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I mean seriously you want us to sell on your platform while you're pulling this?

Message 1 of 470
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469 REPLIES 469


@nc-daydreamer wrote:

@city*satins wrote:

Preserved fetal pigs are commonly bought as instructional tools on anatomy.  There are some companies who offer this, usually preserved in formalin, and the price is typically about $13 each up to $450 or thereabouts for a bucket of 50.


Source is typically slaughterhouses.


It's a big business.

A business that is beyond my ability to understand or appreciate. Thanks for the details - I really had no idea.

Just as a data point, fetal pig dissection was one of the major lab projects we did in Junior year high school Biology class. Each pair of students received one fetal pig to disassemble over the course of a couple weeks or so, with tasks to find and identify major components along the way. This being an era when the TV show "Green Acres" was still showing in reruns, about half the pigs in the class were named Arnold Ziffel. 

Message 241 of 470
latest reply


@a_c_green wrote:

Just as a data point, fetal pig dissection was one of the major lab projects we did in Junior year high school Biology class. Each pair of students received one fetal pig to disassemble over the course of a couple weeks or so, with tasks to find and identify major components along the way. This being an era when the TV show "Green Acres" was still showing in reruns, about half the pigs in the class were named Arnold Ziffel. 

@a_c_green  in my high school biology class we got frozen squid to dissect.....and then the teacher had us fry 'em up and eat 'em. Still cannot stand calamari to this day and I blame it all on that teacher. 😂

Message 242 of 470
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@mam98031 wrote:

@nc-daydreamer wrote:

@mam98031 wrote:

@nc-daydreamer wrote:

@prettywoman-2012 wrote:

@nc-daydreamer wrote:

Being that those indited are supposedly "intelligent", did it never cross their minds that this targeted couple would 'fight-back'? Were they expecting this educated couple to just to assume that since they lived in MA and across the country from CA, that they should just roll-over and accept being targeted like this - that nothing was ever going to come of this childish behavior? I am amazed.


Did the 6 (or 8 as it may turn out) really believe they were doing nothing more than defending their employer? Sick and evil in my opinion.  Since I just lost my spouse, I feel the book to be the worst action. That is tantamount to a threat of murder in my opinion. Cruel.


So sorry to hear that. Please accept my deepest sympathies.

PW 🐿

Thank you. April 9th; suddenly and without warning, he went into emergency brain surgery - then May 8th, he passed on; just barely 58 years young. 20+ years of marriage.


It has been hard, I cry everyday, I am not sleeping or eating well - but I've discovered I have a few good friends here on the boards whom I have never physically met, who have helped and blessed me more than they will ever know - and I am grateful. In fact, these dear, kind spirits have been more helpful than close-by relatives and so-called friends have.


I will never 'get over it' , but with some help and encouragement from those who care, I am sure I will eventually 'get through it'. Faith in God also helps a lot. 


Thanks again.

Hello again, 


It is good to see you out and about the threads.  I keep meaning to say something but so much as been going on around here I just didn't.  Sorry about that.  But I really should have checked in on you sooner.  I think of you often.  


I do hope you will start taking better care of yourself very soon.  I know it is hard because he was your world.  I get that.  But you know he wouldn't want this.  He would want you to be OK.  So do it for him.  Sounds corny I know, but you know its true.



Thank you for the thoughts, prayers and... (well you know 🙂 ) Indeed it is a slow day-by-day process. And yes, you are right, Greg would not be happy with my reaction. Not 'corny' at all.  And agreed, getting back to the boards is therapeutic.


I am just so shocked and dismayed at this whole topic is what I come back to. I recall at the time of Wenig's departure, a lot of speculation went on as to why - but never in a lifetime would this be imagined as part of the reason. I recall his opening remarks on stage (via the video) at the OPEN, just before this situation happened. Sigh... 

I 100% agree.  On all points.


A couple things to remember.  Think of what Greg would want for you and make that your goal.


On the business side, remember while this is a horrific story carried out by some really STUPID [I rarely use that word] people it likely 6-8 people out of over 14,000 employees and does not mean this is common practice at Ebay.  Imaginations are running wild on the threads and understandably so as we aren't likely to get anymore details until the court cases at least start. 


While I know many are holding it against Ebay for not releasing more information, that is simply unrealistic and not the preferred way our justice system works.  Ecommercebytes is likely to have more details too but they aren't releasing any of that either.  There is a reason for that.  These cases are going to be tried in a court of law not a court of public opinion.  It is NORMAL for the FBI and Prosecutors to ask those involved to not speak of this publicly as it may endanger the cases against those indicted and possibly further indictments.  


Ebay was swift it firing all these people involved.  Some are also concerned why that wasn't announced and are holding that too against Ebay.  But it goes right back to what I said in the above paragraph and Ebay was likely asked NOT to speak to any particulars as to why these employees were fired.  Heck there may even be a gag order, IDK.  But it is NORMAL for NEITHER SIDE to speak about the details at this point.


But the concern over why these people did this and went to such lengths is understandable and warranted as their actions have absolutely no valid explanation.  Just stupidity plain and simple.  And criminal!!!



I am trying, really I am. Thanks fr the kindness and encouragement. 🙂


I'd say the word "STUPID" is too nice for the jerks who got caught. I understand your point, and it is right - but now I fully get the meaning of the cliche 'it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bushel'. I hope eBay does not fall prey to the mindset that everyone involved in the company is evil. But if I were an eBay employee, especially one with a rank, I'd certainly be feeling pressure, anxiety and embarrassment. 


I also understand court "gag" orders (I figure there was one) and they were not able to say anything without running the risk of contaminating/corrupting evidence. The wrong thing said or done means these 6-8-+ might get off the charges and walk away. I really hope that most people understand this concept. 


Indeed the values and integrity of these criminals is scary to say the least.  I hope they find God - soon. And that Ina and Dave find some peace and security. They have a long road to travel I fear. 


Thanks again for your support in my time of need. Have a blessed day.


I am a founding member of the eBay Community Expert Group: a USA volunteer mentor with over a decade of experience. I am not an eBay employee.

Live simply. Care deeply. Love generously. Speak kindly. Laugh loudly. Act responsibly. Rejoice daily. Help cheerfully. Plan carefully. Criticize sparingly. Invest wisely. Forgive willingly. Shop seriously. Play fairly. Learn graciously.
Message 243 of 470
latest reply


@thenobletuckylife wrote:

My heart is heavy for you... I can't imagine life without Mrs C.


Sending my most tender thoughts of comfort for you.


So at a loss for words.


Mr C

Indeed, this is harder than when I lost my Grandparents or even my parents.  And I've lost 2 friends within the past  year. And I have a paraplegic brother who just went in the hospital again yesterday - his prognosis is not good. And to lose my best friend - my husband - has been overwhelming.


Not only emotional but all the legal issues that have surprised me.  I know it is hard, but please (I advise everyone) take the time to sit down with the Mrs and a lawyer and get a living trust done and a medical authorization done - don't be caught by surprise.  Make sure you have all your websites, passwords and logins - on paper.  (I had to fight to make the car payment - and the title change to that is pending - I may lose it) I know Greg and I never imagined this time would come - especially so soon. We  had a meeting scheduled to get our 'house in order' a week after he had his 'event'. So we never had the chance.


So yes, I agree - cherish the Mrs while you have the time. I hope you and your family many blessings. And thanks again for the kind words and thoughts. 


Stay safe and well, ~Wanda

I am a founding member of the eBay Community Expert Group: a USA volunteer mentor with over a decade of experience. I am not an eBay employee.

Live simply. Care deeply. Love generously. Speak kindly. Laugh loudly. Act responsibly. Rejoice daily. Help cheerfully. Plan carefully. Criticize sparingly. Invest wisely. Forgive willingly. Shop seriously. Play fairly. Learn graciously.
Message 244 of 470
latest reply


@valueaddedresource wrote:




How long has this port-scanning thingy been going on? Apparently, it affects both buyers and sellers, and even visitors...who are not logged in at all. Only for our protection, of course.


