04-23-2019 08:52 PM
Ebay marketplace sales for the 1st qtr was down 1% and Marketplace GMV Down 4%, but yet ebay grew active buyers by 4% across all platforms for a total of 180 million active buyers? Guess they are not buying. Ebay claims 800,000 sellers are using Promoted listings and they took in 65 million dollars on Promoted Listings alone a 110% increase year over year.
04-24-2019 06:14 AM
@slati_2013 wrote:Seems all their growth and money is coming from Promoted Listings and advertisements they run on eBay. The problem is those advertisements undercut their own sellers, while the Promoted Listings is just another way to increase their FVF. It seems now if you want to sell, Promoted Listings or running ads is the way to go.
eBay's profits are coming from much more than Promoted Listings and ads ... it is multi-faceted, and clearly eBay's focus over the last year is figuring out new ways to squeeze profits from the existing platform rather than growing the platform (like other selling sites)
I wrote this in another thread:
Over the last year, eBay has done many things to increase their profits:
Whew. And that's all I can think of off the top of my head ... and I'm pretty sure this is all in the last 12 months (maybe 18 months). As you can imagine, eBay is milking seller's profits in order to increase their own profits. With this strategy, eBay doesn't need for the platform to increase sales in order for profits to increase - they simply are taking a larger portion of the seller's profits.
04-24-2019 06:21 AM
@ekmadonna wrote:the article stated they grew buyers by 4% in the 1st qtr this year not the 4th qtr.
Yes, I understood that. I compared the first quarter TO the fourth quarter because you could not see how you could have an increase of buyers yet a loss of sales, and I explained that that was how you could do it. Greater sales in the fourth quarter, thus even with a gain of buyers, you could show a loss of sales.
04-24-2019 06:22 AM
@gracieallen01 wrote:Of course, even with 'grew' a 4% increase in buyers in the 1st, that doesn't mean that they didn't have decrease in established buyers making purchases.
It seems to be all in the way the numbers are presented.
That was part of my point as well. Thank you.
04-24-2019 07:11 AM
you can bet your life that those numbers will not be posted anywhere, they will be locked away in a vault.
04-24-2019 09:33 AM
Gotta love "creative" bookkeeping.