09-07-2021 09:29 AM
Think about this Ebay Sellers, You are now getting paid SLOWER than the days when people sent money order in the snail mail.
09-07-2021 09:26 PM
Maybe I'm just sentimental, but I used to love checking the mail every day - all those envelopes with stamps from other states and different handwriting. I felt like such a big shot going to the bank. . .in retrospect, they probably thought I was selling girl scout cookies or something.
It was inconvenient, but it was so fun. And it became so not fun about 5 minutes after I checked the mail and got my first overdraft notice because some of those deposits didn't go through (no online banking omg).
I have to say I very much prefer the current method.
09-07-2021 09:28 PM
@ittybitnot wrote:I was lucky to get paid and have the funds cleared and available in my bank account in one to two weeks!
Actually, I would gladly wait 2 weeks if my payment was a 'final sale' and not subject to some phony SNAD reversal five months out. For those that are complaining of the "delay" Adyen does have the means to speed things up. I am sure eBay will eventually offer it, for a fee of course.
Doesn't PayPal also collect a fee for 'instant' transfers? Pretty sure they do...
I use an online bank - they handle these kinds of transactions all the time. ALL the time - there are no branches to walk into. So they are rather quick about it - I can mobile-deposit a check, even out-of-town (remember the bank delays on those??) and have the funds available in 2 business days. My paycheck, which shows up every week, is available the next business day.
Both of my local B&M banks are pretty up on electronic transactions as well. 2-3 days for transfers between my accounts -- unless I'm sending/receiving money from my Credit Union. CU's are not part of the Federal Reserve network, so there are delays making that connection. Not sure if the same thing would apply to state-chartered banks as my B&Ms are both Federal banks.
I've been at this now for 24 years, longer if you count the online sales I did via BBSes prior to "the internet". Started with mailed checks, then things like X.com came along, and eventually PayPal. Things change - you adjust/adapt. Simple.
BTW: anyone who really hates these 'delays' with eBay payments should definitely move their entire catalog to Amazon. Like right now, tonight. Just whoosh it all over there. Cuz they pay out twice a month, not daily or weekly, and there are requirements regarding which cleared payments they will release to you. And if they decide to remove you from the site - they do... but not your pending payments. That they keep. One of my clients lost close to $50K when Amazon closed their account.....over a false claim by a Chinese company claiming Copyright Infringement on product they purchased from the company in the first place! Seems the Chinese firm went after EVERYONE who had sold their product in the last ?? months -- sued them all. That was pre-pandemic -- not sure it's been resolved yet.
So yeah... if you don't care for eBay's 'delays', please go play in Amazon's pool. It's all "deep end" and they just love tossing you anchors.
09-08-2021 12:37 AM
@saulovermansurvival wrote:Think about this Ebay Sellers, You are now getting paid SLOWER than the days when people sent money order in the snail mail.
I've been around long enough to remember accepting checks in the mail to pay for ebay purchases.
No, we don't we don't get paid slower now.
09-08-2021 10:15 AM
@inhawaii wrote:
@saulovermansurvival wrote:Think about this Ebay Sellers, You are now getting paid SLOWER than the days when people sent money order in the snail mail.
I've been around long enough to remember accepting checks in the mail to pay for ebay purchases.
No, we don't we don't get paid slower now.
I remember getting a check in the mail for an eBay sale.
Talk about slow. Had to wait for it to arrive. Had to wait for it to get back to the buyer. Had to wait for them to send an accepted form of payment.
My listings very clearly stated that the only form of "paper" payment was a USPS money order, and that absolutely no checks would be accepted. Buyer, a college professor (or so he professed to be) was appalled that I would not accept his personal check.
Exception to the paper payment noted above. I did accept the green papers with denominations on them that added up to the required amount. Had a few pay that way.
09-08-2021 10:22 AM
There is another seller 10 minutes from me. He claims that ebay is ripping him off with an "extra" tax amt they collect. So go figure that one out . I don't have a problem with payout on ebay and my account may be different so I am not sure about your situation.