@prettywoman-2012  - the port scanning story came out in late May.  It appears to be part of LexisNexis Risk Solutions anti-fraud tool, and I believe may be part of eBay's efforts to combat the massive amounts of accounts being compromised and used for fraud.


To be clear, I think that this is actually a good thing, but in typical fashion their execution was poor.  It shows they are at least attempting to do something about the compromised account issue (good) but because they weren't transparent about it, it comes off as creepy and over-reaching, especially now in light of the cyber stalking. 


I think it is important to have a discussion about the ethical implications of the port scanning and the way it was implemented, but it's also important to understand why it is being done, what kinds of information it gives them access to, and what is done with that information.

Hello @valueaddedresource 

Thank you for reiterating what the articles about port scanning already said, and I must admit, I did not fully read it and also have been on the edge, so to speak, too jumpy because of everything else I have been reading these part few days. So, I have two questions:


(1) If port scanning is, first and foremost, to protect us from fraud (in a way a Mother would tell her child, "It is GOOD for you, it is medicine, my darling, so swallow it"), how does the average human being (= whose expertise is not in computer science or programming) know when it was used for the other, not so noble data collection purposes the article also mentions it can be used for?

Quote from the article:


"Port scanners are used by penetration testers to find weaknesses that can be exploited. They are used by cyber criminals and hackers for the same reason."


(2) My second question is this: If this port scanning activity is as harmless as eBay makes one believe - and which seems to overlap with your opinion - then eBay would probably not mind it when someone would direct some port-scanners towards its own ports, correct? After all, some entities may just decide that, in eBay's best interest, it needs to be protected against Cyber space threats, so nothing to worry about for eBay, right? So should the FBI, the CIA or other gov. entity use port scanners on eBay - especially, unannounced - eBay would do nothing to detect and disable port scanners because eBay's programmers would just thing, "it is to keep us safe from all harm?"


Have a nice day



Message 245 of 470
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thing = think

not enough time to edit

Message 246 of 470
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Ebay is in big trouble. I hope they get put out of business. They all deserve to go to jail . Nothing more than executive thieves. I would love to see Antifa take that building down. 

Message 247 of 470
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James Baugh was director of safety and security, yet he does this kind of childish behavior. I hope he goes to prison forever. A real piece of **bleep**.

Message 248 of 470
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@moondogblues wrote:
"I appreciate that @moondogblues - very much. This is a pain I'd not wish on anyone. I need all the hugs and blessings I can get. Thank you. I wish you blessings and hug too."

That's sweet of you, especially when you are hurting. This is a really bad time for the whole world, and I feel that the more we can be nice to everyone, the better. My hubs and I are going on three months of lockdown. I saw it coming (I read a LOT) and we made two last trips to town in Feb...everything else we now get by mail.

One exception was our lil dog Livvie, had to have her nails clipped. We tried to do it ourselves but it was impossible, so hubs took her to our groomer. He wore a mask, everyone stayed away from everyone else. All was fine...and then he got really brave and Safeway was right next door, so, mmmmm, he brought home fresh milk, and bread and eggs. Reminded me so much of one of my fave songs..."you never know what you've got til it's gone". Big Yellow Taxi.

Feeling very lost lately because we are musicians...all our gigs are gone. We still practice guitar and keyboard but I haven't sung in 3 months. Sorry, I guess I'm on a bit of a pity party. At almost 70 it's not like we were going to be on The Voice anytime it is what it is. Blessings on us all.

Thanks again for the kindness.


A pro musician? Cool.  One of my brothers was/is too. I can honestly imagine your frustration - as performing is in your DNA.  If you have a home studio or a garage where the band can practice, try filming a song or two and post on YouTube. The exposure should help keep you active somewhat, so I would think.  And put some 'fun' back into your lives.  Good luck.


