03-14-2025 06:20 PM
I'm a reseller and I won a beautiful dress in an auction that I planned to resell. It was a bargain and I know how much they go for.
After I listed it I had a message from the bidder who lost out to me in the auction pressuring me to sell it to her cheaply. I politely declined and pointed out that her offer was less than my maximum bid had been on the original listing. She kept coming back with lowball offers so I politely asked her to please stop and gave her a tip about sniping websites for future auctions to help her. I went out of my way to be kind, but am not going to be manipulated into a sale.
She didn't reply to that message, but it turns out that 90mins after I sent it, she bought the cheapest item I was selling.
I shipped it not putting 2 and 2 together as I hadn't paid too much attention to the username.
Then today I get a bad feedback on that item. My first bad feedback in maybe 5 years.
I spoke to ebay before I had realised it was the same girl, but they declined my removal request.
An hour later I just had a thought to check the username on that dress.....and realised it was her.
She literally bought an item to harm my account!!!
What would your next move be?
I'm thinking call ebay first thing tomorrow (fraud team?)
and then snail mail her a notification on intention to prosecute to put the wind up her.
(Both she and myself are in the UK)
I'm shocked. How low can people get? Buying an item just to leave bad feedback is evil.
This is nuts!!!
03-14-2025 06:46 PM
" She kept coming back with lowball offers so I politely asked her to please stop"
You've been on here for 21 years with 1200+ feedback points according to your profile. With those repeated lowball offers, you should have known by now to simply block her from bidding and buying.
03-14-2025 07:42 PM
@needleandthreadlastchance wrote:What would your next move be?
Stomp my foot and then get back to life.
Sorry to say but there is nothing ebay will be able to do for you.
03-14-2025 07:52 PM
Sorry to say but there is nothing ebay will be able to do for you.
Maybe not or.........maybe. If it is important to you, then try. From time to time the "right" c/s agent takes the call, "gets it" and makes things happen. "Rules" be darned.
They have been known to even remove a positive feedback.
I say, go for it.
03-14-2025 08:05 PM
What baffles me is how did you know that was the loosing bidder when all eBay IDs are masked?
03-14-2025 08:15 PM
Her feedback looks pretty dumb - new with tags but worn? I think you answered well, and the neg is already being buried by great positives. Just keep going.
One piece of advice going forward - don't engage with time wasters like this, don't try to "help" them - I know you were doing it out of a sense of good customer service and kindness, but blocking this person ASAP they started begging would have been the best course. It's one of those lessons that many of us have to learn one way or another.
03-14-2025 08:30 PM - edited 03-14-2025 08:33 PM
pointed out that her offer was less than my maximum bid had been on the original listing
Never, ever justify your pricing to a buyer.
and then snail mail her a notification on intention to prosecute to put the wind up her.
You believe this buyer made a malicious purchase in order to damage your account ... and your plan is to antagonize her further? That sounds like a great plan. 🙄
03-14-2025 08:52 PM
Open a new ID just for buying.