02-04-2021 12:10 PM
I've noticed that many of my descriptions in my drafts have been disappearing after I save and go back to list the item. Ebay will have saved everything else except the description which will be blank. The problem seems to be getting worse rather than better. I've read through the boards to see if anyone has had this problem but the closest thing I see is people talking about complete drafts being deleted.
Anyone else experiencing this?
02-04-2021 01:10 PM
I have edited saved drafts and found the BIN price changed lower to what I had set it to and Global Shipping checked and when I saved the draft it was not checked.
I have not experienced the entire description disappearing.
02-04-2021 02:00 PM
I don't use drafts but I have noticed a few times when I was adding inventory to an out of stock item that the description did not show up on the revised listing.