I know this pandemic has been hard (on everyone) - but at least this lack of work qualifies you for the relief program. I had no such side/unemployment hustle to claim. So I don't qualify for such. So with Greg's passing, my income went with him.


I am very jealous and proud of those who have a talent for music. I can't carry a tune in a wheelbarrow with a lid on it.  I am so bad that people in church give me the 'stink eye' to just shut up singing... lol.


I wish you well. Stay safe. And my best to Livvie too.


I am a founding member of the eBay Community Expert Group: a USA volunteer mentor with over a decade of experience. I am not an eBay employee.

Live simply. Care deeply. Love generously. Speak kindly. Laugh loudly. Act responsibly. Rejoice daily. Help cheerfully. Plan carefully. Criticize sparingly. Invest wisely. Forgive willingly. Shop seriously. Play fairly. Learn graciously.
Message 249 of 470
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@bar-29368 wrote:



Lots of hugs just because.


There are no words to ease the pain, but if I could find them I would.

Thank you for the sweet thoughts and hugs. It means a lot. 🙂 

Be blessed and stay safe. ~Wanda

I am a founding member of the eBay Community Expert Group: a USA volunteer mentor with over a decade of experience. I am not an eBay employee.

Live simply. Care deeply. Love generously. Speak kindly. Laugh loudly. Act responsibly. Rejoice daily. Help cheerfully. Plan carefully. Criticize sparingly. Invest wisely. Forgive willingly. Shop seriously. Play fairly. Learn graciously.
Message 250 of 470
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@valueaddedresource wrote:

@valueaddedresource wrote:

@maros9416 wrote:
Their departments were in charge of facility, worker, and event security. They were not the same people going after scammers or fraud, unless it was a threat to the company.

@maros9416  - that's a fair point and thanks for the clarification.  I understand those specific individuals were involved more in physical security of facilities and workers, not fraud.


However, what they did reflects the priorities of some of the highest executives at eBay, so I still don't think it is out of line to say that the "perceived threat" of critical comments being posted on a blog was obviously of higher importance than the very real threat of fraud and scammers on the platform.

It would appear their department was under the purview of Wendy Jones.


"The eBay security team that allegedly carried out the crimes reported up to Wendy Jones, the company’s current senior vice president of global customer experience and operations, Recode has learned. "


I have to wonder how these sort of things could be happening fairly high up in one of her departments without her knowledge.  🤔

If I recall correctly, was she not on stage at the OPEN? Might have to search the videos for that - but I believe she had an active part in it.  Interesting.

I am a founding member of the eBay Community Expert Group: a USA volunteer mentor with over a decade of experience. I am not an eBay employee.

Live simply. Care deeply. Love generously. Speak kindly. Laugh loudly. Act responsibly. Rejoice daily. Help cheerfully. Plan carefully. Criticize sparingly. Invest wisely. Forgive willingly. Shop seriously. Play fairly. Learn graciously.
Message 251 of 470
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@a_c_green wrote:

@nc-daydreamer wrote:

@city*satins wrote:

Preserved fetal pigs are commonly bought as instructional tools on anatomy.  There are some companies who offer this, usually preserved in formalin, and the price is typically about $13 each up to $450 or thereabouts for a bucket of 50.


Source is typically slaughterhouses.


It's a big business.

A business that is beyond my ability to understand or appreciate. Thanks for the details - I really had no idea.

Just as a data point, fetal pig dissection was one of the major lab projects we did in Junior year high school Biology class. Each pair of students received one fetal pig to disassemble over the course of a couple weeks or so, with tasks to find and identify major components along the way. This being an era when the TV show "Green Acres" was still showing in reruns, about half the pigs in the class were named Arnold Ziffel. 

I recall acing Biology class itself - but I failed miserably when it came to the lab. Just could not do it. That is why I could never handle nursing or anything like that. Those who enjoyed it probably became doctors (people or animal) at some point.  I had not associated the pig fetus with such as this before - but it is a good point to bring up. Thanks.

