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Buyer committing fraud...

Sold a Brand new iPhone 6 on ebay and buyer opens a return saying I sent him a broken HTC phone with a cracked screen. Buyer has 2 feedback and account was just recently created. I have all original recepts and paperwork including IMEI and Serial Number. I have sold dozens of iphones and never had this issue (1000+ feedback). Do I even have any hope of winning? What to do.....

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Buyer committing fraud...

@garmentvarmint2014 wrote:



You  are  certainly  free to the many do  all many  things  Retrose  advised  you  to  do.  But I  believe  she   is  leading  you astray.  You have no  proof  of  what   you  actually    sent  to the buyer.   And  Ebay knows  that.     You  said  you  already  talked    to  CS---but    did   they  give  you  any  reassurance  that  they  would  protect you?      It sounds as though  what they  did instead  is to tell you  to contact  Ebay  and put the  decision in Ebay's   hands!   In the  past  when   they  have  told  other  selllers  to do  that-----    it has    been  the Kiss  of Death (for the seller.):smileysad:

Used to be that this was not the way to go.


But after myself and several other sellers got unusual statements, that all were alike and all spelled doom for a seller doing it the old way, several of us have interrogated upper level CS and are getting the impression that sellers should be preemptive about cases and disputes.  That now work it out means to try to get the buyer to slip up and make a mistake.  More than one person has been told that if the seller contacts the buyer through a request/dispute and they do not answer, the CS can and will close the case for the seller.  OR  that if the seller calls and defends their position with a listing with good description and pics, they can win.


It has been reported a few times and seems to be working the way the theory thinks it will.  And if nothing else, it can not hurt to call ebay before things get out of hand.

Message 16 of 17
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Buyer committing fraud...

Well I hope you do, I feel your pain... but it certainly will not be Ebay who helps you... I was crusing along on my recent start up @ 100% positive everyone loved how fast I shipped and new to the Ebay game I expected some bumps and a few learning transactions that would just be chalked up as a part of doing business.. If I had any idea how easy it is for the scammers to operate and continue to operate I would have reconsidered my investment in inventory, computer, printers lables etc... Within the last 5 days I have been scammed  by the same person with 4 seperate accounts all from the Albany Georgia area.  By just a few clicks and a couple of days of research and some honest Ebayer's that sent me all they have on this guy I have found he has been doing this since 2012!!!!!  Its now Friday I havent slept most of the week and have been on the phone with about 9 different people 3 of them Ebay superviosors and none of them can see what is crystal clear..   Ebays return system is far to heavely weighted to the buyer, and it is far to easy for a scammer to just type a problem and boom your funds are frozen, meanwhile they get the product for free sell it on another seperate account.  I am no tech geek but I would think in todays technoligy Ebay with its billions could devise a system to track this scam using IP address monitoring or what ever it took. Of course that would impact their sales.  As I stated I don't know if you have attempted to resolve with Ebay to get your money back but Paypal (even though is basically Ebays partner in crime) has assited me more in getting my funds back or making them available.  The non fluent english speaking Ebay help desk operators do not have a clue how to see through what is obvious even the so called superviosor that you eventually get to when you tell them that what they are telling is unacceptable.. 

Anywhoo' I have the Georgia policy, the local news station in Albany, Paypal Ebay Corporate, USPS and FEd Ex all alerted with all the names, Email address, phone numbers of this scammer and I plan on making it my lifes mission to do what is right and bring him to justice at a minimum banned from the E commerce world-And get this he is a well-respected 25 year Attorney!   Good luck my friend!

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