08-27-2021 08:06 AM
Hello Everyone!
I have some old listings I would like to refresh.
I hear/see mentioned all the time to use "sell similar" to do this, but I am not sure how to go about it.
Does the listing need to be ended first?
then use sell similar?
And can things be changed on the listing before relisting?
TIA! for any help!
08-27-2021 08:08 AM
If you are going to use the Sell Similar function, you should end the listings(s) first.
Otherwise, you would end up with 2 listings to sell the same item.
08-27-2021 08:16 AM
What do you mean by "refresh"?
If you simply want to make a few changes to an old listing, it may be easiest to "revise your listing".
08-27-2021 08:21 AM
Good morning aeparts1,
By "refresh" I mean to bring an old listing back up to new to be seen in search results.
I know I can revise a listing, but right now I mainly want to refresh.
I've seen an heard to use "sell similar" so I just wanted to be sure of how before I mess up a listing.
I work, and chase a grand baby and don't have time to redo listings. lol...
08-27-2021 08:29 AM
Yes, you would have to end the listing. Then "sell similar" instead of "relist".
After you "sell similar" be sure to delete the old listing in your unsold folder, so you don't accidentally relist it again and have the same listing up twice.
08-27-2021 08:36 AM
It might be more efficient to lower your price on something that doesn't move rather than go to the trouble of ending, selling similar with an edit and then going into ended listing to delete the original. All that work to get a "New" tag for a week?
Then again with my number of listings and lack of churn I will never make butter. 🧀
08-27-2021 08:37 AM
@craftyjojo1220 If you click Edit, then choose Sell Similar from the drop down menu, you can make a small edit or save as a draft. Go back to the original listing and delete it or change the quantity to 0 (zero). You can't have duplicate listings, so you need to either make a small change so they are not duplicates, or get rid of the first one. If you make the small change, don't forget to delete your other listing.
08-27-2021 08:48 AM
If you want to change big things on your listing, like turning a buy it now to a auction, I can show you.
1. Go to the listing that you want to revise and click on the 3 horizontal dots.
2. On the top it should say “sell similar,” press on that.
3. Make the changes you wanted to make then scroll down to “revise” press on it.
4. Your revised listing will show up! However, the unrevised listing will also still be there. So you will have 2 of the same listing, the unrevised one, and the revised one. You must remove the unrevised one. Click on the 3 horizontal dot from the unrevised one then press “End listing”. Good luck!
08-27-2021 12:26 PM
Sorry not horizontal I mean vertical
08-27-2021 01:13 PM
"Sell similar" will re-index - I use it for listings held over from a previous season (I sell mostly clothing) so have been out of circulation for close to 90 days, or active listings that are past 60 days - if the item hasn't sold by then (except for speciality items that need to find their buyer) - I revamp the listing and use 'sell similar'.
It's not something really I use unless I mean to change something, because if something hasn't sold, there's a reason for it (including if it's a dud and I should never have acquired it in the first place) and I want to see what the reason is and try to fix it.
08-27-2021 01:18 PM
@craftyjojo1220 wrote:I hear/see mentioned all the time to use "sell similar" to do this, but I am not sure how to go about it.
Does the listing need to be ended first?
No, but the key thing to understand here is that Sell Similar is creating a whole new listing. Its benefit is that it lets you copy another listing of yours for the source material, so that you don't have to type it in all over again or take photos all over again, but it has no effect on the listing that it's copying from. That original listing will remain in effect until you do something to end it.
(To be clear, a Sell Similar action on one of your own listings will give you a new copy of everything. A Sell Similar on one of someone else's listings, via a "Sell One Like This" link, will get you only the Title and categories copied over; the rest is up to you to provide.)
So if you really want to "freshen" an existing listing, I would just do something useful to it, such as more photos or a reduced price.
03-31-2024 04:28 PM
Dumb question, is “Sell a similar item”, located under the edit tab, is it the same as the “Sell Similar” tab obtained in the actual listing?
Do either one help make a fresh listing?
03-31-2024 04:29 PM
Dumb question, is “Sell a similar item”, located under the edit tab, is it the same as the “Sell Similar” tab obtained in the actual listing?
Does either one help make a fresh listing?
03-31-2024 04:32 PM
Old thread form 2021
03-31-2024 04:34 PM
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