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Cancled my store sub

  • Buyer always lying on return reason. No recourse.
  • Sales slow. But feedback always says they love and prices amazing?
  • $15 > items won't sell quickly and profit margin has become minimal.
  • Was sourcing items on eBay but sick of seller's lies about authenticity.
  • Categories not enforced well enough, too much mixing can't find ANYTHING.
  • Promoting items to be seen when i pay for them to be seen? OVER 20% AD RATE?!?!??!?!?!
  • Hide cross promotions of multi-quantity discounts and such to very bottom of page, never utilized by buyers even when buying multiple items because they never saw.
  • TSR+ benefits became economically unviable with free returns requirement
  • Store traffic extremely slow, maybe 0.5% of all sales were from the store page
  • eBay improvments regressive to use (searchs, shipping page, promotions pages, seller hub) all pathetic vacuous wastes of our fees.  Looks like embezzlement there's so many glitches.

USPS cannot provide even the basic services to ship like picking up from a mail box, delivery to home, or even being open til 5... they also lie consistantly and their service is very inconsistent, makes it too hard to ship everyday. Going to try other venues and never pay to list items on eBay ever again.

Message 1 of 52
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Re: Cancled my store sub

@yuzuha wrote:

@ag47silver-us wrote:

USPS cannot provide even the basic services to ship like picking up from a mail box, delivery to home, or even being open til 5... they also lie consistantly and their service is very inconsistent, makes it too hard to ship everyday. Going to try other venues and never pay to list items on eBay ever again.

I do not experience any of those issues with the USPS.  You need to talk to your local postmaster or else you will continue to experience these problems no matter what venue you choose to sell on.

I have wonderful USPS mailmen who have been incredibly helpful to me especially over the last year or 2.   They scan my packages immediately after I hand them over and have even put packages right at my front door if they're too large to fit inside my mailbox.   I haven't had a problem with USPS for a very long time now.  

Message 31 of 52
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Re: Cancled my store sub

shh pedant

Message 32 of 52
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Re: Cancled my store sub

i'm taking the +200 listings from eBay stores at $22, and listing x100 for x3 times as long on etsy

now be insulted and worry about grammar and spelling, and defend your best posting buddy!

i haven't sold a single item since i posted, so you'll never convince me i should have given that money to eBay.

Rainbowcolorz look up the word pedant before correcting spelling on a post about ebay stores, especially when you don't even understand the original statement.
Message 33 of 52
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Re: Cancled my store sub

@ag47silver-us wrote:
i'm taking the +200 listings from eBay stores at $22, and listing x100 for x3 times as long on etsy

now be insulted and worry about grammar and spelling, and defend your best posting buddy!

i haven't sold a single item since i posted, so you'll never convince me i should have given that money to eBay.

Rainbowcolorz look up the word pedant before correcting spelling on a post about ebay stores, especially when you don't even understand the original statement.

I wasn't trying to convince you to do anything.  If you haven't sold a single item since you posted then perhaps you didn't take the advice that was given to you in this thread regarding some of the changes that might help your sales.  


I'm also not insulted nor do I worry about grammar and spelling.  I'm simply amazed that some people don't know how to use simple 3rd or 4th grade words. 


Defend my best buddy?   Is that something you would never do?  


You want me to look up the word pedant (for you)?  Did you type that word in your original statement?  

Message 34 of 52
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Re: Cancled my store sub

This is a thread going nowhere.

The OP obviously was not looking for help.

All the best. Bye bye.



Message 35 of 52
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Re: Cancled my store sub

@premium-audio-tubes wrote:

So what are the benifits of having a store?Markdown Manager?Mine does noy list the items I choose,

Default setting for example -add me to your favorites/Mine does not exist

Click here to go to my store-Again non existant




There are more that you are not siting.  Since you have a store, you should be aware of the benefits.  If you aren't, you should look them up.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 36 of 52
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Re: Cancled my store sub

@ag47silver-us wrote:

shh pedant

Maybe the problem here is that you don't understand what the community boards are for.  Typically when someone creates a thread they are trying to inform others of a problem they ran accross, vent, seeking advice or found information they wanted to share. 


Those responding are using their own personal time to try and give advice, share stories.  There will always be differences of opinions.  But just because others may not agree with you does not make them wrong, nor does it make your viewpoint wrong.  It ONLY means you have a difference of opinion.


Yet for you, how you handle this is to insult and degrade others.  For some reason you think saying someone is "pedant" is a bad thing.  Your lack of being pedant my be the issue.  The details are important.  Because  you don't respect them or maybe you don't know and/or understand them, just may be the real issue here.


Good, knowledgeable people have come here to try and assist you and your response to that is very telling about you.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 37 of 52
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Re: Cancled my store sub

Hello everyone,


This thread is getting a bit heated.  Please remember that it’s fine to disagree with others, but discussion should always remain courteous and respectful.


