiscal period, part of it you were Below Standard and part you were Above Standard.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 42 of 70
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Ebay charging 20+% fees for sales?

Thank you.  I believe I have to bow out here.  The discussion is getting much too complicated and much too heated for me.

But thank you again.  

Message 43 of 70
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Ebay charging 20+% fees for sales?

@soh.maryl wrote:

Thank you.  I believe I have to bow out here.  The discussion is getting much too complicated and much too heated for me.

But thank you again.  

I haven't said anything that should have made you feel that way and it certainly wasn't my intention.


You are in the same boat as many sellers.  They misread that screen shot you posted or they don't read the details that are on that page.  You aren't in this alone.  Lots of sellers misunderstand that page.  


All I did was try to get you to read the details.  The info is there.  I don't know why you feel it was complicated or heated.  It never was intended to be that way by me.  I thought we were just having a conversation.  

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 44 of 70
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Ebay charging 20+% fees for sales?

eBay has been charging me 30%+ in total fees which includes me losing money on the shipping as well. They do not calculate correctly. I don't have permission to upload the proof apparently otherwise id show my screenshot. 


Feel lucky with only 20%, sorry your in the same boat. 

Message 45 of 70
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