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Canadian buyer using US account

So a buyer who lives in Canada has a US ebay account and a US Paypal account, but his credit cards are Canadian-based cards. I do not sell internationally (because of the risk), but he thought if he used his American ebay account, he could bypass my international block. Now he's mad at me because Paypal will not allow him to use his Canadian card on my American transaction. Of course, he waited until a UPI case was opened before he started  complaining about not being able to make payment. His solution? To take the sale off ebay. Yeah, that's really not going to happen, fool. 

Here's a novel idea - don't open a fake account to bypass the rules, otherwise be mad at yourself for failing to deceive..


Message 1 of 37
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Canadian buyer using US account

@tracdea1 wrote:

he thought if he used his American ebay account, he could bypass my international bloc


Here's a novel idea - don't open a fake account to bypass the rules, otherwise be mad at yourself for failing to deceive..

He did not bypass any rules.


Sellers cannot block international buyers. They can only block international shipping addresses and international payments. Your block on international payments worked as intended.


If the buyer had a domestic credit card, he would have been able to pay you without violating any rules as long as he had a domestic shipping address.


As a U.S. buyer, I have used shipping addresses in the UK, France, Canada, France, Germany, Japan and Australia to comply with eBay rules about shipping addresses.

Message 2 of 37
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Canadian buyer using US account

That's the point, is that my listings block INTERNATIONAL PAYMENTS, and he refused to accept that. He wouldn't have even seen the listing at all if he had been on ebay Canada. So, he WAS trying to circumvent something by being on the USA site and trying to use a foreign credit card.
Message 3 of 37
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Canadian buyer using US account

@tracdea1 wrote:

So a buyer who lives in Canada has a US ebay account and a US Paypal account, but his credit cards are Canadian-based cards. I do not sell internationally (because of the risk), but he thought if he used his American ebay account, he could bypass my international block. Now he's mad at me because Paypal will not allow him to use his Canadian card on my American transaction. Of course, he waited until a UPI case was opened before he started  complaining about not being able to make payment. His solution? To take the sale off ebay. Yeah, that's really not going to happen, fool. 

Here's a novel idea - don't open a fake account to bypass the rules, otherwise be mad at yourself for failing to deceive..


You shouldn't make assumptions....If the buyer had opened a US PP account then they would have been able to pay as the Paypal block that you used blocks non US PP accounts. The foreign currency block has nothing to do with ebay as all transactions are paid in the listing currency regardless of how the buyer pays.  Its unlikely that there was any fake accounts opened. Many buyers outside of the have a US address that they wanted the item shipped to and most sellers don't have a problem with that. There is no need for them to open another account, they can make the purchase from an account in another country. 



Message 4 of 37
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Canadian buyer using US account

I did not say he was using a fake account. It's an established account within a country in which he does not reside.

I have my PP settings not to accept foreign payment methods. A credit card issued outside of the US is a FOREIGN PAYMENT METHOD.
The point here is that if he would have had an American credit card, he wouldn't have had any issues. but he's trying to blame me because PAYPAL will not process his payment based on my account settings. How is it my fault that I am in the USA, I ONLY sell to people in the USA, and I accept payment methods from the USA - and he's not IN THE USA.

Message 5 of 37
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Canadian buyer using US account

It's your fault for not just changing it so he can pay. Don't be a xenophobe
Message 6 of 37
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Canadian buyer using US account

I'm not going to change my settings on ebay and PP for one guy to make a payment when he was not considerate enough to even let me know he was having issues until after I opened a UPI. How was I supposed to know? He did not communicate with me until after I opened a case. I thought he was just blowing off the transaction.
No, it's NOT my fault he is in another country that I DO NOT SELL TO because of risk (has NOTHING to do with xenophobia, seriously, that's just stupid). How desperate does a person have to be for a sale to accommodate one buyer? How about you take care of him?

Message 7 of 37
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Canadian buyer using US account

It is understandable that the would-be buyer is upset with you. He needs a widget, you have the widget for sale. He buys said widget, THEN he discovers he cannot pay, because you have blocked foreign payments, as is your right. It has nothing to do with PayPal—they didnt set up your block, that was solely your decision. The guy must really want the widget.


I’ve never seen so much effort go into NOT making a sale before. Usually it is people decrying lack of sales here in the forum. 

Message 8 of 37
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Canadian buyer using US account

this seller is basically trying very hard to prove that they are an unmovable rock........

"Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything" Colin Kaepernick the new face of NIKE
Message 9 of 37
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Canadian buyer using US account

always love a seller that uses nasty names to convey their disdain of a buyer.

"Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything" Colin Kaepernick the new face of NIKE
Message 10 of 37
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Canadian buyer using US account

You've clearly never been scammed by a foreigner. Lucky you!

I'm not going to go out of business because I did not sell this widget to this guy who does not live in this country and who doesn't respect my policy of NO INTERNATIONAL SALES, and who doesn't communicate with me before there's a case.

There is a very specific reason my settings are what they are. It's absolutely no effort to go in and NOT change my settings for one measely sale.

Message 11 of 37
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Canadian buyer using US account

always love buyers who think they're going to rip me off and then get mad when they can't
Message 12 of 37
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Canadian buyer using US account

not an unmovable rock, but I'm not going to jacked over by a foreigner, either.
Message 13 of 37
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Canadian buyer using US account

@tracdea1 wrote:

You've clearly never been scammed by a foreigner. Lucky you!

I'm not going to go out of business because I did not sell this widget to this guy who does not live in this country and who doesn't respect my policy of NO INTERNATIONAL SALES, and who doesn't communicate with me before there's a case.

There is a very specific reason my settings are what they are. It's absolutely no effort to go in and NOT change my settings for one measely sale.

There are over one MILLION Canadian that live in the USA part-time (about 500,000 in FL alone), are they all thieves and scammers?


There are also 100's of thousands of Canadian who have US shipping addresses not to mention the millions of foreigners who are in US schools or working temporarily in the US.


Seems foolish to turn down their money.



Message 14 of 37
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Canadian buyer using US account

@tracdea1 wrote:
always love buyers who think they're going to rip me off and then get mad when they can't

You have yet to show how they are scheming to rip you off.

"Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything" Colin Kaepernick the new face of NIKE
Message 15 of 37
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