I am a founding member of the eBay Community Expert Group: a USA volunteer mentor with over a decade of experience. I am not an eBay employee.

Live simply. Care deeply. Love generously. Speak kindly. Laugh loudly. Act responsibly. Rejoice daily. Help cheerfully. Plan carefully. Criticize sparingly. Invest wisely. Forgive willingly. Shop seriously. Play fairly. Learn graciously.
Message 252 of 470
latest reply


Hello @valueaddedresource 

Thank you for reiterating what the articles about port scanning already said, and I must admit, I did not fully read it and also have been on the edge, so to speak, too jumpy because of everything else I have been reading these part few days. So, I have two questions:


(1) If port scanning is, first and foremost, to protect us from fraud (in a way a Mother would tell her child, "It is GOOD for you, it is medicine, my darling, so swallow it"), how does the average human being (= whose expertise is not in computer science or programming) know when it was used for the other, not so noble data collection purposes the article also mentions it can be used for?

Quote from the article:


"Port scanners are used by penetration testers to find weaknesses that can be exploited. They are used by cyber criminals and hackers for the same reason."


(2) My second question is this: If this port scanning activity is as harmless as eBay makes one believe - and which seems to overlap with your opinion - then eBay would probably not mind it when someone would direct some port-scanners towards its own ports, correct? After all, some entities may just decide that, in eBay's best interest, it needs to be protected against Cyber space threats, so nothing to worry about for eBay, right? So should the FBI, the CIA or other gov. entity use port scanners on eBay - especially, unannounced - eBay would do nothing to detect and disable port scanners because eBay's programmers would just thing, "it is to keep us safe from all harm?"


Have a nice day



@prettywoman-2012  - you bring up fair points, and a lot of the same points that I consider to be fair criticism that was leveled when the news about the port scanning first dropped a month ago.   I think eBay definitely should be called out when their lack of transparency or poor execution causes users to lose trust in the platform.


As far as it being harmless, as you pointed out, it depends on who is doing it, how it is being done, and for what purpose (eBay is not the only site that does this by the way).  After looking at what it actually is, what data it allows access to, the 3rd party being engaged by eBay and why it is being done, I don't personally feel it puts me at great risk - but that is something I would encourage everyone to research and decide for themselves and I totally understand if others come to different conclusions than I have.


Again, I am not defending how eBay handled this.  I just think in light of the crazy cyber stalking story it is easy to be suspicious of things and I would just hate to see the baby be thrown out with the bathwater so to speak.


They have clearly done massive damage to their brand and reputation, which started long before this incident, and it will take a huge effort to even begin to correct that.  So I don't begrudge anyone who has a hard time trusting eBay with anything at this point.


I can only speak for myself, but with the recent increase of accounts being hijacked and used for fraud, I welcome efforts toward beefing up security and fighting fraud - even if at the same time I wish they would be more transparent and open about it.

Message 253 of 470
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@valueaddedresource wrote:

Hello @valueaddedresource 

Thank you for reiterating what the articles about port scanning already said, and I must admit, I did not fully read it and also have been on the edge, so to speak, too jumpy because of everything else I have been reading these part few days. So, I have two questions:


(1) If port scanning is, first and foremost, to protect us from fraud (in a way a Mother would tell her child, "It is GOOD for you, it is medicine, my darling, so swallow it"), how does the average human being (= whose expertise is not in computer science or programming) know when it was used for the other, not so noble data collection purposes the article also mentions it can be used for?

Quote from the article:


"Port scanners are used by penetration testers to find weaknesses that can be exploited. They are used by cyber criminals and hackers for the same reason."


(2) My second question is this: If this port scanning activity is as harmless as eBay makes one believe - and which seems to overlap with your opinion - then eBay would probably not mind it when someone would direct some port-scanners towards its own ports, correct? After all, some entities may just decide that, in eBay's best interest, it needs to be protected against Cyber space threats, so nothing to worry about for eBay, right? So should the FBI, the CIA or other gov. entity use port scanners on eBay - especially, unannounced - eBay would do nothing to detect and disable port scanners because eBay's programmers would just thing, "it is to keep us safe from all harm?"


