I recently downgraded my store from Premium to Basic with the change date going into effect Nov.1 . Selling Manager Pro is included with Premium but there is a fee for it with a Basic store. Since my latest invoice had the store fee covering Oct 15-Nov 15 I was charged for Selling Manager Pro for half a month. A bit annoyed that I was not offered the option to cancel that service when I changed subscriptions. Now I want to officially cancel it so I am not continually charged going forward. The problem is I can't figure out where to do that. All the Help articles say to cancel it I go to my Subscriptions page but Selling Manager Pro is not listed anywhere on that page. The only options I have are to change or cancel my store subscription. I spoke with Ebay Help and the guy I spoke with gave me the same instructions and was completely confused when he saw it wasn't there - essentially no help at all.
Has it moved or is it just a glitch on my account? I really don't want to fight this charge on my invoice each month.