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Completed/sold items search not working?

Got zero results for several items. Is this feature down?

Message 1 of 90
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Completed/sold items search not working?

I see the same as pictured above:



Message 76 of 90
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Completed/sold items search not working?

Continuing from my response below...

The screenshot I posted is from a UK seller that I purchase from frequently.  Not only can I not search on sold listings because the filter criteria is missing from the left side of the listings, but I cannot see all listings sold by international sellers now because I cannot toggle on "Worldwide" as the delivery option.  This is very very bad for anyone wanting to purchase (as I do frequently) from international sellers.  I can log into the UK or French ebay site, but who wants to bother with that?  This new listing page format is just terrible.  No buyer or seller should have to use work-arounds to get past either a long-term bug or just plain bad coding.  I'm going to submit my feedback to ebay but also wanted devon@ebay to know this is happening to folks in the US, not just the EU/Australia.  I am on a laptop, do not use the mobile app and am beyond disappointed in this because I'm missing out on items and sellers are losing buyers.

Message 77 of 90
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Completed/sold items search not working?

The problem IS eBay.

Message 78 of 90
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Completed/sold items search not working?

I cannot find the products in the category I am interested in buying. This cannot be how you expect it to be. Am I really supposed to scroll through every item listed? Also, I used to be able to see a sellers feedback with one click on the number next to the name. Now it takes quite a lot of searching. Buying a lot less since this happened.

Message 79 of 90
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Completed/sold items search not working?

22 year buyer here. Just too complicated to find the item I might want to buy, not to mention researching the buyer through past sales and feedback. They have to change this back. Don’t have the time to sort through every item being sold. Definitely buying less.

Message 80 of 90
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Completed/sold items search not working?

2 days now, when are going to fix it, my sales just stopped

Message 81 of 90
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Completed/sold items search not working?

Issue was fixed a little while ago @tsme35 .


Check out the new inefficient Seller Hub 'All Filters' panel to see how much eBay disrespects sellers' time (click).
Message 82 of 90
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Completed/sold items search not working?

I saw that about 1 hour ago but they changed it up, now I have too much on the drop down menu like brand material, type, condition, item location??? Actually looks like the menu I would see in a main ebay search, oh well got the sold section back. 

Message 83 of 90
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Completed/sold items search not working?

Yippee😀 thanks for the good news. 

Message 84 of 90
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Completed/sold items search not working?

Why would you say the issue has been fixed? I just checked my store through another ID and now the only thing showing on the left side bar is UNDEFINED for every single category I had set up and saved in my store. no more categories just a string of 30 words all down the left side saying UNDIFINED. Click on one and it takes me to a "Undifined" category in my store with some listings??? I wouldn't say that is fixed?

Message 85 of 90
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Completed/sold items search not working?

@fishman606 wrote:

They are at it again. Ebay tried hiding sold listings once several years back. There was a big uproar then. Send your comments to them. No swearing please.

So it's not just a glitch?

Ebay is purposely hiding it?

That's despicable.

The Night Owls - Little River Band
Message 86 of 90
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Completed/sold items search not working?



Your page here:


shows reasonable looking categories for me. If you still don't see that, try holding down the shift key and refreshing the page to ensure you are getting the latest version of the page and you are not looking at a cached version.

Message 87 of 90
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Completed/sold items search not working?

t's working again.

The Night Owls - Little River Band
Message 88 of 90
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Completed/sold items search not working?

That doesn't help. My store is getting the same thing, and solds is only bringing up ONE item.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 89 of 90
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Completed/sold items search not working?



That doesn't help. My store is getting the same thing, and solds is only bringing up ONE item.


I see 15 recent sold items here:


Message 90 of 90
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