06-27-2021 07:53 PM
I just took what's left of my sanity in my hands and relisted a returned bakelite necklace whose color is opaque cherry amber. I did not use the word amber in the title or description. The first word in the title is Bakelite. The fact that it tests positive for bakelite is in the description. And yet... I just got a message asking questions as though it was an amber necklace. Sent a message back starting with "THIS IS NOT AMBER. It is catalin/bakelite." The response indicated the sender did indeed think this plastic necklace was amber, even though it is titled bakelite, listed in the bakelite category and is in the description as tested bakelite.
Honestly, if people can't even bother to read an auction title, we're doomed.
06-27-2021 07:56 PM
I feel ya..
Think of the dumbest person you know and understand half the population is dumber than that.
06-27-2021 08:02 PM
Can I please bang my head on the desk ?
I once hurled my laptop out of an open window, so yeah, have at it LOL
06-27-2021 08:04 PM
1 - Just trying to sell a bakelite necklace.
2 - Amber necklace it is.
1 - No, I said bakelite.
2 - Amber?
1 - Bakkkke-liiiiite
2 - Ammm-berrr?
1 - B...A...
2 - A...M...?
06-27-2021 08:07 PM
Some buyers look only at the picture and the price and then make their buying decision, without any due diligence whatsoever.
06-27-2021 08:08 PM
This is a necklace sent back SNAD because it was listed and described as bakelite, but the buyer thought she was getting real amber from a clueless seller. Her jeweler confirmed that I'd listed it correctly in the first place so she sent it back for being correctly listed. 🙄
Programmers are right: just when you think you've idiot-proofed something, the Universe disgorges a new and improved idiot.
06-27-2021 08:10 PM
Way back around a dozen years ago, I received a neutral from a buyer who thought she was buying candles.
The photo was of wax melts, the description said wax melts, and the title said wax melts.
Some folks you just can't help.
06-27-2021 08:15 PM
I have people buying a part for a chainsaw...
Which it states in the title (example: chainsaw throttle trigger *OR* throttle trigger FOR chainsaw) - whichever, doesn't really make much difference, one might trigger more returns but other than that...
And then SNAD return it...
Because it didn't fit their weedeater.
I've gotten the occasional negative for that reason as well.
06-27-2021 08:16 PM - edited 06-27-2021 08:17 PM
@fashunu4eeuh wrote:Some buyers look only at the picture and the price and then make their buying decision, without any due diligence whatsoever.
Must be. She may decide to keep the items. But have two returns pending (two separate orders because I found more while picking and she said she'll buy them) because the lady apparently didn't understand what she was buying and after receiving it felt I charged too much. Nevermind that they were in line with what everyone else was charging. And she would have offered me a different price had she checked the size of the items. *groan* The freaking size was not only in the title, but you could see it on the box in the item photos.
Worse part is I will make Top Rated this upcoming cycle so I guess I will be out the cost of two return shipping labels with no credit since she will probably not stick both orders in one envelope.
I guess I should feel lucky though. This is the first return I've had to do so far and have seen plenty of worse things come up for people with fewer sales here.
06-27-2021 08:20 PM
Did you know that a seller's DSRs haven't affected their seller rating for years and that eBay doesn't give any indication about what 3, 4 or 5 stars mean? 😁
"Star ratings: this only applies if you leave feedback (which is always optional). Ebay tells a buyer that three stars is average, four is good, and five is great. They tell sellers if you average a four on any one star you can be suspended from selling. It's somewhat more involved, but that's the gist. If you encounter a problem, please contact me before leaving feedback; I can't fix what I don't know about."
06-27-2021 08:21 PM
@evelyb30 wrote:Programmers are right: just when you think you've idiot-proofed something, the Universe disgorges a new and improved idiot.
Pretty much. Can only account for so many edge cases.
I honestly don't know if this is a true story, but supposedly this guy kept getting bills from his credit card company for $0. Finally after a few months and getting threatening letters, he wrote a check for $0 and mailed it back. When the check amount was entered into the system, it crashed everything.
Recall one teacher saying to use the grandma test. Have your grandma try to use the program you wrote to figure out what needs tweaking. Otherwise known as the hallway test. Grab a random person walking down the hallway to try and use what you wrote.
06-27-2021 08:27 PM
@southern*sweet*tea wrote:Some folks you just can't help.
That's it right there.
Hardly a day goes by where I don't get buyer messages and think, "are you serious, dude?"
06-27-2021 08:28 PM
I have had many similar experiences and just accept the return then quietly block the user from further bidding.
06-27-2021 08:32 PM
Did you know that a seller's DSRs haven't affected their seller rating for years and that eBay doesn't give any indication about what 3, 4 or 5 stars mean?
No I didn't, but I knew it was never explained to buyers. It's one of the older parts of my boilerplate and only a very rare buyer ever indicates they ever saw it. If they can't be bothered to read title, odds are they're not looking at the description either.
06-27-2021 08:42 PM
@downunder-61 wrote:
I once hurled my laptop out of an open window, so yeah, have at it LOL
For real?! 😂 Hope it didn’t hit anyone on the head.