02-27-2025 04:52 PM
I made a sale, a few minutes later the buyer sends me a message asking me to send the item to OK, I checked their email account and noticed they have a Florida address list.
The eBay AI was of no help and the customer service number returned a fast busy.
Should I send the item to the address in OK, the address in Florida or just cancel the sale?
02-28-2025 11:54 AM
Hi, I am quite sure that you are obligated to ship to the address that eBay provides for you. As other have said - cancel the sale (problem with buyers address) & relist. Then have your buyer change his address on-file with eBay & re-buy. As others have also said - proceed with caution. Good Luck! (J.B. From N.J.)
02-28-2025 12:38 PM
Listen to fashunu4eeuh that is your one & only option so that ebay recognizes the transaction.
03-04-2025 07:55 AM - edited 03-04-2025 07:58 AM
@mam98031 wrote:Are you assuming they are asking you to ship to another address or did they actually ask you to do it??? Your post is unclear.
Always and ONLY EVER ship to the address on the payment you got. If the buyer needs you to ship to another address, cancel the transaction for a problem with the address, refund the buyer, then relist the item and have the buyer purchase it again, making sure their ship to address is correct.
Yes but make SURE it is the actual buyer who sent the message first, or you might be cancelling a purchase the buyer had no fault in. Reason I say this is I have NEVER had a buyer purchase the item AGAIN after I cancelled - suspicions arise at this point, someone pointed out to me that scammers can send the same message: they look for SOLD items and message the seller in hopes the seller gets confused and doesn't check the UID of the buyer vs the UID of the person messaging - the message received in this case by the seller is NOT from the actual buyer but from a scammer trying to get a free item.
03-04-2025 11:31 AM
Yes that is something logically a seller should never do. It must be communication with your customer.
While there will likely be mixed results in most anything we do about a given issue since there are so many sellers. Still what was previously recommended is the safest and best info for the seller.