So, I just got an EBay push message on my phone and it's outright fraud in my opinion.
"Just for you, 74% of packing supplies!" It links to a listing for 100 8x6x4 Caardboard Boxes for 37.99 was $150.
The issue is I JUST ordered boxes and I SAW THIS EXACT LISTING FROM THIS SELLER last week and the price was NOT $150! This is one of the larger box sellers on eBay.
I don't remember the exact price, but I always search by lowest price so if I saw it, it was under $50. This is the type of listing that we were told was the reason for the recent "no markdowns for 14 days after a listing change" policy.
It's straight up fraud. To add insult to injury, the "Similar Sponsored Items" show 2 other sellers with the exact same box and quantity for LESS that the promoted sellers "discounted" price!
This type of "promotion" contributes to buyers writing eBay off as a place to get ripped off, not get a bargain. If your going to push out a "special" deal, make sure it's a legitmate "deal" and not some false "discount".
Member of the Grumpy Old Man crew