Have a nice day



@prettywoman-2012  - you bring up fair points, and a lot of the same points that I consider to be fair criticism that was leveled when the news about the port scanning first dropped a month ago.   I think eBay definitely should be called out when their lack of transparency or poor execution causes users to lose trust in the platform.


As far as it being harmless, as you pointed out, it depends on who is doing it, how it is being done, and for what purpose (eBay is not the only site that does this by the way).  After looking at what it actually is, what data it allows access to, the 3rd party being engaged by eBay and why it is being done, I don't personally feel it puts me at great risk - but that is something I would encourage everyone to research and decide for themselves and I totally understand if others come to different conclusions than I have.


Again, I am not defending how eBay handled this.  I just think in light of the crazy cyber stalking story it is easy to be suspicious of things and I would just hate to see the baby be thrown out with the bathwater so to speak.


They have clearly done massive damage to their brand and reputation, which started long before this incident, and it will take a huge effort to even begin to correct that.  So I don't begrudge anyone who has a hard time trusting eBay with anything at this point.


I can only speak for myself, but with the recent increase of accounts being hijacked and used for fraud, I welcome efforts toward beefing up security and fighting fraud - even if at the same time I wish they would be more transparent and open about it.

Thank you for clarifying your viewpoint on these things. I posted another response for you on the main thread this port scanning is currently being discussed, and having just now read this post by you, I can see that what you are saying on both threads is kind of, similar.


The issue, though, is not whether someone has any reason to hide his or her online activities. I think it is safe to assume that the vast majority of people are not using their computer for illegal or criminal purposes, they do not stalk others or collect pornography and join terrorist organizations, or do other horrible things - so it is not a question whether they have anything to hide, rather, similar to one's phones or emails being hacked, it is about intrusion into privacy.


With a concrete and relevant example: A person who is selling elsewhere, other than eBay, for example, may not necessarily want eBay to know where else he is selling (which the port scanner, if I get this right, can determine from the downloaded APP for say, mercari or Tradesy, or Etsy, etc.). From the port scanning, eBay (or its 3d party servicer) can collect data regarding the person's prescriptions hence know what type of illness that seller or buyer has, simply because that person visiting eBay is using an APP for, say, blood sugar monitoring.


I could go on and on. The issue at hand is not that eBay is trying to keep us safe by automatically assuming all of us could pose a potential threat to other users, if not willfully, then maybe through an APP that a villain may have placed in the disguise of an APP - on our computer. These would be good purposes. The issue, as I see it, is that unless I give explicit permission to eBay or another entity to regularly "scan my ports", such activity is unethical, and at least in some U.S. States (e.g. California, as posted by Southern*Sweet*Tea on the other thread) outright criminal.


Plus, eBay is not knowledgeable to the fact whether or not someone already has sufficient safety measures in place to protect his electronic devices, thus rendering eBay's helicopter parenting and port scanning unnecessary - so to apply such treatment as blanket procedure valid for everyone logging in or even just occasionally visiting eBay pages without logging in, is unjustifiable. That person never gave permission to eBay to do these things, nor is there any log-in activity or attempt that would justify the scanning of that visitor's computer ports. 


Some other questions also remain. For example, if someone would close all eBay accounts he or she has, how long after that is the port-scanning going to continue?

And I have to wonder, where is all the data stored, who else has access to it, and what purposes it can be used.


Have a nice day



Message 254 of 470
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I heard at the barber shop this morning that ebay has teams of assassins (extermination squads) on staff to travel the world "rubbing out" people who dis them.


I said to the barber, "I haven't heard that specifically but it certainly sounds like something ebay might do.  I'd expect gulags might also be a possibility.  The whiners grabbed off the street and sent to Ebay re-education camps where they might be converted back into loyal and trusted Party comrades."

Message 255 of 470
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