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EBAY Sales

Is it just me or is EBAY Sales Dead ?

Message 1 of 67
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Re: EBAY Sales

Our sales are down and we have noticed a lot of other sellers posting that they are way down too.  Best regards

Message 2 of 67
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Re: EBAY Sales

Sales are really terrible. I have not seen sales this bad in almost fifteen years on this venue. Time to start looking at other sites to sell on.


Maybe my sales are bad because I won't play their game and jump through the hoops any more. Their recommended price on items is just plain stupidity. One of my items says I should list it for $2.00 over my cost. If I did that I would lose $$$. What are they thinking?


Sales were doing fine until all this seller update garbage in June. Now it is a mess.


Good Luck everyone.

Message 3 of 67
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Re: EBAY Sales

its the worst its ever been on here. I just dont think buyers like to buy here as much anymore. I know i dont. , Too many chinese sellers on here that dominate the search and they do not have to jump through the hoops we do 😞 People use to come here to find the unique and cool now they get the mass produced!

Message 4 of 67
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Re: EBAY Sales

I've been selling on eBay for 20 years and 2018 is absolutely dead. I guess all those years of driving away sellers of interesting things are finally showing results.

Message 5 of 67
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Re: EBAY Sales

Closed both my stores in early 2018 and added two accounts - so my total listings are down.   April was the first month all the store lstings dropped off.   Overall compared to prior years with stores - April sales were normal, May were up, June down, July up,  and so far August is running normal.   The test for me will be Sept thru Nov. 


What my numbers have told me is that relisted item sales have been sinking - my sales used to be roughly 60% relists (using sell similar not relist) - 40% new listings.  That has flipped in 2018 - so I have been spending this month combining a number of my older listings into lots of 2-4 items for the fall.   


Now whether ebay's search engine or policy changes have impacted my sales (I still list a no return policy and only use free shipping for media mail items) - I have no clue, but I have not experienced the huge drop in sales others have reported here.   


At the same time, I do know that my personal online shopping has been practically non-existent since Christmas.  I can find much of what I want or need locally, and it gets me out of the house and walking more as well.   Besides after buying a new fridge, replacing the brakes on the car and the a/c system in the house - discretionary funds are low.   



Message 6 of 67
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Re: EBAY Sales


I have tried lowing prices, free shipping, and adding a variety of other categories all to no avail:(

However, there is another way to see this, and that is if sellers are not making money they are not buying either. At one time, sellers were strong buyers too.

If I am not making money than I am not spending it! Therefore, that results in hurting sales for other sellers.

Whatever goes around comes around...

Message 7 of 67
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Re: EBAY Sales

kathie - it does seem Ebay knows when an item has already been listed - be it relisted or using sell similar. I'm adjusting titles now - letting items sit for 30 days before relisting and taking new pics and doing completely new listings om previous listed items. My sales have finally taken off this week - but will it last?

Message 8 of 67
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Re: EBAY Sales

@laserpartshq wrote:

Is it just me or is EBAY Sales Dead ?

It's NOT just you!  You are not alone my friend.  Good luck to us.

Message 9 of 67
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Re: EBAY Sales

I have also wondered about *sell similar* being too similar to what is already being sold like duplication?

Unfortunately, with the clothing line I sell the redundant Free People names are import for buyer who search for those names.

My vintage items I do use original titles and pictures.

What category do you sell in?

Message 10 of 67
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Re: EBAY Sales

Maybe we should ask the White House for help ?  lol

Message 11 of 67
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Re: EBAY Sales

Some of the blame needs to be put on dishonest sellers who down right lie in their listings and have one stock photo up and figure that is all you get.


I was looking yesterday for a pair of diamond studs for my daughter for her birthday.


Clicked on diamond, then earrings.  Put in my blocks that I wanted real mine diamonds, and natural.


Wasted an hour clicking on listings that when you get way to the bottom of the description, they are CZ and enhanced.  Yet natural diamond is right in the title.  And I asked a couple sellers to send me photos as you cannot buy diamond earrings with one stock photo.  That was Thursday, this is Tuesday and nothing.


Well if you are an honest seller out there, I am sorry I missed you because I ended up giving up and will buy them locally.


My daughter is moving into a new apartment.  Went on ebay and left for Amazon.


Same with my son when he was looking for a particular Christmas decoration last year.  Waded through mile long TOSs, store history, etc to come to a 3 word description that told him nothing about the product.


Left and went to Amazon.


People who are encountering this are not staying long enough to see what honest sellers are listing.  They are leaving for other venues.


Ebay needs to eliminate stock photos.  Buyers hate them.  I want to see the actual item.


Ebay needs to get rid of drop shippers and limit how many items one seller can have under all his listings.  Then maybe all of us will have a chance to be seen.


And ebay needs to get tough with sellers who continually violate the category they put their items in and to downright lie in their titles tofalsely get people to click on them.


Because even us old timers are giving up on ebay.

Message 12 of 67
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Re: EBAY Sales

Have you ever tried to report an item ? you can't. There are three levels, when you get to the 3rd one, it has nothing to do with the first 2 levels.


If you manage to get thru the 3 levels, EBAY we'll take care of it, but they never allow you to describe the problem. In other words, EBAY doesn't want to know

Message 13 of 67
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Re: EBAY Sales

Sales for us are way up for the past month.  Over 50% but we have specific products that should be sellling right now, and will for the next 5 months so I am glad they are.  It also tells me our listings are set up correctly on eBay.


It gives me confidence in my purchase orders that I am on target and will prepare for success based on this two week start to my selling season.


Good Luck Selling!






Message 14 of 67
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Re: EBAY Sales

I have reported items until my finger turned blue.


When the fine jewelry categories were updated back in May 2016, I believe, I even repoted them to Alan, per his instructions to me.


Very little was done and sellers knew it.  They just went back to their dishonest listings because they knew ebay was not enforcing it.

Message 15 of 67
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