Thank you for your cooperation.

Message 38 of 52
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Re: Cancled my store sub

@rainbowcolorz wrote:

@yuzuha wrote:

@ag47silver-us wrote:

USPS cannot provide even the basic services to ship like picking up from a mail box, delivery to home, or even being open til 5... they also lie consistantly and their service is very inconsistent, makes it too hard to ship everyday. Going to try other venues and never pay to list items on eBay ever again.

I do not experience any of those issues with the USPS.  You need to talk to your local postmaster or else you will continue to experience these problems no matter what venue you choose to sell on.

I have wonderful USPS mailmen who have been incredibly helpful to me especially over the last year or 2.   They scan my packages immediately after I hand them over and have even put packages right at my front door if they're too large to fit inside my mailbox.   I haven't had a problem with USPS for a very long time now.  

I don't do pickup from home because I work about a block and a half from a post office and so I just take stuff to work with me and mail it on my break, but the clerks at the PO I use are all fantastic.  I can leave things on the counter if there is a line and know that they will get scanned within the hour.  I can also walk in at 4:55 to drop things off, which I have done before.


I did have an issue once with one carrier who kept just tossing packages onto our steps or our walkway instead of putting them up on our covered porch, so I simply took photos every time she did this and then went to the local postmaster once I'd accumulated a good amount of photographic evidence.  Never had a problem after that.

Message 39 of 52
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Re: Cancled my store sub

@premium-audio-tubes wrote:

So what are the benifits of having a store?Markdown Manager?Mine does noy list the items I choose,

Default setting for example -add me to your favorites/Mine does not exist

Click here to go to my store-Again non existant


If you have more than about 120 items listed at any given time, a store is the most economical choice in terms of how much you will pay for listing fees.  Then you also get the FVF discount, vacation settings, and the shipping supplies coupon on top of that.

Message 40 of 52
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Re: Cancled my store sub



You may enjoy this. I'm thinking of making it my avatar.

grammar police.jpg




Message 41 of 52
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Re: Cancled my store sub

My personal opinion is that it would be very funny on the proper site, but not so much here.  Many of the people that come here, do so because they are upset or otherwise in need of some assistance.  Making fun of how they may have said something or spelled something is rarely entertaining to the person posting and just adds even more frustration to the poster.  It just isn't helpful.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 42 of 52
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Re: Cancled my store sub

@mam98031 wrote:

My personal opinion is that it would be very funny on the proper site, but not so much here.  Many of the people that come here, do so because they are upset or otherwise in need of some assistance.  Making fun of how they may have said something or spelled something is rarely entertaining to the person posting and just adds even more frustration to the poster.  It just isn't helpful.

If you're talking about the grammar police avitar that femmefan is thinking of using for herself, I think it's awesome.    Many times I see posters who don't know the difference between to and too or there/they're/their or here and hear and those who don't know there's no such word as alot and most of the time I just pass it by and hope one day they do learn. 


At least for me (or is it for myself), I would not want to go the rest of my adult life thinking I was spelling certain grade school words correctly, when in fact I wasn't so I always appreciate when/if someone points it out to me.  grin

Message 43 of 52
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Re: Cancled my store sub

Personally I think alot is just caused by missing the space bar.
Reality is the leading cause of stress.
Message 44 of 52
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Re: Cancled my store sub

@rainbowcolorz wrote:

@mam98031 wrote:

My personal opinion is that it would be very funny on the proper site, but not so much here.  Many of the people that come here, do so because they are upset or otherwise in need of some assistance.  Making fun of how they may have said something or spelled something is rarely entertaining to the person posting and just adds even more frustration to the poster.  It just isn't helpful.

If you're talking about the grammar police avitar that femmefan is thinking of using for herself, I think it's awesome.    Many times I see posters who don't know the difference between to and too or there/they're/their or here and hear and those who don't know there's no such word as alot and most of the time I just pass it by and hope one day they do learn. 


At least for me (or is it for myself), I would not want to go the rest of my adult life thinking I was spelling certain grade school words correctly, when in fact I wasn't so I always appreciate when/if someone points it out to me.  grin

The community chat boards were never intended to be a lesson on the English language.  Some are none to kind to point out typos, spelling etc.  At the expense of other's feeling.  While this may entertain some [I'm not talking about you] it isn't so much for others.  Sometimes doing this can chase away people from responding on threads or starting a thread because to some how they say something is more important than what they have to say.


Sometimes when posters have the need to point out these infractions it is because they want to be part of the chat, but have nothing to offer regarding the subject at hand.


We are all human and we all make mistakes.  I sure know I've made enough typos on the threads over the years.  I have no need to do this to other posters.  Well unless their typo created a new word [covfefe] that is humorous.  Then I might say something completely in fun, never in a corrective manner.  I am only speaking for myself.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 45 of 52
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