03-06-2021 09:07 AM
If Ebay starts banning books such as Dr. Seuss - then they have crossed the line. I am not sure how their scrubbing process works since I still see these books available to buy on Ebay as of today 3-6-21.
If they go through with this - I will happily look for alternatives to the Ebay platform.
Hopefully with the rise of Blockchain technology and decentralized platforms - Ebay will be a thing of the past...
Even the mere consideration of Ebay doing this is frightening enough to cancel my account with Ebay.
I hope they will recant and make a formal apology and remove the board members and/or administrators who have been pushing this agenda. That is the only thing that will appease my concerns...
03-06-2021 09:14 AM
Dr. Seuss! Dr. Seuss! They've tightened the noose! Buying today means you'll let some cash loose! 🙄
03-06-2021 09:19 AM
Looks like you have feedback for one transaction in the past 12 months.
Since you mentioned wanting to cancel your account, here's a good eBay help page that explains that process:
03-06-2021 11:03 AM
03-06-2021 11:18 AM
You have no real argument with brp777, so you resort to judging him by his numbers on ebay? If that is your criteria, then you cannot disagree with me since my feedback score is 133 points higher than yours.
03-06-2021 11:31 AM
Alright, well I received 37 feedbacks more than you did. Can we disagree then?
Some books are still listed because they haven't been pulled yet, just like thousands of other prohibited items (and I have seen everything from Class A narcotics, to counterfeit luxury goods, to actual fully functional firearms). Feel free to report them.
Not all Dr. Seuss books are banned, just those that present hurtful racial stereotypes. Maybe you like displaying images of black people depicted as monkeys in your house but eBay don't. Their house, their rules.
OP is welcome to go look for other platforms to sell on, that's the beauty of free enterprise.
Personally, I don't believe crypto will take ever take over, it's too volatile and not convenient at all.
Like I said already, glad to hear the racists are frightened for a change. If they want to cancel their account, that's all right with me. Everything that can help me from giving money to racists is a-ok in my book.
I'd bet a $1000 that eBay won't recant and/or issue a formal apology. They have no reason to. And I hope they elect more board members that use their power as corporations to make the world a better place for EVERYONE.
03-06-2021 11:35 AM - edited 03-06-2021 11:36 AM
Just because someone has or doesn't have big numbers behind his/her eBay Id, doesn't make his comment right or wrong. People can have more than one eBay ID. There is no reason to belittle someone's post. If you don't like what people post don't read them.
03-06-2021 12:32 PM
You have just proven the point. Ebay is prohibiting items based upon their mean-spirited politics, not any concern for safety or offensiveness.
03-06-2021 12:33 PM
How is anti-racism mean spirited politics?
03-06-2021 04:34 PM
If you open your mind you will see that the Left survives on their own racism.
03-06-2021 07:21 PM
I also am canceling my Ebay account since they choose to participate in the cancel culture. Freedom to buy is what makes America great. This is what I would expect in a communist country.
03-07-2021 10:23 AM
Just a reminder that ebay is NOT your friend! Those who burn books will soon burn peoplea and people/entities like eBay are how the holocaust happened in the first place. If the idiots of the left made mass murder of jews popular next week, ebay would support it in heartbeat to try to make a buck off it. BEWARE of anti freedom collectivists promising you utopian fantasies in trade for your obedience and freedom. Books are important. Choice is critical. And those who would gladly harm you to "protect" you are in no no ways moral people.