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Crazy buyer who sends dozens of messages now left me 3 negative feedback for blocking him

I had a buyer who sent me many messages DEMANDING that I tell him where I got my inventory(strange right?) I ignored him. 

Then he sent me 3 e-mails telling me he never received his slides. This was 4-6 weeks after I sent them. (but he never officially opened a case.) I had a feeling he was making it up, so I just ignored him

On advice from here I blocked him. He was MAAAAD!!! He told me to reinstate him or he would leave me negative feedback. 

Now today he has left me 3 negatives. What can I do? Will E-bay look at this? it is obviously vindictive. He emails me every couple days. I never even open the messages anymore, I just ignore him.  He is the craziest most unhinged person I have ever encountered in my life.

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Crazy buyer who sends dozens of messages now left me 3 negative feedback for blocking him

@train_slide_central wrote:

Are you fully complete with your transactions with this person?  Meaning they are refunded and all claims are closed.  I have found that the Seller Help screen is pretty useless for FB removal if everything isn't complete.


Yes, everything is complete and closed out. He never actually opened a case, he just made several false claims via email. I don't know why , but but that's what he did. I will try again to contact FB and see if someone will respond to me. I was just a bit overwhelmed with the trauma of it all last week.

Thanks for your help and input.

Have you looked at the FB this buyer leaves for others from their FB page?  You should do that before contacting Ebay again.  It can be very telling if they are doing this to others.  It can show if they have a history of abusing the FB system which is also a breach of the rules.


Dang I missed that.  So he never opened a claim.  


I am all about working with my customers without a claim being opened as I don't want the dings on my account.  So I typically like it when they don't open a claim and will work with them and even take returns and take good care of my customers.  But if I even have a hint that something isn't right, I advise them to open a claim in Ebay and we will move on from there.


It is possible that if your buyer didn't open any claims and wanted refunds in part or full, it could be that he couldn't open them because he has lost his rights to the MBG due to bad behavior on the site.  Ebay customer service will be able to tell that.  They may not tell you, but they can see it if this buyer has been sanctioned in any way for bad behavior.


But take a look at their FB left for others.  That could give you even more information.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
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Crazy buyer who sends dozens of messages now left me 3 negative feedback for blocking him

@train_slide_central wrote:

When and if I can talk to a live person, what should be the concise thing I should convey to them? What is the thing he violated that would qualify to have the negative feedback removed? 

Thanks I appreciate it.

Some of the things I see are they talk about late delivery.  Ebay is protecting sellers during the pandemic for late deliveries like this.


They speak of you blocking them from more purchasing and I think they aren't suppose to do that, but I'm not sure.


He says you refuse to respond to email, while I gave you a hard time about ignoring this buyer at times, you did respond.  It may not have been as much as the buyer would have liked, but you did respond.


He says he contacted Ebay and that is why his package arrived.  I have no idea what that is about.  Ebay has nothing to do with the delivery of a package.  How did he contact Ebay if he didn't open a claim.  Or did he try to open a claim and was denied.


Also looking at his FB for others can tell you if he has a history of this type of FB.  FB abuse is a strong argument to have FB removed.  Bring up the other ID or IDs you know about that he uses to buy with.  Check the FB left for others on those IDs too for signs of abuse.


Good Luck.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 47 of 48
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Crazy buyer who sends dozens of messages now left me 3 negative feedback for blocking him

@mam98031 wrote:

@cynthealee2 wrote:



As soon as eBay's call center opens back up you need to call them, and the other seller as well and see if you guys can't get this buyer perma-banned.


Til then I would see if contacting the peeps on facebook through private messages might help get the rest of the negs removed.


I am sorry this nut chased you off eBay.

They shouldn't wait for that.  I don't know that Ebay has announced when this might happen and you don't want to wait so long that Ebay will tell you it is too old and they won't do anything.



I said to wait to see if they can get the buyer perma-banned.... but to try and talk to some one on facebook about the feedback... 2 separate issues.


The permaban is going to take talking to some one higher than front line CS, and it will take several sellers doing it at the same time.  Right now OP only has himself and 1 other.  OP needs to find other sellers, and get them all to complain at the same time, about the same buyer using all the buyer's ID's and his buyer addy.


The feedback should be removable if he can just find a person to talk to on facebook about the fact the guy went around his blocks, made threats, and is harassing him with multiple emails dang near daily.

I hate photobucket right now... PS Answers given years ago may or may not be current now, please check with current posters to the boards to see if the information is still relevant.
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