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Did eBay take Sunday and Monday off?

Anyone else notice a huge drop in sales yesterday and today?

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Did eBay take Sunday and Monday off?

I did 12 days in a row with at least one sale through April 1, then it tailed off a bit, although they seem to come in bunches, several the 5th, several the 6th, several the 12th.  

I consider myself lucky, I can knock a big dent in my bills for April and May and go into July with smaller swings even if I sell nothing between now and then.  

Message 2 of 29
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Did eBay take Sunday and Monday off?

Thanks. I'm the only one of the 4 of us working right now but I will enjoy the little break. Maybe it means other people are getting better views of their items, or better yet, that things will be getting back to normal soon. I'll take lower sales for that 🙂
Message 3 of 29
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Did eBay take Sunday and Monday off?

Sunday, yes, but today is only 8 or so hours old here yet.


And remember Sunday was Easter Sunday.

Message 4 of 29
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Did eBay take Sunday and Monday off?

@twinzmom0000 wrote:

Anyone else notice a huge drop in sales yesterday and today?

Not unanticipated

Declining sales are a steady feature on ebay for manny sellers.

Message 5 of 29
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Did eBay take Sunday and Monday off?

Did eBay take Sunday and Monday off?




All buyers across the world bought nothing yesterday, except from me.


Message 6 of 29
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Did eBay take Sunday and Monday off?

Wasn't yesterday Easter?


Message 7 of 29
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Did eBay take Sunday and Monday off?

Saturday and Sunday were about 48% and 51% (respectively) above sales for this same comparable weekend last year for me.


Monday so far has been quite, but it's only noon for me at the time of this post. 


So no, I don't believe eBay 'took the weekend off'. 🙂

Message 8 of 29
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Did eBay take Sunday and Monday off?

Getting A LOT f views on new listings.  People are out there; window shopping, apparently.   Good luck & stay safe.    🙂

Message 9 of 29
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Did eBay take Sunday and Monday off?

True, but people were home more than they normally are on Easter. I usually don't see this kind of sudden slow down, even on holidays. Thanksgiving and Christmas are 2 of my busiest days of the year
Message 10 of 29
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Did eBay take Sunday and Monday off?

I'm sure even though were home, they weren't feeling particularly festive given the social distancing keeping families apart.

Can't really fault them from feeling gloomy and not thinking about shopping online.
Message 11 of 29
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Did eBay take Sunday and Monday off?

What are these 'sales' you speak of?

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 12 of 29
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Did eBay take Sunday and Monday off?

It's when complete strangers give you money for your stuff.
Message 13 of 29
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Did eBay take Sunday and Monday off?

Lol! That’s funny! I was thinking the same thing!
Message 14 of 29
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Did eBay take Sunday and Monday off?

not really, actually I finally sold two things after days of nothing.
Message 15 of 29
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