Within the last two months, I have read numerous posts on decreased eBay sales. I have also been victim to this trend and I have tried the usual remedies of daily item listing and weekly price reduction. These tactics usually get me out of the non-selling mode but they have not worked recently.
When skimming through posts, I will occasionally see a seller mention that while their eBay sales have dropped, their sales on other platforms have been doing well or at least, they remain steady. I’d like to experiment with cross listing on Mercari amd Depop and my research has shown that Vendoo and List Perfectly are the most popular cross listing options. List perfectly seems to have the most favorable reviews.
I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share their experience with either of these cross listing platforms. I figure that if eBay won’t allow product visibility, it makes sense to explore other options. Thanks in advance for anyone willing to share their thoughts.