12-08-2019 02:24 PM
I wanted to leave feedback for this buyer who didn't bother reading the listing or even the title, but now there's no link there to do it after I cancelled the sale on his request.
I could of swore I'd been able to leave feedback in cases like this before.
I know how ebay likes to make it difficult to find things, so was wondering if there's a way to do this?
Many thanks.
12-08-2019 02:37 PM
Some cancellations remove the option for feedback.
what could you say? Anything that sounds like a negative is a selling violation, even if it is factual.
You should just move on and not waste your time on things you cannot control.
12-08-2019 06:23 PM
Buyers can only receive positive feedback from eBay sellers. (The rule changed in 2008.) And like the other poster said, placing a non-positive remark, like a warning for other sellers, is not allowed. So sellers cannot post negative comments in a positive feedback. Doing so violates eBay policy and can get the seller in trouble.