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Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

Has anyone seen this new layout for listings? I have a button on my last listing called 'click button to view entire description'.

There is a completely blank screen unless one clicks that button. There is NO description of the item for sale until you click this button and then the description opens in a separate window.

What is this all about - an I in a test group?

Message 1 of 1,018
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Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

@jeff wrote:

@binderzz wrote:

When I click on the "tell us what you think" thing, this is the popup I get.  A blank page.  LOL.


Apparently they didn't want to know what I think.  This is beyond stupid.




2-14-2015 12-26-42 AM.jpg

Give it a few more seconds to load. It took about 10 seconds for the page to load for me, but it should load.


Message 496 of 1,018
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Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

I HAVE HAD ABOUT ENOUGH, EBAY!  And yes, I am shouting.  I may have lost out on a decent sale today because the buyer couldn't find the description and I was out shoveling snow when the question came in about something that is clearly posted in the item description.  Perhaps you'd like to refund my listing fees?  I have no idea who is working on your programming or who the h-e-double hocky sticks is coming up with these brilliant ideas, but, maybe you should find them something else to do.



Message 497 of 1,018
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Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

You said that right! You are correct. Ebay is stealing and reselling screen space from all sellers using the full item description link that requires a double click just to read the ad you already clicked on. There is only one reason to steal screen space!   That reason is so that Ebay can sell our bought and paid for screen space to advertisers. Why should I pay for listing format upgrades if they are not seen.  This is one the dirtiest and most corrupt business moves that I have seen in a long time. Today they told me that I was part of a 4% test group trying out this new system and sales are down by 35% or more  since they started doing this at the end of January.  This is torture plain and simple. The sad part is that unless everyone raises total hell, they will sell that space to advertisers to make some extra money. This site is being ruined by stupid and corrupt business decisions that are evidently being made by incompetent money grabbing directors or upper level managers that are eager to

make stock holders happy. Screw the stock holders if they are calling the shots.  Stock holders do not care if our kids starve to death as long as they are selling advertising space. How stupid is that ? Ebay sells advertising space for other retailers on it's own website. That is somewhere between illogical and baffling.  Stock holders only want to make their wallets fatter. Stock holders should not be allowed to call the shots at all because they are dangerous and they do not care about the survival of the seller or Ebay's primary focus. We are at the beggining of the end. Only the strong will survive this nasty prolific change,  so if you are small you better fight and raise the alarm and call and email and do everything in your power to stop this.  Otherwise you will end up being a statistic and 100 Chinese sellers will gladly take your place.  This is about as true as it gets folks. (Silver Power Seller)

Message 498 of 1,018
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Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???


Here's an obvious flaw in the ebay thinking: Just because people do buy from the mobile app does not mean they prefer it. I use my desktop to research what I'm looking for and put it in my watch list. The fact that I can buy an item using my ipad later on if I feel like it is not an indication that I prefer it. It's an indication that the platforms inherently have different strengths and uses. I hate the mobile app. If the desktop layout is altered to function like the mobile app they already ruined, then I won't be searching for items here at all anymore, it's just too much bother. If this is a ploy to further tank the sales of small sellers I'm sure it will work as planned. Buying on ebay is not a game that I want to sit here playing for a few hours in the evening and the brain trust at ebay clearly thinks that's what it should be - the "buying experience" should be a game that I should spend hours clicking and playing, no doubt.


I also have no doubt whatsoever that this move was approved, if not suggested, by the golden parachutes who think people will spend more money if they can be distracted into spending more time on the site. It's like putting candy in the checkout aisle and not opening quite enough registers; if the impulse item is in front of your face long enough, you may cave in and buy. Nuh uh. No. If I can't use the standard platform as I wish, sitting at my desk in my office, saving items to a list for later perusal, then I am truly done bothering. I already don't search and compare on the mobile app, it's a nightmare to use. And yes, I'm tech-savvy, I left IBM to start my own business.


We are so distracted and manipulated in every aspect of our lives, especially shopping. ebay actually wants to gear itself toward shoppers with walmart taste and time to waste. When comparison shopping for some mass-produced item, more and more I am buying where I get free prime shipping and returns. ebay is trying to force a huge army of small individual sellers into running their tiny home businesses with, essentially, free prime shipping and returns while they skim profits off the top without doing the heavy lifting of actually warehousing and shipping items. The push toward descriptionless sales of cheap junk serves no one but the junk sellers and the golden parachutes who will take the money and run with zero interest in the fallout. I'm sure it's all going according to plan. 

