10-23-2020 05:03 PM
I think E-Bay may be making it too difficult for buyers to figure out how to leave feedback. If I sell to ten different buyers I am lucky to receive feedback from two. I have to remind them and then they often send me a message rather than leaving it through E-Bay. It is easy for sellers to be reminded because it is right next to your sold items. I feel E-Bay should remind buyers to leave feedback after the item has been received.
10-23-2020 05:07 PM - edited 10-23-2020 05:08 PM
@buick666 They do. It's in their purchase history and they get an email too if they have not blocked that type of communication from ebay.
I only have about a 45% feedback received rate for sales. It doesn't bother me. No feedback left means it's not a negative. 🙂
You have a feedback score of 765 as a seller at this point more positive feedback is not really going to make a big difference.
10-23-2020 07:26 PM
My feedback could be over 11,000 yet I am in the low 5000's. For a while it bugged me because I give immediate positive feedback to every customer as I ship out the item. I look at the mega-Chinese importers with feedback number in the hundreds of thousands and just figure it is what it is.
10-23-2020 08:00 PM
Less than 10% of my sales result in feedback. I leave feedback after payment (all that the buyer is required to do to earn it). Most buyers don't leave feedback.
Honestly, eBay should be turning all sales to positive feedback for sellers that have been completed, and are outside a return window, automatically leaving positive feedback. IF that were done, a true reflection of feedback scores would be far more apparent to buyers (you know, actually HELP buyers).
The whole feedback thing is irritating, but I have better things to worry about.
10-24-2020 12:02 AM
Feedback is very easy for Buyers to leave, they just don't for the most part. For me only about 25 % of my buyers ever even bother to take the time to leave FB, it has been like this for years, at least for me.
DON'T remind your buyers to leave you FB. When you least expect it, it will backfire on you no matter how nice your emails are. Someone at some point will be having a bad day and give you what you asked for in a way that you never wanted it. You really should stop this practice right away before you get your FB hurt by it. FB is a voluntary system and should ALWAYS be treated as such.
I respect that you want more FB. But you have enough to show you are a good seller, so really you should just stop being concerned about this.
10-24-2020 12:11 AM
25% here.
10-24-2020 12:15 AM
Feedback is voluntary for both parties. Buyers are under no compulsion to leave it, though Ebay does send them reminders (so seller requests for it can be redundant). Feedback is no longer the bedrock it once was for a revolutionary new selling platform. It was based on fostering one’s reputation among one’s trading partners. Now Ebay is no longer that new entity, and feedback has changed along with it, with a much-reduced role.
10-24-2020 02:45 AM
I always leave positive feedback as a seller (if it's earned which 99.5% of the time it is) since it is not hard and the line I almost always leave is autosaved in there..
I can't believe sellers only get like 25%-50% feedback from things they sell!
I just want you sellers to know I look out for you because I checked my mom's relatively new eBay account and she hasn't been leaving feedback for people because she didn't know how. So I left like 8 positive ones for the sellers she bought from and will now make sure she leaves it in the future.
It isn't hard to do and it is the right thing to do so I do it.
10-24-2020 04:32 AM - edited 10-24-2020 04:33 AM
Be careful how you remind buyers, if you feel the necessity, to leave feedback - you may not get the feedback you want. Many times a buyer will leave no feedback rather than leave a negative or a neutral. And, for many buyers, leaving feedback isn't a priority in their lives.
10-24-2020 05:27 AM
You "have to remind them"? Why? We all understand that leaving feedback is not a requirement, but is optional. If you are consistently reminding buyers to leave feedback, you are eventually going to run into a buyer who takes offense at the suggestion and trashes your FB all to pieces.
10-24-2020 05:28 AM
Its Very common. Some buyers leave it immediately. some never leave it at all.
As a buyer I always leave feedback. anyway best thing to do is don't expect it and do the right thing, Just sell honestly and hope for the best.
10-24-2020 06:24 AM - edited 10-24-2020 06:25 AM
There are buyers that I wish would forget about leaving feedback.
My last week was a little irritating. And yes they each purchased two items and left two feedback.
(or this gem, yes she returned the item)
10-24-2020 01:03 PM
Your suggestion of automatic feedback has been made before.
Many of us buyers have maybe had a less than positive experience with a seller; however, we don't always figure it's a big enough issue to leave negative FB. If eBay ever decides to leave my FB for me, I am out of here and I imagine I would not be alone.