02-24-2023 01:29 PM
A person I work with has a brother who was in a bad car wreck. He has a bunch of concert tickets he would like to sell. Since now, most tickets are sold and downloaded on your phone. We was wondering how to sell them on eBay without having the ticket itself. Can the be sold and sent to buyer via email or how would it by done?
02-24-2023 01:33 PM
You would have no tracking to prove delivery,Ebay offers no seller protection for digital items.
02-24-2023 01:43 PM
You can sell them at StubHub, Ticketmaster, and many other ticket reseller sites. If they are expensive tickets, then I would try StubHub or Ticketmaster. Check out the details and fees on each site.
Also read some reviews and decide what's best for you and your co-worker's brother.
02-24-2023 02:36 PM
A brother of a person I work with…… what could possibly go wrong…
I would run away from this one.
02-24-2023 03:07 PM
I would sell them on ebay’s sister site Stub Hub.
02-24-2023 03:34 PM
eBay and Stub Hub "divorced", the deal closed at the end of January 2020, eBay made out like bandits, 4 Billion Ka-ching! A few weeks later all live events around the world were cancelled and Stub Hub's entire business model came to an screeching halt!
They did seem to survive somehow.........
02-24-2023 03:53 PM
Run away, run away. Just tell them that apparently concert tickets are sold on stub hub now and you don't have an account there and have no idea how it works. You don't want to be involved with this.
02-24-2023 04:10 PM
@bearman.417 wrote:A person I work with has a brother who was in a bad car wreck. He has a bunch of concert tickets he would like to sell. Since now, most tickets are sold and downloaded on your phone. We was wondering how to sell them on eBay without having the ticket itself. Can the be sold and sent to buyer via email or how would it by done?
You didn't say whether you'd be listing the items yourself or if the other dude will be listing them.
I'll echo what's been said about helping in the form of giving advice, but not listing the items yourself. Too many issues with claims, taxes, etc.
Advise the guy to first check the fine print that came along with purchasing the ticket to make sure resale is not prohibited. Sometimes digital tix can't be transferred to another name.
Here's eBay's event tickets policy:
View any item in the concert tickets category and you'll see it is backed by the MBG. That means the seller pays if the buyer files a claim. That means no protection on item not received claims for digitally delivered tickets that don't have tracking confirming delivery.
Tell the other guy to review the policies carefully before listing that type of item here.
02-24-2023 04:14 PM
My advice is to not get involved in this in any way, shape, or form.
Let your co-worker sell them, on StubHub or one of the venues dedicated to ticket sales. Your co-worker can set up an account just as easily as you can.
If you get involved in this, you will regret it. Any "commission" you are being offered will not offset the hassle and risks of selling for someone else.
Give your co-worker this link and be done with it: