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Ebay adding "best offer" option w/o my consent

Ebay should not being able to touch my listings without my consent.  If I want to keep my grandmother's watch for sale for 6 months at the price I have it listed at until someone buys it..that is my choice.  What if you put a sign on your car in your driveway for 25k and then someone comes and writes on YOUR sign "or best offer"'re going to he ticked right?  How dare they!! You want 25k for that car and that's it.  You don't want people coming to your door or blowing up your phones with offers, you will wait for the person who is willing to pay your asking price.  When a potential customer gives you a "best offer" and you don't take it, then you've lost a potential full-paying customer.  Also, ebay keeps re-listing my items for me!!  I will re-list my items when I know I will be home and be unbusy enough to do so.  They have no right.  I have purposefully untoggled the best offer option and toggled the appropriate days of sale...and they change they anyway!!!!!  I'm so tired of it.  Is ebay going reimburse me for lost sales and monry for relisting without my permission?

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Re: Ebay adding "best offer" option w/o my consent

When you list you own car on your own property that is different than listing it on a 3rd party venue.


Ebay announced this change and since it is their site, their rules.  They do not need your permission.


But you are also free to ignore it.


Set your automatic decline to anything 50 cents or less than you are willing to accept.


Asfar as not being home for best offer, that is why you have 48 hours in which to either accept, decline or counteroffer.

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Re: Ebay adding "best offer" option w/o my consent

Ebay has all the right in the world to remove a listing sitting collecting dust for 6 months that no one is willing to purchase at that price.

Message 3 of 5
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Re: Ebay adding "best offer" option w/o my consent

I hate how the rules keep shifting to take away my control over my listings too! Theres an ebay general chat tomorrow at 1pm, you should complain there, this is just other sellers and buyers responding to you.

That said... Its not our site, not our rules. Be careful to uncheck the autorelist button, sometimes it auto checks. I am finding that things with stock photos as the first picture, do not seem to get hit with "best offer" forced at least not yet. It has hit my listings that were hastily put up, dont have great pics, arent sorted / organized, have some smudges that need cleaning, and or have not added full descriptions yet. The listings, in short, that need something done before they are going to sell for what I want to get.

Keep trying.
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Re: Ebay adding "best offer" option w/o my consent

Not that i am saying it is right, but the UA that you agreed to allows eBay to do pretty much what they want, and agreeing to the UA gives them "permission"

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