12-21-2017 05:19 PM
He claims that the item is not as described. I disagree. He bought a used item (I had put up pictures and everything) and he is basically upset that it doesnt' look new.
Now he wants to return it. I'm okay with him returning it, but why should I have to pay shipping? What are my options here?
Also, I checked this guys feedback, and he's has given sellers a bunch of negative feedback like it's nothing.
So, how should I handle this.. what should I do. Also, is it possible to report his guy as he is lying about the condition of the item? I would also like to block him from purchasing from me ever again.
12-21-2017 05:30 PM
If the buyer has opened a case, the best thing to do is accept the return and send a return shipping label and refund the buyer once you get the item back.
When a buyer files an Item Not As Described case, the seller has to pay the return shipping.
12-21-2017 05:39 PM
Maybe it is not as described and maybe it is and the buyer is willing to lie to force you to pay return shipping. That happened to me a couple months ago with a buyer. He was an advanced collector and stated in the case that the item "didn't seem authentic" which was total **bleep** and a lie to get out of paying return shipping. He just changed his mind and didn't want it. The item was 100% genuine and he knew it. Not much you can do except accept the return and learn from it and price such things into you listing.
12-21-2017 06:04 PM
Hi, maybe this will help
Provide documentation that the item was properly described
If you or the buyer has asked us to step in and help with a return request because the item wasn't as described in the listing, and you can show that you properly described the item, the return request can be closed.
Examples of situations when documentation can help:
The buyer stated that the item was used, not new, but the listing clearly described it as used.
You disclosed and correctly described a flaw in the item.
The listing properly described the item, but the buyer didn't want the item after receiving it.
The listing properly described the item, but the item didn't meet the buyer's expectations.
The item had minor scratches, but you listed it as used.
If photos of the item would be helpful for documenting the condition of the item you sold and shipped, click Add Photos. Both eBay Customer Service and the buyer will be able to see them. You can upload as many as 10 photos (PNG, JPEG, BMP, or GIF; max size 5MB). You can add photos until the return process is closed. Uploaded photos can be removed only by contacting Customer Service
12-21-2017 06:08 PM
12-21-2017 06:46 PM
Blocking bidders:
Also: My eBay > Account > Site preferences > Selling preferences. to set up automatic Blocks
but why should I have to pay shipping? ...and he's has given sellers a bunch of negative feedback like it's nothing.
Well. That's one reason right there.
Yep, it's blackmail of sorts.
And FB doesn't have anything to do with your Seller account any more.
But your future buyers will read it and judge you.
I notice on the Feedback page , we sellers can leave either Positive FB or Report Buyer.
I haven't felt the need to leave anything but Positive for a couple of years, anyone got an idea of what Report Buyer leads to? The Resolution Centre and Unpaid Item Disputes or more?
12-21-2017 06:54 PM