08-12-2019 10:35 AM
Buyer with recent positive feedback contacted me regarding an item I was selling - a gift card I could not use but had received. They asked if I would mind sending the code after they paid (not an auction, sold at a set price) via email and I agreed, thinking I was being helpful.
They paid via PayPal, I transferred the money to my bank account and then I emailed the code.
Half an hour later, I received two emails from eBay. One stated they pulled my listing because someone may have accessed this person's account and helpful hints on what to do since it was a sale outside of eBay, which is was not. They were also working with the person who's account it was.
Second message stated they were notifying me someone may have accessed this person's account but not to do anything yet - they are still looking into it and if a refund is needed I will be contacted.
Completely freaked out now, I call eBay Support and was told that they were not positive the person's account was accessed it was just a warning. Also, after reading the notes, the CSR was still unaware the transaction was paid for and he told me - after putting me on hold again - I didn't need to do anything yet. It may be a legitimate transaction (?!) and I don't have to worry about a refund unless the buyer requests it.
I do not want to get in trouble for $45.00. Not sure what to do here as eBay is sending confusing info and I don't want to contact this buyer again. I would like to send documentation to PayPal but am not sure if I'm jumping the gun because not even eBay knows what's going on. Any suggestions?
08-12-2019 10:42 AM
Emailing the code gives you no proof of delivery, thus no defense against an Item Not Received dispute. I suspect that if you check the card balance on-line, you may find that the buyer has drained it already anyway. Gift cards are better sold locally for cash.
Don't contact the buyer again. If he's legitimate, then you're fine. If he's not, you will be hearing from him soon enough anyway. Keep us updated please!
08-13-2019 04:22 PM