Message 499 of 1,018
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Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

Ebay has deemed that reselling our stolen description space for advertising is much more important than letting us seller our items.

Ebay has really crossed the line this time. They have broken all the rules. They might as well have backed a Uhaul up to your garage and stolen all of your inventory and maybe your lawnmower and grill while they were at it. This will negatively impact all sellers in the long run,  no matter how much we fight it they will still steal from us.  Meanwhile John Donahoe is playing golf in his office and not caring what happens as long as the stock holders are fat and happy, Ebay is a money making machine that steals from and rapes it's sellers at every given opportunity. 

Message 500 of 1,018
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Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

Every seller I've talked to that recieves "PowerUP" for powersellers gets their traffic broken down by type of traffic, and I have yet to see or hear of one that has a mobile traffic count higher than 30% of overall traffic; most are lower than that.


The only true conclusion I can take away from this is that eBay would like to reduce traffic for all sellers.

Chaos is NOT an "industry standard".
Message 501 of 1,018
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Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

@gramophone-georg wrote:

Every seller I've talked to that recieves "PowerUP" for powersellers gets their traffic broken down by type of traffic, and I have yet to see or hear of one that has a mobile traffic count higher than 30% of overall traffic; most are lower than that.


The only true conclusion I can take away from this is that eBay would like to reduce traffic for all sellers.

Well, maybe not for ALL sellers George. Didn't someone mention upthread that they had checked out many BB sellers as well as overseas sellers and this "test" did not appear to be affecting any they could find? Anyone find differently?

Message 502 of 1,018
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Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

@marthca938 wrote:

I totally agree!  I said this in another post, but I'll repeat.  This is no way to run a business.  Any respectable company would have their salespeople's input before implementing such a big change, or at the very least, make an announcement.  But what I really don't understand is how a zillion-dollar company like ebay could possibly think this is a good idea?  Their business plan seems to be "let's think of more ways to make things miserable for our sellers AND see if we can lose a few more buyers along the way."  If thousands and thousands of sellers are losing revenue because of this hair-brained scheme, then, of course, ebay must be losing millions in revenue.  And they think this is a good idea because?  It's not just that our buyers must take a look at these listings and think we're lazy sellers, but I bet some of them just think, oh, there isn't a listing here at all.  The first thing buyers should see is an attractive, informative listing to draw them in.  That's just good business.  I don't have a business degree and I know at least that much.  What other company could survive the uproar and outrage this has caused with the very people they generate their income from....and I mean buyers and sellers?  I think this is such a serious breach of god business ethics that it deserves to be splashed all over the busines section of USA Today.  If ebay continues to run their business like this, we will be reading about the in the business news, but it will be about their bankruptcy. 

I totally agree!

Message 503 of 1,018
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Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

@aemi*amore wrote:


cad777864, will you (or anyone) check my listings to see if they are affected?  I would love you forever 😉

Message 504 of 1,018
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Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

I'm having the same problem.  Talked to two ebay reps on the phone.  They knew nothing about it.   One later called back and the only explanation was that "yes, ebay did that."   It appears that it may be a "test" only affecting some of us.  It's gotta go if I continue listing.

Message 505 of 1,018
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Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

We all need to bombard ebay with out dissatisfaction over their ridiculous move. No announcement. No forewarning. I spoke with two reps who knew nothing about it.
Message 506 of 1,018
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Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

I'll be leaving ebay if they don't correct this blunder quickly.
Message 507 of 1,018
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Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

I agree that this is a terrible idea.  It is just causing a lot of confusion with buyers.  I'm having buyers ask me information that is clearly stated in the description, but they aren't seeing the description.  This has to be one of the worst things I've seen ebay do over all of the years.  They just continue to do things to mess up and destroy everyone's business!  Just STUPID!

Message 508 of 1,018
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Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

Yes, from everything I've been able to learn, it is a "test" of some kind and may not affect all users yet. The question in my mind is why would they test such a ridiculous change. Maybe it'll same them bandwidth or something like that. No doubt, too, that it'll reduce sales and increase complaints.
Message 509 of 1,018
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Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

My sentiments exactly. They apparently spend a lot of time doing just that. I find most of their sales suggestions to be very lame.
Message 510 of 1,018
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